transportation rate

[ˌtrænspɚˈteʃən ret][ˌtrænspɔ:ˈteiʃən reit]

[经] 运输费用

  • Due to strong transportation ability and economy bulk carriers play an important role in marine transportation . But high accidents rate forms a threat to the safety of bulk carriers .

    散货船运输因其运输能力强、经济性好而在海上 运输中占着极其重要的地位,但是居高不下的事故 ,给散货船的安全 运输造成了威胁。

  • InfiniBand is new type inter-connection structure which can improve the transportation rate between CPUs servers devices network domains .

    InfiniBand是一种新型宽带互联结构,可以提高CPU之间、服务器各设备之间、网络域之间的 通信 速率

  • SDP is a lightweight protocol in InfiniBand which keeps TCP / IP 's SOCK_STREAM semantics by kernel bypass capability it deploys memory zero-copy improves transportation rate dramatically .

    SDP是InfiniBand结构中一种轻量级通信协议,保持了TCP/IP上的SOCKSTREAM套接字语法,通过旁路操作系统内核,实现了零拷贝,从而大大提高了 传输 速率

  • Accidents in the past pipeline transportation development have a high occurring rate including malignant accident and the consequences including economic damage and casualties were severe which caused strong social response .

    管道 运输 发展以来,事故发生 比较高,其中也包括恶性事故,后果很严重,包括了经济损失和人员伤亡,对社会造成了深远的影响。

  • Under different densities the responses of N transportation rate and N harvest index were insensitive and the responses of N accumulation N accumulation rate and N contribution rate were different under different N levels .

    不同密度处理下,除了氮 转运 及氮收获指数对密度响应不敏感外,氮总量、氮积累率、氮贡献率和氮利用率都因氮肥水平的不同而对密度的响应表现不同。

  • The Influence of the installing of pressure Transportation Tube on Natural Gas Flow Rate and the Countermeasures

    导压 管路的安装对天然气 流量测量的影响及对策

  • Aiming to adapt to the current economic development in the next period of time transportation infrastructure will be at a faster rate large-scale development .

    为了适应当前经济的发展,在未来的一段时期, 交通基础设施建设将会以较快的 速度大规模发展。

  • NVOCCs or freight forwarders ? & Comments on the new development of Chinese Regulations of International Maritime Transportation ; negotiated freight rate refers to the freight rate agreed upon by the international shipping operator and the shipper or the non-vessel shipping operator .

    无船承运人还是货运代理&兼对中国《国际 海运条例》的评论协议 运价,是指国际船舶运输经营者与货主、无船承运业务经营者约定的运价。

  • Study on Pigging Methods of Gas Transportation Pipelines at Low Flow Rate

    天然气管道低输 下清管方法的研究

  • For the limitation of the data transportation rate of the CDMA system information transportation time take a large part of the whole processing time .

    受到CDMA系统的数据 传输 速率的限制,在整个处理时间中信息传输时间占了相当大比例。

  • At present more and more cities are puzzled by the increasingly roadway congestions and safety problems all over the world . The prevalent problems all exist in transportation industry which include low utilization rate of roadways insufficient network operation and limited modernization level of communication .

    目前,世界上很多城市都受日益凸显的道路拥堵和安全问题困扰, 交通行业普遍存在道路利用 不高、网络运行效率低下、运输现代化水平有限的情况。

  • With the development of container transportation technology the rate of international containerized cargo is increasing bringing the rapid development of China & South Korea container transport market .

    随着集装箱 运输技术的发展,国际货物运输的集装箱化 日益提高,带来了中韩集装箱运输市场不断高速发展。

  • It is found that oxygen enrichment in the sea water for marine fish raising by membrane oxygenation has advantages over the methods by natural dissolution or by bubbling in oxygen transportation rate and exploitation rate .

    本文通过对于海水的膜式、自然式和鼓泡式增氧方法的比较,发现膜式增氧法具有氧气 传递 效率和利用率高等特点。

  • The schedule made by this system can reduce oil transportation transfer rate decrease costs and increase efficiency of crude oil transportation under conditions of constraint .

    使用该系统制定的原油输送调度计划,可以在满足约束的条件下,减少 输油切换 次数,降低输油成本,提高 输油效率。

  • A difference in the transportation rate or the number of vehicles per unit time to the same destination over different routes so as to equalize traffic .

    单位时间内途经不同路线到达同一目的地时,在 交通 运费或运输工具数量上的差异,以便平衡运输量。

  • The highest N accumulation for leaf and stem was in Jointing stage and Anthesis stage respectively . The N transportation rate of leaf was 80 % .

    叶子的累积量在拔节期达到最大,茎秆的累积量在开花期达到最大,叶子氮素 转移 为80%左右,茎秆为40%-50%。

  • This results shows that the transportation bit rate is greater in DDF than in common fiber .

    结果表明,DDF中的 传输比特 比普通光纤中的大;

  • With the development of automobile industry and transportation the rate of automotive replacement is accelerating .

    随着汽车工业与 交通 运输的发展,汽车更新换代的 速度不断加快。

  • Using the intelligent transportation systems to improve the utilization rate and the safety of road has become the potential direction for the future transportation .

    利用智能 交通系统来提高道路的利用 和道路交通的安全程度,已成为未来交通运输的发展方向。

  • Voice Transportation for Supporting Two-mode : Loss Rate Estimation Based on Variable Frame Sizes

    一个支持双模式之语音 传输:以变动框架长度为基础之遗失 估算法

  • Analyzing the Price of Railway Passenger Transport Determining the Transportation Rate Rationally

    铁路客票价格分析及客运 运价 水平的合理确定

  • Under the trade-driven containers transportation basically grows at a double-digit rate every between the two countries .

    在贸易驱动下,中韩两国集装箱 运输基本每年都保持两位数的增长 速率

  • This paper first proposed the inter-vehicle intelligent transportation system network applications without rate code then no further contemplated that a modified form of EWF rate codes used in intelligent transportation systems transmit data .

    本文首先提出了在智能 交通系统中的车辆间网络应用无 码,然后又进一步设想将无率码的一种改进形式EWF应用于智能交通系统的数据发送。

  • Experimental results showed that the transportation rate of Tl (ⅲ) was above 99.5 % .

    实验结果表明,Tl(Ⅲ)的 迁移 达99.5%以上。

  • Real time dynamic vehicle scheduling is a good scientific approach to lower transportation cost and it can reduce rate of empty driving lower cost of distribution and take great effect on the efficiency ;

    动态车辆实时调度是降低 运输成本的一种科学方法,它可以减少车辆空驶 ,降低运输费用,提高经济效益。

  • The application of the system improves the management level of the examining wood transportation reduces the error rate and raises working efficiency .

    利用该系统可提高木材 运输审批管理水平,减少差错 ,提高工作效率。

  • Photosynthetic matter transportation ratio and filling rate were higher .

    光合物质 转运率高,灌浆 速度

  • It can be efficiently solved if the intermittent transportation process was adopted when pipeline throughput rate was lower than the allowable minimum one .

    当管道输 低于允许最低输量时,如能采用间歇 输送工艺可以有效解决这一难题。

  • Results They had a facilitation on body weight brain weight cerebral cortex thickness and forage transportation rate . There was a significant difference compared with the control group ( P < 001 );

    结果:生脉饮及其成分对小鼠体重、脑重、大脑皮层厚度及饲料 转化 有促进作用,与对照组比较有显著差异(P<001);