


  • Delete transhipment is prohibited and insert the wording partial shipments and transhipment are allowed .

    删除“不准 转船”,加上“允许分装和转船”字样。

  • Reflections On Entry into WTO An Inter-Province Post Transhipment Problem and Its Algorithm

    入世随想&浅论加入WTO后思想政治工作的应对问题一种省际邮件 转运网络设计的模型与算法

  • Shipment / transhipment on isreali / south korean / south African flag vessel is prohibited .

    译文:不允许由悬挂以色列、韩国、南非国旗的船舶装运或者 转运

  • Further practice of seven measures to promote the transhipment of international containers via Shanghai

    进一步落实七项措施促进上海港国际集装箱 转运的发展

  • STUDY ON HEAT AND POWER SYSTEMS (ⅱ) Enlarged Transhipment Model

    换热 网络 蒸汽动力系统 联立 优化方法的探讨(Ⅱ)扩展 转运模型法

  • We usually make a direct shipment unless the customer requires transhipment .

    我们通常采取直运,除非顾客要求 转运

  • So far as I know there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transhipment in Hongkong .

    据我所知,在香港 转船期间有货物被盗或损坏的风险

  • Even if the credit prohibits transhipment banks will accept an air transport document which indicates that transhipment will or may take place provided that the entire carriage is covered by one and the same air transport document .

    即使信用证禁止 转运,银行也将接受上面注明将发生或可能发生转运的空运单据,只要是同一空运单据包括运输全程即可。

  • In case of transhipment we have to pay extra transportation charges .

    货物如果 转运,我们得多付运费。

  • Shipment during Auguest from Dalian to New York transhipment is prohibited .

    八月份装运,装运港大连,目的港纽约,不允许 转运

  • In August last year BAT discovered a diverted NK 555 shipment in Singapore which we assumed could be for transhipment to other markets in Asia said a BAT spokeswoman .

    去年8月,英美烟草在新加坡发现了一批转销的NK555,我们假定,这批货可能将 转运至亚洲其它市场,英美烟草的女发言人表示。

  • The carrying vessel shall be provided by the seller transhipment is allowed .

    载运船由卖方 安排,允许 转船

  • Typical shipping line is taken as an example in which unit cost is calculated through voyage estimate and sensitivity analysis is done according to different factors . Direct transport and transhipment mode is researched for the selection of suitable carrier .

    以典型航线为实例分析,通过航次估算得出各 备选 船型的单位 货载 运输成本,并进行敏感性分析,分别研究了直达运输和 中转 运输模式下的单位成本, 最终选出各情况下的适宜船型。

  • By confirmed irrevocable transferable and divisible letter of credit in favour of China National Metals Minerals Import Export Corporation___ Branch payable at sight allowing partial shipments and transhipment .

    付款信用证,信用证以中国五金矿产进出口公司_分公司为受益人并允许分批装运和 转船

  • Time of Shipment : □ Within 15 days after the payment not be allowing transhipment and partial shipment .

    装运期限:□收到货款后15天内装出,不可 转船及分批装运。

  • The importation into the colony or transhipment within the colony of equines from any country in Asia is prohibited except under and in accordance with a permit in that behalf previously obtained and issued by the senior veterinary officer .

    自洲任何家的科物均禁止入香港或在香港,但根按照先前取得的由 高官就此而出的可行事除外。

  • 35 Loading Port & Destination : From with transhipment and partial shipments allowed .

    装运口岸和目的地准许分批与 转船

  • On perusal we find that transhipment and partial shipment are not allowed .

    在详阅后,我们发现不允许 转船和分批装运。

  • However Busan appeared to face a greater threat from Kwangyang another South Korean port bent on increasing its transhipment traffic .

    然而,釜山似乎面临着更大的威胁来自光阳,另一韩国港口执意增加其 转运交通。

  • The HKSAR continued to co-operate with relevant trading partners with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of action taken to combat illegal transhipment of textiles . Research for Container Terminal Transportation System on Port of Aden the Republic of Yemen

    香港特区继续与有关贸易伙伴合作,共同打击非法 转运纺织品。也门共和国亚丁港集装箱中转站运输系统规划研究

  • The transhipment of the cargo has taken place at the port .

    货物 转运在该港办理。

  • At such times it has generally been Shanghai that dominated while Hong Kong reverted to being a racetrack funded by dockyard work and Pearl River transhipment .

    在这种时期,占主导地位的通常是上海,香港则重新成为由造船业和珠江 转船 运输行业融资的赛马场。

  • Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms of the Credit Banks will accept a Bill of lading which indicates that the goods will be transhipped provided that the entire ocean carriage is covered by one and the same Bill of lading .

    除非信用证禁止 转运,否则只要同一提单包括了海运全程运输,银行将接受注明货物将转运的提单。

  • Please insure the goods on our account during transhipment .

    转运期间,请给这批货保险, 费用 公司承担。

  • Partial shipment or transhipment shall be permitted unless otherwise stated on the face hereof .

    应准许分批付运和 转运,除非本合约正面另有指定。

  • If goods transshipped into inland give date of transhipment and means of conveyance place and date of arrival of goods in inland .

    如货物转运内陆,注明 转运日期和运输工具名称,货物到达内陆的地点和日期。

  • In order to advance the shipment we agree to transhipment at Hong Kong .

    为了提前装运,我公司同意在香港 转运