trade creation effect

[treid kriˈeʃən ɪˈfɛkt][treid kriˈeiʃən iˈfekt]


  • Zero tariff induce trade creation effect to fresh durian and dry or fresh mangosteen trade diversion effect to fresh longan and dry longan or longan aril .

    零关税的实施对鲜或干山竹和鲜榴莲有 贸易 创造 效应;对鲜龙眼贸易转移效应;

  • As for the mainland there is no trade diversion effect and net trade creation effect is positive . The implementation of CEPA creates more demand for products in Hong Kong by the mainland which is the substitution of its own production .

    对于大陆来说,没有贸易转移效应,且净 贸易 创造 效应为正,表明CEPA的实施创造出大陆对香港产品的更多需求,这些需求是来自以香港进口替代大陆自行生产的。

  • Kiyoshi Model believes that the trade effect of foreign direct investment is complementary effect the essence of which is trade creation effect .

    小岛清模型认为国际直接投资的贸易效应是互补效应,其实质就是 贸易 创造 效应

  • In a word the trade effects bring by IP consist of trade innovation effect trade creation effect trade competition effect trade criterion effect and trade distortion effect .

    综合起来,知识产权的贸易效应体现在贸易创新效应、 贸易 创造 效应、贸易竞争效应、贸易规范效应和贸易扭曲效应。

  • Trade creation effect in the free trade area of the Americas

    试析美洲自由贸易区的 贸易 创造 效应

  • This article believes that foreign direct investment has both trade creation effect and trade substitution effect .

    本文认为国际直接投资同时具有 贸易 创造 效应和贸易替代效应。

  • The results show that as for Hong Kong the net trade creation effect is positive though a small amount .

    分析结果表明,对于香港来说,净 贸易 创造 效应为正,但是数额较小。

  • Complementary effects on trade investment mainly for investment in the trade creation effect as well as other investments in complementary effect of trade .

    投资对贸易的互补效应主要表现为投资的 贸易 创造 效应以及其他的投资的贸易补充效应。

  • Joining the trade group can produce trade creation effect and increase bilateral trade flows .

    加入贸易集团能产生 贸易 创造 效应,增加双边贸易流量。

  • By now we have made outstanding achievements . Meanwhile the trade creation effect of foreign direct investment is obviously shown in China especially for the export .

    与此同时,外商直接投资对东道国 贸易 创造 效应在我国得到了很好的表现,尤其在出口方面;

  • Based on Viner 's concept of trade creation and trade diversion Kindleberger put forword investment creation and investment diversion to analyze the static effect of FDI in regional integration .

    金德尔伯格在瓦伊纳“贸易创造”和“ 贸易转移”的基础上提出了“投资转移”和“投资 创造”,分析了区域一体化中FDI的静态 效应