transformation name

[ˌtrænsfɚˈmeʃən nem][ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪʃən neim]

[计] 变换名

  • Each model in the transformation configuration 's selected source is translated to a WebSphere Integration Developer library with the same name as the model .

    转变配置中每一个模型的源,是用与模型相同的 名字转换为一个WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper库。

  • The convention used by the UML-to-SOA transformation is to create module project names based on the fully qualified name of the service provider component as determined by its containing package .

    UML到SOA 转变使用规则,基于服务提供商构件完全有效的 名字用于创建模块项目名,由它包含的包决定。

  • The transformation of the name of educational institution reflected the change of educational sense and system .

    教育机构 名称的改变,反映了教育观念和教育制度的 变革

  • There are also two additional transformation configuration properties that allow you to specify how to process non-navigable associations as well as the name of the target package as shown in Figure 11 .

    还有两个其他 转换配置属性,它们使您可以指定如何处理不可导航的关联和目标包的 名称,如图11所示。

  • When the import column transformation processes a row it reads the file name opens the corresponding file in the file system and loads the file content into an output column .

    导入列 转换处理行时,将读取文件 ,打开文件系统中的相应文件,并将文件内容加载到输出列中。

  • The Name of the transformation can be any unique name .

    转换的Name栏中可以填写任何唯一的 名称

  • Similar to the process used before right-click the name attribute of the field element and select Create Transformation .

    与前面的过程类似,右键单击field元素的 name属性,并选择Create Transformation

  • If defaulting to class name the transformation may alias the class name to ensure that it is a valid EGL name .

    如果缺少类名, 转换会使用 类名 别名以保证是一个有效的EGL名称。

  • The paper constructed toponym ontology supporting spatial information retrieval and generated the geographic element basis data by data transformation and integration of semantic information in place name dictionary .

    通过数据 转换及综合 地名词典的语义信息,生成地理要素基础数据。

  • The name of the parameter doesn 't matter because it is ignored during transformation but it is better to select a name that properly identifies it as an exception being thrown .

    转换过程中,参数名是可以被忽略的,但最好还是定义一个合适的 名称(以备异常抛出时正确提示)。

  • The Transformation of Trade Mark Into General Name of Goods

    关于商标 转化为商品通用 名称的思考