transfer agent

[trænsˈfɚ ˈedʒənt][trænsˈfə: ˈeidʒənt]


  • A knowledge search tool in transfer agent not only help to forming cluster but also classify data .

    代理机制中, 加入了知识检索工具, 不但用于划分形成簇,而且有效的把异质数据归类。

  • The interaction by which an originating user agent transfers to a message transfer agent the contents of a message plus the submission envelope .

    一种交互操作,借此发起用户代理将报文的内容加托付信封传送给报文 传送 代理

  • Selection of compound initiating system composed of persulphate and reducing agent sodium thiosulfate is the characteristics of this synthesis and final product with needed molecular weight was obtained by using sodium hypophosphite as a new type of chain transfer agent to replace traditionally used isopropyl alcohol .

    该合成的特点是采用了过硫酸盐与还原剂硫代硫酸钠组成的复合引发剂体系,并且使用次磷酸钠作为新型链 转移 ,代替了传统的异丙醇,最终得到所需分子量的产品。

  • With the irradiation time increased and decreased the concentration of chain transfer agent graft chain length increased linearly .

    随辐射时间增加和 转移 浓度的下降接枝链长呈线性上升。

  • The results of kinetic study and GPC analysis both show that the bulk polymerization of styrene can be controlled effectively when BDB is used as chain transfer agent .

    动力学和GPC分析均表明以BDB为链 转移 时苯乙烯本体聚合的可控性最好。

  • Industrial test proves that sulfur transfer agent HL-09 can reduce the discharge of Sox in the fume . Moreover it has no unfavorable effect on distribution and quality of the product due to its passivation effect .

    工业试验证明HL-9硫 转移 可以减少烟气中SOx的排放量,同时该剂具有金属钝化作用,对产品分布和产品质量无不良影响。

  • This research has studied the influence of the chain transfer agent and polar monomer such as sulfur alcohol acrylic acid ( AA ) and β - hydroxypropyl acrylate (β - HPA ) on the properties of acrylic acid copolymerized emulsion pressure-sensitive adhesive .

    研究了链 转移 硫醇及极性单体丙烯酸(AA)、丙烯酸-β-羟丙酯(β-HPA)对丙烯酸酯乳液压敏胶性能的影响。

  • In the clinical trial 10 patients with unrelenting pain caused by cancer were injected with the gene transfer agent in the area of skin related to the location of pain .

    在这项临床试验中,基因 转移 被注入10名患有顽固性疼痛的癌症患者的疼痛相关区域的皮肤内。

  • As a charge transfer agent addition of TPD improves the luminescent property of the electroluminescent devices .

    作为电荷 传输 ,TPD的加入可改善电致发光器件的发光性能。

  • Chain transfer agent may improve distributions of polymers and get the balance between tack and strength .

    转移 加入可以改善聚合物的相对分子质量分布,使初粘力和粘接强度达到更好的平衡;

  • The effect of initiator amount and chain transfer agent amount on molecular weight were studied .

    研究了引发剂用量、反应温度、链 转移 用量对相对分子量的影响。初步探讨了其助洗性能。

  • The use of the water soluble rhodium phosphine complex for catalytic hydroformylation of dicyclopentadiene ( DCPD ) in two phase system was studied . The effects of reaction temperature phase transfer agent ( CTAB ) and the concentration of rhodium catalyst were examined .

    研究了采用水溶性铑膦络合催化体系对双环戊二烯的氢甲酰化反应,考查了反应温度、相 转移 CTAB、铑催化剂浓度等对反应的影响。

  • These technologies include regenerator flue gas treatment use of SO_x transfer agent and hydrotreating of FCC feedstock .

    这些技术包括再生烟气处理、使用SOx 转移 和催化裂化原料加氢处理。

  • Effect of chain transfer agent on the particle property of suspension PVC was studied .

    研究了链 转移 对悬浮法聚氯乙烯(PVC)树脂颗粒特性的影响。

  • A study of chain transfer agent on acrylic - acid polymer sodium salt

    转移 对丙烯酸及其钠盐聚合的研究

  • When to add and the quantity of the chain transfer agent are studied by orthogonal test .

    采用正交实验研究了链 转移 的加入量、加入时间对聚合反应的影响。

  • The DeSOx mechanism and research advance on sulfur transfer agent are generally introduced in the article .

    本文综合论述了硫 转移 助剂的脱硫机理、研究进展及国内应用情况。

  • Detailed design of the Mobile Agent Communication Agent positioning messaging and migration of the communication process the algorithm to ensure efficient transfer Agent on the basis of information to solve the issue of communication failure between the multi-Agent .

    详细设计了移动Agent通信中的Agent定位、消息传递和迁移通信过程,该算法在保证 Agent消息高效 传输的基础上,解决了多Agent之间通信失效问题。

  • Influence of chain transfer agent and polar monomer on properties of acrylic acid copolymerized emulsion pressure-sensitive adhesive

    转移 与极性单体对丙烯酸酯乳液压敏胶性能的影响

  • Dodecyl mercaptan ( DDM ) as chain transfer agent was introduced into self-crosslinkable acrylate emulsion system .

    在自交联的丙烯酸酯类乳液体系中,引入链 转移 十二硫醇(DDM)。

  • Effect of chain transfer agent on high solid content copolymer emulsion

    转移 对高固含量共聚物乳液的影响

  • Rubber acted as chain transfer agent and retarder at polymerization of styrene .

    加入橡胶使 苯乙烯聚合速率和分子量降低,橡胶起着缓聚和链 转移作用。

  • The effects of such factors as the dosage of initiator dosage of chain transfer agent and reaction temperature on the copolymer 's scale inhibiting capacity are discussed .

    探讨了引发剂用量、链 转移 用量、反应温度等对共聚物阻垢性能的影响。

  • Effects of 2-mercaptoethanol Chain Transfer Agent to AM / AA Copolymerization

    转移 2-巯基乙醇对AM/AA共聚反应的影响

  • Monomer ratio monomer concentration initiator concentration reaction medium and chain transfer agent is the mainly factors to structure and properties of polymers .

    单体配比、单体浓度、引发剂含量、反应介质和链 转移 主要对聚合产物的结构与性能产生影响。