transfer of stock

[trænsˈfɚ ʌv stɑk][trænsˈfə: ɔv stɔk]

[经] 股份的转让

  • A Comparative Study on the Risk Transfer of Stock Afloat Transaction

    买卖风险 转移比较研究

  • The limited liability company owes the features of human resource integrity and the capital integrity and because of this the transfer of the stock rights is subject to certain restrictions .

    有限责任公司兼具人合性与资合性的特点,这决定了 股权 转让必须受到一定的限制。

  • This part mainly draw two issues out through a case ie the validity of the transfer of defective stock right and how to undertake the liability after the transfer .

    本部分主要通过一则案例,引出本文所要讨论的两个问题,即瑕疵 股权 转让的效力和瑕疵股权转让后的责任承担问题。

  • In one month subsequent to the complete of the transfer of shares stock exchanges and the sd & c shall not accept the application submitted by the transferee for the registration of shares transfer unless otherwise prescribed in laws or regulations .

    股份 过户完成后一个月内, 证券交易所和结算公司不受理同一股份受让人就其所受让的相同股份再次进行转让的申请;但法律法规等另有规定的除外。

  • For limited liability companies in China transfer of stock ownership is more complicated with many disputes .

    相对于股份有限公司而言,我国有限责任公司的 股权 转让 问题更为复杂,产生的纠纷也较多。

  • At present there exist in the transfer of state stock right systematical obstacles of uncertainty of its nature irregularity of its object demarcation excessive dispersion of its subject and lack of authoritative and unified legal assurance of its transfer procedure .

    目前国有 股权 转让存在着国有 股权定性不准确, 股权客体界定不规范, 股权主体过于分散,转让程序无权威、统一的法律保障等制度障碍。

  • The crucial important success is how to transfer the ownership of stock of assets managing company successfully .

    转股成功的关键在于资产管理公司如何将 股权成功 转让

  • Option Pricing Model for Transfer of State-owned Stock

    国有 转让的期权定价模型

  • Miss Wang : They include : Alteration of shareholders transfer of stock equity registered capital domicile business scope enterprise type operation period etc.

    王小姐:包括变更股东、 股权 转让、注册资本、住所、经营范围、企业类型和营业期限等。

  • The transfer of stock rights is often seen in the process of capital flow . It is beneficial to raise money 、 transfer and recompose property and optimize the resource allocation .

    公司 股东 股权 转让是市场经济中资本流转的常见形式,有利于公司募集资本、产权流动重组、资源优化配置。

  • Article 141 The transfer of an unregistered stock becomes valid as soon as the stockholder delivers the stock to the transferee .

    第一百四十一条无记名 股票 转让,由股东将该股票交付给受让人后即发生转让的效力。

  • Chapter two is about internal transfer of stock rights of close corporation .

    第二章有限责任公司 股权内部 转让

  • Management of national stock right includes management by the working control management by holding stocks and management by transfer of stock right .

    国有股权管理有控股管理、参股管理和 股权 流动管理三种主要方式。

  • The defective capital contribution which is the foundation of the transfer of defective stock rights directly leads to the formation of defective stock rights .

    瑕疵出资的现实存在直接导致瑕疵股权的产生,这为瑕疵 股权 转让的形成奠定了物质基础。

  • The premium of control right bears heavily on the transfer of equity and stock .

    控制权溢价水平的高低对于股权 转让 股票 交易具有重要影响。

  • This paper analyzes on the State Stock Right Transfer and points out more complex problems and obstacles in the transfer of state stock right than common stock right .

    本文分析了国有股权 国有股权转让,认为国有 股权 持有者&国家这一特殊 财产主体 身负的社会责任和义务使国有 股权 转让比一般的商业资本股权 转让具有更多、更复杂的问题和障碍。

  • It is a universal phenomenon in China 's securities market to get listed on stock market by purchasing Shell through the conference transfer of stock equity and the merger and acquisition of secondary market .

    通过 股权协议 转让或二级市场并购来实现买壳上市是我国证券市场上一种普遍的现象。

  • Break through Bottleneck of Capital Restriction Take Pulse of Operation Transfer of Joint Stock System Banks

    突破资本约束瓶颈把脉 股份制银行经营 转型&2005年全国 股份 商业银行行长联席会议 侧记

  • The part firstly introduce the different theories about the burden to bear after the transfer of the defective stock right and then on basis of analysis and trade-off the author holds that it is proper that the transferor and the transferee bear joint liability .

    本部分先行介绍了瑕疵 股权 转让后有关责任分担的不同学说,进而在对各学说分析与取舍的基础上,认为出让方和受让方连带承担瑕疵出资责任较为适宜。

  • Because it always causes changes the transfer of stock rights does not apply to free-transfer principles .

    因此,有限责任公司的 股权 转让不完全适用自由转让原则。

  • The equity power has been categorized . Meanwhile some research has been done to the restriction and transfer of stock equity power .

    对股权权能作了简单分类,探讨了部分 股权权能的限制问题,还 探讨股权 变动 模式

  • The consequence of achieving share pledge is transferring the possession of stock right and the people combination of limited liability company should be considered to transfer he possession of stock right in accordance with the relevant law .

    实现股权质权的后果是发生股权转让,此时必须考虑有限责任公司的人合性按照相关法律规定进行 出让 股权

  • However many problems still encountered in the course of the study such as timeliness problem in order for stock portfolio warehouse transfer frequency of stock portfolio problem and how to grasp the stock index futures premium which are worthy of further study .

    不过,研究过程中依旧碰到不少问题,比如股票组合下单的即时性问题、 股票组合的 仓频率以及如何把握股指期货贴水等都是值得进一步深究。

  • Any transfer of the state-owned stock right of a financial enterprise or listed company shall be implemented according to the relevant provisions of the state .

    金融类企业国有产权 转让和上市公司的国有 股权转让,依照国家有关规定执行。

  • To provide legal services on corporate listing issuance and transfer of stock bond fund .

    为公司上市及 股票、债券、基金的发行、 转让提供法律服务。

  • The transfer of stock right means the changes of its structure and numbers of stock holders .

    而股权的 转让往往体现为 股权结构及股东人数的变动。

  • The limitation on the turnover of stock shares the transfer scope of transferable stock shares transfer measures and the measures of the company purchasing shares ;

    股份流转的限制和可转让 股份 转让范围、转让办法及公司收购股份办法;