transverse division

[trænsˈvə:s dɪˈvɪʒən][trænsˈvɜ:s diˈviʒən]

[医] 横裂

  • And it optimizes the storage structure of the system database and improves the speed of that the program access the system database through the reasonable vertical and transverse division of the system database and adopting flexible storage mode to the datas of different data-structure .

    通过对系统数据库合理的纵向与 横向 划分,并结合对不同数据类型的数据采取灵活的存储方式,优化了数据库存储结构,提高了程序对系统数据库的调用速度。

  • The increasing of transverse plastic strain at the crown can be divided into three stages of slow stage transitional stage and fast stage . Two division points are at about 530 ! MPa and 880 !

    随加载, 横向塑性应变的变化过程可以划分为缓慢增加段、过渡段和快速增加段3个阶段,阶段的2个 分界点为 pas0≈530MPa和880MPa。

  • Aeolosma hemprichii is propagated by transverse division into parent body and daughter body which could bud once again .

    红斑顠体虫的无性繁殖以 裂方式进行, 分裂后形成母体和子体。母体和子体分裂后会再次长出芽结。

  • With the devel - opment of the apical cell the basal cell undergoes transverse division to form two cells : the upper one forms the single cell suspensor ;

    随着顶细胞的发育,基细胞也进行 分裂产生上下两个细胞,上方一个体积略为增大而形成胚柄;