transient phenomena

[ˈtrænʃənt fɪˈnɑmənə][ˈtrænziənt fiˈnɔminə]


  • Transient Phenomena in Electrolytic Processes

    电解过程的 瞬态 现象

  • The interplay between thermostat nonlinear dynamic characteristics and engine thermal system hysteresis complicates system transient phenomena .

    节温器非线性动态特性与发动机热系统延迟效应相互作用,使系统 动态 特性复杂。

  • The results of calculation show the method presented here is quite valuable to the scientific research for transient phenomena .

    计算实例表明,本文所提供的方法对于 现象的研究有很大的实用价值。

  • Results show that transient effects result in transient dimple phenomena in the contact zone .

    结果表明:时变效应导致了接触区内的 动态凹陷 现象

  • By way of describing the mathematical model and analyzing the transient phenomena of active impact load in power systems its real-time control methods are discussed .

    本文从电力系统有功冲击负荷的数学模型和 暂态 过程着手,分析和探讨了有功冲击负荷实时控制的基本原理和方法。

  • This paper studied the chaotic transient phenomena of a controlled electromechanical system with a time delay in the feedback path .

    研究了一种具有时滞反馈的磁悬浮轴承系统的 暂态混沌 现象

  • Experimental Study on Transient and Periodic Phenomena of Cavitating Flow for a Hydrofoil at Small Angle of Attack

    小攻角水翼空泡流 瞬态与周期 现象试验

  • The results of negative resistance effect and transient characteristics of a SOI structure prove that the program can correctly simulate the main phenomena caused by self heating effect .

    对一个SOI结构的负阻效应和 瞬态特性的模拟结果表明,该程序能够正确模拟器件发热情况以及自热对器件 特性的主要影响。

  • The mathematic model of the transient flow was set up to study the unsteady flow phenomena in the high-pressure common-rail injector .

    针对高压共轨喷油器内部非稳态流动 现象,建立起 瞬态流动的物理数学模型,采用模块化分析方法进行了 瞬态数值模拟。

  • Electromagnetic pulse ( EMP ) is a transient electromagnetic phenomena . With the development of physics the research of nanosecond pulse became an important problem to resolve .

    电磁脉冲(EMP)是一种 电磁 现象,随着物理学的发展,研究纳秒脉冲的性质成了亟待解决的问题。

  • When CMOS devices are irradiated by transient radiation phenomena of latch-up single window or multi-window may appear .

    中、大规模CMOS器件受到 瞬态辐射时, 出现了闭锁单窗口、多窗口现象。

  • It has higher frequency resolution and lower time resolution in low frequency segment while higher time resolution and lower frequency resolution in high frequency segment . It 's quite fit for detecting normal signal which carrys transient abnormal phenomena and showing its components .

    在低频部分具有较高的频率分辨率和较低的时间分辨率,在高频部分具有较高的时间分辨率和较低的频率分辨率,很适合于探测正常信号中夹带的 瞬态反常 现象并展示其成分。

  • On the thesis of transient IPR curve according to the IPR curve inverted phenomena of Gu 104 well in surround reservoir in Daqing oil field the fundamental reason of the IPR curve inverted phenomena is the produetion decline fast in different time .

    在不 稳定 IPR曲线的基础上,针对大庆外围古104井的IPR曲线倒转 现象,分析了IPR曲线倒转的根本原因是油井产量在不同时刻递减造成的。

  • ( 2 ) Transient jet-interaction phenomena challenge project is analyzed by computational unsteady aerodynamic method .

    将非定常空气动力学数值计算方法创造性地应用于姿态控制发动机 瞬态 流场计算。

  • Transient Electromagnetic Phenomena in GIS

    GIS中的电磁 暂态 现象

  • During the collapse the total energy emitted from the stellar surface is about-1046 - 1047 ergs which could be used to explain some transient phenomena in the universe .

    在过程中平均每个重子释放约6.3MeV的能量,总辐射能则可高达-1046-1047ergs.这可以用来解释宇宙中一些 爆发 现象

  • The traditional methods which are used to suppress the transient phenomena can only solve the problems to some extent but also increase the operational complexity and the cost of the investment .

    而传统抑制方法只能在一定程度上解决问题, 还会增加操作复杂性和投资成本。

  • Transient Phenomena of Puffing Gas in a Tokamak Device (ⅰ) Monte & Carlo Method

    托卡马克装置的脉冲充气 问题(Ⅰ)蒙特卡罗方法

  • This paper introduces an automatic testing system for motor starting transient phenomena of torque .

    本文介绍一种电机起动 加速 转矩的自动测试系统。

  • Transient photoacoustic phenomena in liquid

    液体中的 瞬态光声 现象