transfer statement

[trænsˈfɚ ˈstetmənt][trænsˈfə: ˈsteitmənt]


  • To the control transfer a variable REASON is introduced which is recorded every state of statement execution .

    为了描述控制 转移,引入一个变量REASON,它记录每个 语句执行结束后,该 语句的执行状态。

  • The GOTO label statement can unconditionally exit from a loop and transfer control to the executable statement or statement block that follows the specified statement label .

    GOTO标签语句可以无条件地退出循环,并 控制权 转移到跟在指定的语句标签之后的可执行 语句或语句块。

  • Each transfer statement of task node in old specification confirm appropriate action according to the relations between specification change points and excute path of workflow instance .

    该策略中每个节点的 迁移 规则根据工作流模型修改点与实例执行路径的关系确定相应的迁移动作。

  • LEAVE : Used to transfer control out of a loop or a compound statement

    LEAVE:将控制 转移到循环之外或一个复合 语句

  • Chelsea and Valencia have agreed a fee for the transfer of Asier Del Horno said a statement from the Premiership champions .

    “切尔西已经同意了和巴伦西亚 交易 德尔奥尔诺,”来自冠军球队一位高层的 说明

  • The ALTER statement changes the transfer point specified in the GO TO statement .

    ALTER语句修改了GOTO 语句中指定的 转移点( transferpoint)。

  • For example the need for an online bank to support the transfer of funds between accounts is likely far more important than an Elbonian-language version of a monthly bank statement .

    例如,对于联机银行的需求来说,对帐户间资金 转移的支持要比银行每月 声明的Elbonian语言版本重要得多。

  • A new way for processing the transfer statement in a compiler

    编译程序中 转移 语句处理的新方法