transportation company

[ˌtrænspɚˈteʃən ˈkʌmpəni][ˌtrænspɔ:ˈteiʃən ˈkʌmpəni]


  • At first we reviewed the researches having conducted on thruway passenger transportation and then the attribute system to assess thruway passenger transportation company is established .

    首先回顾了公路快速客运评价方面已有的研究成果,通过分析得出了公路快速 客运 企业评价指标体系。

  • Our company insist on the principle of trustworthiness cooperation and service for every shipping company the freight transportation company and sailors with all sincerity .

    本公司格守诚信合作的理念,竭诚为各大船远公司, 货运 公司及船员服务。

  • Acceptance by transportation company shall constitute delivery to buyer .

    接受 运输 公司应交付给买受人。

  • The integrity maintenance of old pipeline network is a major task for pipeline transportation company .

    老龄管网的完整性维修是管道 输送 公司的主要任务。

  • Urban passenger transportation management for passenger transportation company it is certainly a very important business even a passenger transport business soul .

    城市客运管理对于 客运 公司来说,无疑是一项非常重要的业务,甚至可以说是客运 公司业务的灵魂。

  • If any damage or oil leakage is discovered the site management the transportation company the transport insurers the appropriate representative or the main factory must be informed immediately .

    若发现任何损坏或油泄漏,必须立即通知现场管理层、 运输 公司、运输保险公司,以及适当代表或总厂。

  • Morning : Visit Auckland port and APL Logistics and Container Transportation Company .

    上午:考察美国奥克兰港与APL大型物流与集装箱 运输 公司

  • Evidential Reasoning Based Thruway Passenger Transportation Company Evaluation Model and Simulation

    基于证据推理方法的公路快速 客运 企业评价模型及仿真

  • You will be able to buy garages across the country fill them with lorries and even start up your own transportation company !

    您将能买到全国各地的车库,他们充满货车,甚至开办自己的 运输 公司

  • Be responsible for evaluation about forwarder Vessel Company and Transportation Company contract signing .

    负责国际、内货物承运商、公司、 公司的评价并参与有关运输、关通关代理合同的评审和签订。

  • This is the new personal transportation company a platform built on the old car company model .

    这才是新的个人 运输 公司,一个建立在老汽车商业模式上的新平台。

  • For all of its tech trappings Uber is essentially a transportation company that eventually wants to expand into a localized on-demand logistics company .

    虽然具有科技公司的种种特点,Uber实际上是一家 运输 服务 公司,其最终目标是发展成为本地化按需物流服务供应商。

  • Transportation : the company purchases the vehicles or the company consigns a transportation company to handle it .

    交通运输:由公司自购车辆或委托 运输 公司办理。

  • Soon teaming up with my gather he sold his bakery and founded a transportation company .

    很快,他卖掉了他的面包店,和我父亲合作,创办了一家 运输 公司

  • The non-technology traditional business whether retailer bank transportation company has an ace to play .

    无论是零售商、银行还是 交通 公司,各种非科技传统企业都有了一张可打的王牌。

  • FedEx is one of the world 's largest express transportation company providing fast and reliable delivery service to220 countries .

    联邦快递是世界上最大的快递 运输 公司之一,她为220个国家提供快捷、靠的服务。

  • As a traditional stock transportation company China Post has its resource advantage .

    中国邮政作为传统的 货运 企业,拥有强大的资源优势。

  • Cohn has worked with transportation company Ryder to refine its leadership search process .

    科恩曾帮助 运输 公司瑞德(Ryder)改善其甄选领导者的程序。

  • Delivery to the customer is performed through the company truck or approved forwarder / transportation company . All products are appropriately identified before being sent to customers .

    货物由公司货车或由经认可的 运输 公司运输。送交顾客前所有产品都须经确认。

  • Research on Reengineering of Equipment Management Process for Petroleum Storage and Transportation Company of Jilin Oilfield Company

    吉林油田 储运 销售公司设备管理流程再造研究

  • The international railway transportation Company development is close to their industry development the market mechanism is very common .

    国外铁路 运输 企业的发展与其工业化的发展历程紧密相连,铁路运输 企业的市场化程度比较高。

  • The company has established good business relations with China Foreign Trade Transportation Company Shanghai Branch China Ocean Shipping Company ( COSCO ) and People 's Navigation Company ( PENAVICO ) .

    公司与中国外贸 运输 公司上海公司、中国远洋运输集团公司、中国外轮代理公司有着良好的业务合作关系。

  • China Merchants Lighterage and Transportation Company Limited A barge analogy is incorrect for swimming .

    招商局驳船 运输有限 公司类似驳船的运动在游泳中是不正确的。

  • A barge carrying bulk materials in an open hold . China Merchants Lighterage and Transportation Company Limited

    运送敞口货舱中的散装材料的驳船。招商局驳船 运输有限 公司

  • QC Group of Undamaged Detection Sub-company of Pipeline Technology Operation Storage and Transportation Company SINOPEC Group .

    中国石化集团管道 储运 公司管道技术作业分公司无损检测QC小组。

  • Research on Yangcheng Coal Sales and Transportation Company 's Development Strategy

    阳城煤炭 运销 公司发展战略研究

  • Straighten out the price city managers should represent citizens to and gas mining and transportation company negotiations .

    理顺价格,城市的管理者应该代表市民去和燃气的开采和 运输 公司谈判。

  • Records including registration must detail at a minimum the identity source quantity transportation company final disposal method of destruction responsible persons and date of disposal release .

    记录(括登记)须详细记载,至少包括品名、源、量、 公司、终处理、毁方法、任人和处理时间。

  • Founded in1994 in Beijing Seajet Company Limited is a professional transportation company who provides global logistics solutions to our customers .

    1994年成立于北京,是一 为客户提供全球物流解决方案的专业 运输代理企业。

  • As you can see this assumes delivery anywhere within the metropolitan area . If we go outside the area we have to use a different transportation company and the expense may increase dramatically .

    你看到的是市内的送货基准,假如是效区,就要换不同的 运输 公司,所以价码可能会提高很多。