trade cartel

[treid kɑrˈtɛl][treid kɑ:ˈtel]


  • Trade association price cartel has solid performance more subtle behavior and more serious harm than general price cartel .

    行业协会价格 卡特尔具有执行的牢固性,行为更具隐蔽性,并且和一般的价格卡特尔相比危害更为严重。

  • Based on the above the article analyses the constitutive requirements application principle expressive form and system of responsibility for the trade association price cartel thoroughly and systematically .

    在此基础上,采用比较研究的方法,对 行业协会价格 卡特尔的构成要件、适用原则、表现形式、责任体系进行深入系统的分析。

  • In Japan as a kind of unreasonable restraints of trade namely cartel bid-rigging is regulated by Prohibition of Private Monopolization Act .

    在日本,串通招投标作为不正当 交易限制,即 卡特尔一种,由日本《独占禁止法》规制。

  • But Mr Parrish suggested that speaking with one voice through a trade association might be counter-productive since it can give the impression that the industry is a monolithic cartel .

    但帕里什说,通过 行业协会发布一致看法有可能适得其反,因为这容易使人们将烟草业看成 垄断 企业 联合

  • The Korean Fair Trade Commission meanwhile launched dozens of cartel and abuse of dominance cases in industries ranging from oil to ice cream .

    与此同时,韩国公平 贸易委员会(koreanfair tradecommission) 针对 卡特尔和滥用市场支配地位的 行为启动了几十项 调查指控,涉及从石油到冰淇淋的诸多行业。

  • Especially when the trade associations combine with price cartel the negative effect for market is inestimable .

    近年来, 行业协会的 限制 竞争 行为呈现愈演愈烈的趋势,尤其是当 行业协会和价格 卡特尔相结合后,对市场产生的负面影响更是不可估量。

  • Trade association price cartel is reached after consulting with members in association .

    行业协会价格 卡特尔是行业协会 组织协会会员协商后达成的 价格 卡特尔

  • In the United States trade association price cartel is suited for the per se rule to determine illegality while in other civil law countries trade association price cartel is clearly defined as illegality .

    在美国, 行业协会价格 卡特尔 行为适用本身违法原则判断其违法性,而在其他的大陆法系国家,都是在成文法中明确规定行业协会价格卡特尔行为的违法性。