transverse vibration

[trænsˈvə:s vaɪˈbreʃən][trænsˈvɜ:s vaɪˈbreɪʃən]


  • Calculating method of the transverse vibration frequency of the conveyor belt based on double series

    基于重级数的输送带 横向 振动频率计算方法

  • INVESTIGATION OF TRANSVERSE VIBRATION IN HIGH SPEED MILL - Analysis and Countermeasure on Chattermarks of 1600 Al Strip Mill

    高速轧机 横向 振动研究&1600铝带轧机产品振痕分析与对策

  • Study on semi-active control for transverse vibration of bridge pier-beam system with variable damper

    桥墩&梁体系 横向主动变阻尼控制研究

  • It is found that the dynamic stability of the transverse vibration of the beam is consistent with the stability of material phase .

    研究表明,梁的 横向 振动 平衡态的稳定性与材料相的稳定性完全一致;

  • Natural frequency of transverse vibration of the grinding block holder was obtained according to the finite difference equations of grinding block holder . K was revised by extrapolation method .

    利用有限差分方程得出磨块座的 横向 自由 振动频率,并通过李却德孙外推法修正K值。

  • Equivalent modal method for the transverse vibration control of rigid cable

    刚性拉索 横向 振动控制的模态等效方法

  • On the contrary the hunting wave of car bogie frame covers the influence of all factors causing transverse vibration of the system and reflects the action of different wheel-rail contact conditions .

    机车车辆构架蛇行波反映了引起此系统 横向 振动所有因素的影响,同时还反映了轮轨实际接触状态。

  • A numerical investigation into nonlinear models for transverse vibration of beams

    轴向 运动横向 振动非线性模型数值研究

  • In operation the transverse vibration of wire takes place and it can trace the cutting direction .

    加工中电极丝可产生 横向 振动,且 振动方向始终与切割方向一致。

  • Adaptive Parameter Estimation for Transverse Vibration of the Flexible Missile

    弹性体导弹 横向 振动自适应参数估计

  • Wang : Many people are making efforts to revive Chinese opera . In operation the transverse vibration of wire takes place and it can trace the cutting direction .

    王:许多人都在致力于重振京剧的威风。加工中电极丝可产生 横向 振动,且 振动方向始终与切割方向一致。

  • Finite difference method of transverse vibration characteristics of an axially moving viscoelastic plates

    轴向运动粘弹性板 横向 振动分析的有限差分方法

  • In this paper the transverse vibration and stability of an axially moving rectangular membrane subjected to two direction pull forces are analyzed .

    本文研究了双向受拉力作用下的轴向运动矩形薄膜的 横向 振动和稳定性问题。

  • The paper trys to analyse stability of column by the method of dynamic analysis deduces the formula of relation between axial compressive force and frequency of transverse vibration .

    尝试用动力分析的方法对压 稳定问题进行理论分析与实验 研究

  • By Differential Quadrature Method ( DQM ) the transverse vibration and stability of the rotating circular plate and the eccentric rotating circular plate are studied in this paper .

    本文用微分求积法对旋转圆板以及偏心旋转圆板的 横向 振动和稳定性进行了分析。

  • Analytic model of transverse vibration law of wheat combine driver base

    小麦联合收割机驾驶室基座 横向 振动的解析模型

  • Study on Transverse Vibration of Automotive Engine Timing Chain with Dampers

    汽车发动机正时链带阻尼装置的 横向 振动分析

  • Huck rivet transverse vibration test rig is designed and developed to adapt mass coercive spot-check of railway truck .

    为应对铁路货车铆钉质量强制抽验的要求,设计研制出哈克铆钉 横向 振动试验台。

  • Transverse vibration of an axially moving plate based on differential quadrature method

    基于微分求积法的轴向运动板 横向 振动分析

  • Transverse vibration of an axially moving Timoshenko beam with unsymmetrical hybrid supports

    非对称混杂边界轴向运动Timoshenko梁 横向 振动分析

  • The transverse vibration analysis of general anisotropic trapezoidal plates is presented in this paper by using the method of line collocation and least squares .

    采用最小二乘配线法成功地分析了各向异性梯形板的 横向 振动 特性

  • Each world has its own impetus yet all are ultimately connected . In operation the transverse vibration of wire takes place and it can trace the cutting direction .

    每个世界都有它自己的动力,而一切都终极地相连。加工中电极丝可产生 横向 振动,且 振动方向始终与切割方向一致。

  • Study on the Mechanism of Transverse Vibration and Its Control of Pipes Conveying Fluid

    输流管道 横向 振动机理及其控制研究膀胱-输尿管尿液反流

  • Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups & Testing of transverse vibration sensitivity

    GB/T13823.8-1994振动与冲击传感器的校准方法 横向 振动灵敏度测试

  • Transverse vibration control of an axially moving string system by Lyapunov method ;

    综述轴向运动弦线 纵向 振动及其控制问题的研究进展。

  • The transverse vibration characteristics for the moving membrane with elastic constraint were studied by the Galerkin meshless method .

    采用伽辽金无网格法研究了轴向运动薄膜的 横向 振动特性。

  • The frequency of the transverse vibration is consistent with that of the torsional vibration .

    横向 振动和扭转振动的频率相一致。

  • A Theory Study on Suppressing Transverse Vibration of Bridge by Joining Two Bridges of the Up and Down Tracks

    上、下行两桥连接抑制桥梁 横向 振动理论研究

  • Nonlinear free transverse vibration of an axially moving beam is investigated .

    本文研究了轴向运动梁的 横向非线性自由 振动