trade route

[treid rut][treid ru:t]


  • The camel was the major form of transportation tool on the ancient trade route during the Tang Dynasty .

    在古 丝绸路上,唐代的交通工具主要是骆驼。

  • Several centuries ago Chinese and Latin American merchants opened what we called the Maritime Silk Road forming an important trade route between the eastern and western hemispheres .

    早在几个世纪前,中拉贸易使者就开辟了海上丝绸之路,成为联系东西两个半球的重要 贸易 通道

  • Some scholars suggest that in the last two or three centuries bc India lost its traditional sources of supply of precious metals when nomadic tribes cut the trade route northwards from India through Bactria to siberia .

    一些学者认为,公元前2或3世纪,印度失去了传统贵金属资源的来源,当时游牧部落切断了从印度经巴克特里亚到西伯利亚的北上 贸易 线路

  • Adding to its significance the area was also on the trade route from Huang He Valley to foreign countries of the southwest especially India .

    更重要的是,该地区还是黄河流域通往西南各国特别是印度的 贸易 通道

  • On the Condition of Optimal Traveling and Trade Route

    关于最优旅行 路线问题的条件

  • It connects the famous Huirao trade route .

    它连接的是著名的徽饶 古道

  • They have listened to guides and heard the team talking about the Silk Road and they learnt that the Romans the Parthians and the Byzantine empires all sought to control this important trade route .

    他们听取了指导,并听有关人员谈论着丝绸之路。据说罗马人,帕提亚人和拜占庭帝国他们全都试图控制这条重要的 贸易 通道

  • Since then traffic along what we called the new Silk Road – the reincarnation of what had been the world 's dominant trade route during the Middle Ages – has reached a new level of intensity .

    此后,在我们称之为新丝绸之路上的贸易流量,达到了新的水平。新丝绸之路是中世纪全球主要 贸易 通道的再现。

  • It was located not far from Capernaum on the great trade route that led from the East to the Mediterranean .

    玛窦所在的税关离葛法翁很近,座落在从远东通往地中海区域的 贸易 大道上。

  • He explored the way to the west and in this way opened the trade route between China and the west i.e.the Silk Road .

    张骞历尽千辛万苦,不辱使命,探明了汉朝通往西方的道路,在此基础上开通了中西 交通 商路&丝绸之路。

  • The silk Road was the trade route between China and Europe in Ancient times .

    丝绸之路是古代联接中国与欧洲的 贸易 走廊

  • Brody plays Tiberius who wants to gain control over the ' silk road ' - the overland trade route from China to the West .

    布罗迪扮演的提比略想要获得丝绸之路从中国到西方的陆上 贸易 航线的控制权。

  • Most of these vessels will be designed for the Europe-Asia run & now the world 's busiest trade route .

    这些油轮中的大多数都是为了现在世界上最为繁忙的航线&欧洲-亚洲 航线而建造。

  • The author discussed the Fengtai operetta from three aspects namely the name Jiangnan the trade route which is the play road .

    笔者从名称说,江南说, 商路即戏路之说三个方面来探讨凤台小戏的起源。

  • First the obvious trade route .

    首先,显而易见的是 贸易 线

  • The exhibit explores the Arabian Peninsula 's past as a trade route for one of the most valuable commodities of the ancient world - incense .

    这次的展览探究了阿拉伯半岛的过去。熏香是古时最为珍贵的商品之一,而阿拉伯半岛则是熏香 商贸 必经之地。

  • Named for the ancient trade route the plan would offer an economic boost to Afghanistan and its neighbors by bolstering trade across South and Central Asia .

    这项以古代 贸易 路线命名的计划,将通过推动南亚和中亚的贸易而促进阿富汗及其邻国的经济。

  • The trade route is ours guaranteed by treaty with the king .


  • Chapter Eight analyses the influences and significance of the Jin-Meng Former Grain-Oil Trade Route .

    第八章分析了晋蒙粮油 故道的影响与历史地位。

  • The trade route of the Chinese and Arab traders was called Silk Road .

    中国和阿拉伯商人的这 贸易 路线被称为“丝绸之路”。

  • Situated on the ancient trade route between Central Asia and northern Europe Novgorod was Russia 's first capital in the9 th century .

    诺夫哥罗德是中亚 通往北欧的古代 贸易 要道,也是9世纪时俄国的第一个首都。

  • Chapter Seven is about the decline of the former trade route .

    第七章论述 粮油 故道的衰落。

  • It is inspired by the historical of traditions of culture exchange along ancient trade route the Silk Road which connected East and West .

    这个计划是从历史传统的在古代 贸易 通道,连接东西方的丝绸之路上的文化交流而来的灵感。

  • Causing the good trade led Chinese Liaodong shipping industry promoted the trade route economy prosperity also had stimulated the North Korean handicraft industry the animal husbandry development satisfied the partial commodity demand of North Korean .

    使行贸易带动了中国辽东运输业的兴起,促进了 商路经济的繁荣;也刺激了朝鲜手工业、畜牧业的发展,满足了朝鲜方面对部分商品的需求。

  • Come to roam along the ancient trade route imagine its apex in the history and experience the mystique and romance of the Silk Road .

    漫游于古 贸易路上,畅想其繁荣历史,体验丝绸之路的神秘与浪漫。

  • From 1620s to 1660s in many trade networks with Batavia being the center the trade route of Taiwan-Batavia was the lifeline of the Dutch East India Company .

    17世纪2060年代,在以巴达维亚为中心的众多贸易网络中,台湾巴达维亚为主的 贸易 航线是荷兰东印度公司贸易的生命线。

  • Through interpreting the changes of trade route the advances of transportation and the new economic zone in modern times the thesis discusses the root causes of the decline of Linqing customs post and then explores the patterns of the location rise and fall of Linqing .

    通过对近代以来 商路变迁的情况、交通工具的进步、新的经济区的阐释,探讨了临清钞关衰落的根源,进而探索临清区位兴衰的规律性问题。

  • How the Yuan Dynasty porcelain trade route which is the most important areas in the steppe grasslands of northern China Silk Road .

    元代的瓷器 贸易有多 线路,其中最为重要的是位于中国北方草原地带的草原丝绸之路。

  • An arm of the Mediterranean between Greece and turkey ; a main trade route for the ancient civilizations of Crete and Greece and Rome and persia .

    位于希腊和土耳其之间的地中海的海湾;在克利特岛和希腊以及罗马和波斯的古文明中的一个主要的 商用 航路