transient flow

[ˈtrænʃənt flo][ˈtrænziənt fləu]


  • In order to study the transient performance of the vortex diode pump the large eddy simulation ( LES ) was employed to simulate the transient flow pattern in the pump .

    为了研究涡流二极管泵的瞬态特性,采用大涡模拟的方法对泵的 瞬态 流动过程进行了数值模拟。

  • In this paper a method of moire deflectometry is presented which is used for the visualization of real transient flow fields .

    介绍了一种用于真实 瞬态 流场显示的莫尔偏折法。

  • The pump sucks function generated from transient flow field enhances the efficiency of fault transformation and hydrocarbon accumulation .

    断裂活动中的 瞬时 流场产生的泵吸作用,提高了断裂的输导和油气成藏效率。

  • Numerical Simulation on Oil-water Two-phase Mixing Transportation of Submarine Pipeline The application of shock-fitting method in the simulation of free-pressured transient flow

    海底管道油水两相混合输送的数值模拟采用激波拟合法数值模拟城市雨水管道 中明满流混合 流动

  • This paper has studied the design calculation of the transmission gas-pipeline with branches in transient flow .

    本文研究了带分枝的长输燃气管道不 稳定 流动的设计计算。

  • Basic Research of Event Model for Water Distribution System Based on Transient Flow Analysis

    基于 流动分析的给水管网事件模型基础研究

  • The wet natural gas in transmission pipeline assumes two phase of gas and liquid so its flowing always assumes a slow transient flow state .

    在实际运行中,湿天然气在输送管道中存在气液两相,因此管道中的流动总是处于慢 流动状态。

  • 3-D Analysis for Transient Flow in a Multistage Centrifugal Pump Using Sliding Mesh

    应用滑移网格技术分析多级离心泵的三维 瞬态 流动

  • Based on the theory of unsteady flow of compressible fluid and the seepage theory of formation fluid the mathematical model of the gas transient flow in the wellbore has been established .

    基于可压缩流体不稳定流动理论及地层流体渗流理论,建立了气体钻井过程中井筒 瞬态 流动的数学模型。

  • Simulation of transient flow field and dynamic characteristics of pressure reducing valve during start-up Can a Manual Machine pass a Pearl to an Automatic Machine before a team member has pressed the Automatic Machine 's start button ?

    减压器开启过程 内部 流场 动态仿真和特性研究在一个队员按下自动机器人的启动键前,是否允许手动机器人将一个珍珠交给自动机器人?

  • Impact Analysis of Valve Status Variation in Large Water Distribution System Based on Transient Flow Analysis

    大型 复杂 给水 管网中阀门状态变化影响分析

  • Special attention is devoted to the analysis of the mechanism of pump under gas-liquid two phase transient flow conditions .

    特别注意了泵在气-液两相 工况的机理分析。

  • The paper is based upon Aero-Optics theory pursuing the methods and realization for measuring the density distribution of transient flow field in wind tunnel test .

    本论文基于气动光学理论,研究在流场试验中检测高速 瞬态 流场密度分布的方法与实现。

  • Based on this the differences between the transient flow field and the time-averaged flow field and the characteristics of the vortex structures are analyzed .

    在此基础上,分析了 瞬时 流场和时均化后的流场差别及旋涡结构特点;

  • First basing on the numerical hydraulic modeling of unsteady flow in open channels and transient flow in pressure pipes Hydraulic transients in canal-pipes conjunctive system is calculated .

    本文以管渠结合输水系统为研究对象,以明渠非恒定 和有压管道非 恒定流水力数值模拟为基础,对管渠结合系统的联合计算和水力过渡过程进行了研究。

  • A new algorithm of numerical simulation for transient flow in gas pipeline

    天然气管道 流动数值模拟新算法

  • Study of Measurement of Transient Flow in the Hydraulic System

    液压系统中 瞬态 流量测试的研究

  • The constants in the C_n are determined experimentally by a transient flow generator rig .

    用文中介绍出的流量计在特制的 瞬态 流量发生器上进行了广泛实验,确定了Cn中的常数项。

  • This paper presents some advances in the study of centrifugal pump performance under pure liquid phase transient flow conditions .

    本文介绍了离心泵在纯液相 工况的性能研究的一些进展。

  • However there has been only a little amount of information about the transient flow structure in the spool valve because of the essential difficulty of its unsteadiness .

    可是,滑阀的 流体结构由于其非稳定性的复杂所以有关的信息较少。

  • The mathematic model of transient flow of finite conductivity vertically fractured well in composite reservoir with arbitrary shape is established and solved by finite element method ( FEM ) .

    建立任意形状复合油藏有限导流垂直裂缝井 稳定 渗流的数学模型,采用有限元方法进行求解,绘制垂直裂缝井产能动态典型曲线。

  • This paper studies the transient flow rule of single phase gas after the well is opened .

    本文对开井后单相气体 流动的规律进行研究。

  • Based on impulse response the solving method of transient flow in frequency domain is described .

    基于脉冲响应,描述 在频域中求解的方法。

  • The transient flow through a pipe orifice starting from an initial steady flow has been studied via numerical analysis .

    该文对初始稳定流开始的 通过节流孔的 过渡 过程进行了数值解析计算。

  • An approach for the analysis of three dimensional ground water transient flow in a fractured rock mass is presented .

    针对岩体中主干裂隙和网络状裂隙提出了耦合 渗流 数值 模型 模拟分析岩体地下水三维渗流的方法。

  • 3D numerical simulation of cavitation transient flow inside diesel injection nozzles

    柴油机喷嘴内部空穴 流动的三维 瞬态数值模拟

  • Two models namely transient flow model and seepage flow model respectively are proposed to describe the propagation of fluctuation pressure in gaps of stilling basin slab .

    本文针对脉动压力的两种传播模型,即 模型和渗流模型,分析其各自的优劣以及适用性,研究缝隙中脉动压力的传播机理。

  • Liquid flow includes laminar flow and turbulent flow it is steady-state flow or transient flow .

    可以是层流或湍流,稳态的或 瞬态的。

  • This paper uses Crank-Nicolson mode to resolve the transient flow in long natural gas pipelines .

    采用了克兰克尼科尔森(CrankNicolson)格式对天然气长输管道 稳定 流动的数学模型进行了数值求解。

  • The swirl intensity retention is defined to evaluate the transient flow characteristics in cylinder .

    为定量评价缸内 瞬态 气流特性,定义了涡流强度保持性概念。