transfer current

[trænsˈfɚ ˈkɚrənt][trænsˈfə: ˈkʌrənt]


  • Computer simulation on arc welding short-circuiting transfer process and current waveform control

    弧焊短路 过渡过程及其 电流波形控制的计算机仿真

  • Based on the transfer model of current surplus labour in the country the factor of system is introduced and an expanded model is established .

    本文在 现有的农村剩余劳动力 转移模型的基础上引入制度因素,构造了一个扩展模型。

  • Analysis of Transfer Current of High Voltage Alternating Current Switch-fuse Combinations

    负荷开关与限流熔断器组合电器 转移 电流的分析

  • The numerical results showed the impact of oxygen dissolved boundary condition on the evolution of functions such as concentrations and transfer current and the effect of environmental conditions and the variation of parameters on the electrode performance .

    通过分析数值结果讨论了氧气作为 反应物的溶解边界条件对各物理量演化的影响,以及不同工作环境及参数的变化对于电极性能的作用。

  • The Transfer Current of High Voltage Load Switch-Fuse Combined Electrical Apparatus

    高压负荷开关-熔断器组合电器的 转移 电流

  • This paper discusses the mechanism of bus transfer current switching by disconnectors in GIS . The improvements of disconnectors in structure design and operation are proposed . Products

    分析了GIS中隔离开关开合母线 转换 电流的机理,提出了隔离开关结构上的改进和主接线设计、产品布置及操作时应采取的措施

  • The paper expounded the content & operating mode of current enterprise system and modern enterprise system mainly discussed about some problems to which must be paid attention during the track transfer of the current enterprise system to modern enterprise system .

    本文分别阐述了现行企业制度和现代企业制度的内容和运行方式等。着重论述了由 现行企业制度向现代企业制度 转轨过程中必须注意的若干问题。

  • The switching on-off flows are introduced in this paper . By calculating electrical parameters and simulating the switching motion process the switch can achieve the current transfer of huge current .

    本文制定了开关投切的工作流程,通过电气参数计算并对开关投切过程进行仿真分析,本文所设计的开关能够实现特大 电流的电流 转移

  • As the inner loop can acquire accurate metal transfer current graph by controlling the welding current graph the adaptive control is adopted to control the welding current .

    考虑到内环电流环能通过控制焊接电流波形来调节实现精确的熔滴 过渡 电流波形的功能,采用自适应控制算法对电流环进行控制。

  • A three-dimensional numerical analysis model of fluid flow and heat transfer in pulsed current TIG weld pool is developed .

    对运动电弧作用下脉冲 TIG焊接熔池流场与热 动态变化过程建立了三维数学模型。

  • The transfer functions of current detection current track control and DC side voltage control are deduced in detail . The design method of APF for aircraft utility is educed .

    分析了APF 谐波提取、电流跟踪控制、直流电压控制等各个环节的 传递函数,得到了APF的设计方法并对用于飞机电网的APF的关键参数进行了设计,完成了飞机APF的整体实现。

  • Analysis of transfer current when breaking circuit by high-voltage current-limiting fuse and box-load switch

    高压限流熔断器&负荷开关开断电路时 转移 电流的分析

  • The guided transfer is a new way of controlled transfer with negtivepulse current in short-circuit CO_2 shielded arc welding .

    诱导过渡是 短路过渡CO2气体保护焊的一种新的控制熔滴 过渡的方法。

  • According to the demand of paid transfer and current situation of mine operation Jing Yun county invited bids of zeolite mining title and made successful .

    缙云县根据有偿 出让的要求,结合其矿山开发经营 现状于今年初将沸石矿采矿权进行招投标,并取得成功。

  • A new method with non-linear handling is used for calculating the heat transfer on current leads in the rotor of a superconducting generator .

    该文采用一种新型非线性分析计算方法,对超导发电机转子中的励磁 电流引线进行了 传热计算。

  • New : Fog Creek will FTP in and transfer the most current database backups to their hosting facility every week during low traffic periods on Saturday .

    新措施:FogCreek每周都会使用FTP接入,然后 的数据库备份到他们的伺服设备上,在星期六流量低的时候进行。

  • This paper presents a new type of DC conversion topologys-charge transfer zero - current switching DC / DC converter discusses its operation principle in detail and derives relevant calculating methods and a typical instance of control .

    提出了一种新型直流变换器拓扑&电荷 转移式零 电流开关CD/DC变换器,对其工作原理作了详细讨论,给出了有关的计算方法和控制实例。

  • Preliminary Analysis of Track Transfer of the Current Enterprise System to Modern Enterprice System

    浅谈 现行企业制度与现代企业制度的 转轨

  • A new approach for calculation of heat transfer on the current leads of a superconducting generator

    超导发电机励磁 电流引线 传热计算的一种新方法

  • Numerical simulation for Transient Behavior of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Pulsed Current TIG Weld Pool

    脉冲 TIG焊接熔池流场与热 动态过程的数值模拟

  • As one kind of high current closed switches the spark gap switch with two graphite electrodes has the advantages such as large charge transfer high current capability long lifetime span stability and low cost .

    石墨型两电极气体开关作为大电流闭合开关的一种,具有 转移电荷高、 能力强、使用寿命长、价格低廉、工作性能稳定等优点。

  • To promote its better growth we should develop the notion of originality transfer the current system to create its own brand improve the quality of personnel and their service and so on .

    要推进高校物业管理的更好发展,我们必须树立创新理念, 转变 运行机制,努力打造专业品牌,注重服务质量和人员素质的提高等。

  • The choice and definition of mediator-heat transfer resistance and current capacity in the power cable designing

    电力电缆设计中媒质 热阻 流量的选择与确定

  • Please arranges the transfer of my current work .

    请安排我 当前工作的 交接

  • Supposing that input modulation signal of Micro-cavity semiconductor laser is actual phonetic signal and its adjoint noise is additive white noise using small-signal approximation authors can derive the laser 's transfer function in current modulation and spontaneous emission lifetime modulation .

    假定微腔半导体激光器输入调制信号为实际语音信号,伴随语音信号的噪音为加性白噪音,在小信号近似下,得到了 电流调制和自发发射寿命调制下激光器的 传递函数;

  • The influence on the power transfer and the current ripple with different turns ratio was researched . The experimental results verified the analysis .

    文章研究了采用不同的正激、反激变压器匝比对 传输功率的分配比例、 电流纹波等影响,并进行了试验验证。

  • During data transfer the maximum current drain is30mA .

    数据 传送电流的最大消耗为30mA。

  • The mediator-heat transfer resistance and current capacity are two important parameters in the designing of power cable This paper provides the analyze and summary about the choice and definition of the parameters and provides the relational parameter 's defining-methods based on practical using in factorys .

    媒质 热阻 流量值是电力电缆设计中的重要参数,本文对该参数的选择与确定进行了分析和总结,并根据实际应用给出了相关参数的确定方法或计算公式。

  • Is there a way to transfer the current backup on the old500GB drive to the new hard drive ?

    是否有方法能将存储在老的 500G硬盘上的备份 传输倒新的硬盘中?

  • Polar plate one of the key components of DMFC has an important effect on mass transfer and current collection of the passive DMFC .

    极板对燃料 扩散电流收集等方面具有重要的影响,是DMFC的关键组成部件之一。