trade acceptance

[treid ækˈsɛptəns][treid əkˈseptəns]


  • But in order to encourage the trade sometimes the acceptance of changeable conditions doesn 't influence the agreement of a contract .

    但为了鼓励 交易,有时附变更条件的 承诺并不影响合同的成立。

  • Can the Applicant for Re-discount of the Trade Acceptance Defense ?

    商业 承兑汇票转贴现申请人的抗辩是否成立?

  • Cotton cotton impurity inspection is the important work in the inspection the impurity rate of cotton cotton trade settlement index in the acquisition processing sales storage and acceptance in the link such as are required for testing for impurities .

    棉花杂质检验是棉花检验工作的重要组成部分,棉花含杂率是棉花 贸易结算的指标,在收购、加工、销售、储存及 验收等环节中都需要进行杂质检验。

  • Norm design is imperative Trade Acceptance Needs New Criteria

    限额设计势在必行 商业 承兑 汇票亟待规范

  • The mandatory labeling regulation is expected to have a significant impact on consumption and trade of GM products . However the degree of the impact is largely determined by consumers ' acceptance of GM products and consumers ' attitude and behavior influenced by labeling .

    强制性标签政策可能对转基因产品的消费和 贸易产生很大影响,其程度主要取决于消费者对转基因产品的 接受 程度,以及转基因标签对消费者态度和行为的影响。

  • Nonetheless compared with currencies of other developed countries its international usage and acceptance is rather low says Dickson Ho an economist at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council .

    然而,香港 贸易发展局(HongKong tradedevelopmentcouncil)的经济学家何达权(DicksonHo)认为,与其他发达国家的货币相比,日元在国际上的使用度和 接受 都相当低。

  • Trade Acceptance Needs New Criteria Therefore it is necessary to give legal aid for the payer who runs the risk of wrong payment and aggravate the risk liability of transferee of forged and altered bills .

    商业 承兑 汇票亟待规范有必要对付款人承担的错误付款风险,给予必要的法律救济,加重受让伪造、变造票据人的风险责任。

  • Chapter One begins with WTO 's Service and Trade Agreement and introduces the open policy of the securities industry after China 's entry of WTO including principle acceptance practical acceptance and time acceptance .

    本文首先从世贸组织《服务 贸易总协定》入手,介绍了加入WTO后我国证券业的开放政策,包括原则 承诺、具体承诺和时间承诺。

  • With the development of the market economy and the international trade specially after China joined in WTO the function of banker 's acceptance bill becomes more and more important as an instrument of payment and circulation .

    随着市场经济和国际 贸易的发展,特别是中国加入WTO以后,银行 承兑汇票作为一种流通支付工具,其作用显得越来越重要。

  • Therefore international trade competitive credit sales ( O / A ) and acceptance ( D / A ) favored by the buyer according to statistics now of the international trade transactions 80 % are using these two kinds of payment .

    因此,国际 贸易中极具竞争优势的赊销(O/A)和 承兑 交单(D/A)备受买方青睐,据统计,现在的国际贸易交易中80%都是采用这两种支付方式。

  • Owing to the serious depression of trade now prevailing we shall be unable to meet our acceptance for $ 1500 which matures for payment on the18th oct.

    “由于目前 生意普遍地不景气,由我公司 承兑、10月18日到期、面额1500美元的汇票将无法兑现”