




  • This report presents a case of drug2013drug interaction between voriconazole and tacrolimus in a kidney transplant recipient .

    本病例报告了一例肾 移植患者伏立康唑与他克莫司之间的相互作用。

  • When I had my first transplant I had to have a long-term catheter placed in a vein .

    当我最初进行 移植 手术时,我的静脉中必须要长期植入导管。

  • Several of the patients had received kidney transplant .

    病人中有几位已接受了肾 移植 手术

  • The arteries are diseased and a transplant is the only hope

    动脉已经发生病变, 移植是唯一的希望。

  • How will I know whether I need a liver transplant ?

    我知道我将如何需要肝脏 移植

  • Farmers will be able to seed it directly rather than having to transplant seedlings .

    农民将能够直接播种,而不用 种秧苗。

  • In the 19th century the Santa Claus tradition seems to have been transplanted back to Europe

    19世纪,圣诞老人的习俗似乎又 传回了欧洲。

  • Reducing the risk of transmission through blood transfusion and organ transplant .

    降低通过输血和器官 移植传播的风险。

  • I guess we know why she was doing transplant research .

    我猜我们知道为什么她要做 器官 移植的研究了。

  • When I got a heart transplant .

    我做了个心脏 移植 手术

  • It was feared his body was rejecting a kidney he received in a transplant four years ago .

    令人担心的是,他的身体可能对4年前 移植的肾产生了排斥反应。

  • ABO blood is the most important blood-group system in transfusion and transplant practices .

    ABO血型是输血和 移植实践中最重要的血型系统。

  • Suppose for example you needed a bone marrow transplant .

    比如说,假定你需要进行骨髓 移植

  • The patient had received a heart transplant .

    该病人接受了心脏 移植

  • She underwent a heart transplant in a last-ditch attempt to save her .

    她动了心脏 移植 手术,这是为挽救她的生命而作的最后一次努力。

  • It is used for immunosuppression in kidney transplant patients to prevent rejection of the new kidney .

    它被作为免疫抑制剂用于肾 移植患者中,来防止新肾脏的排斥。

  • Harefield Hospital has become world-famous for its pioneering heart transplant surgery .

    哈瑞福德医院以其开创性的心脏 移植手术闻名于世。

  • Some plants do not transplant well .

    有些植物不宜 移植

  • The transplant team confirmed it also .


  • Marriage had transplanted Rebecca from London to Manchester

    因为结婚,丽贝卡从伦敦 移居 了曼彻斯特。

  • Only 12 weeks ago he underwent major heart transplant surgery

    12个星期前他才刚刚接受了风险很高的心脏 移植手术。

  • With this kind of machine it is no longer a strain to transplant rice seedlings .

    有了这种机器, 插秧就不那么费力了。

  • Now researchers have successfully treated this pathological behavior in the mice - with a bone marrow transplant .

    现在,研究人员已经在实验鼠身上成功地治愈了这种病态行为&方法就是骨髓 移植

  • A suppressed immune system puts a transplant recipient at risk of other infections .

    接受 器官 移植 病人免疫系统受到抑制 很可能会感染其他疾病。

  • The operation to transplant a kidney is now fairly routine .

    肾脏 移植手术如今已相当常见。

  • I was on dialysis for seven years before my first transplant .

    在进行首次 移植之前,我 了7年的透析。

  • Since her heart and lung transplant operation she has gone from strength to strength

    过心移植 手术后,她的身体不断 好转

  • He was recovering from a heart transplant operation .

    他做了心脏 移植手术,正在康复。

  • I 've gotten a heart transplant . it 's still me .

    我接受了心脏 移植,那还是我。

  • There are 2 children worldwide who need a bone marrow transplant .

    全世界有2名儿童需要骨髓 移植