trade union federation

[treid ˈjunjən ˌfɛdəˈreʃən][treid ˈju:njən ˌfedəˈreiʃən]

[法] 工会联合会

  • Article 13 The establishment of a primary trade union local all-level federation of trade unions or a national or local specific industry trade union must be reported to the trade union organization at the next highest level for approval .

    第十三条基层 工会、地方各级 工会、全国或者地方产业工会组织的建立,必须报上一级工会批准。

  • Workers in China can join a trade union but it has to be a branch of the official All-China Federation of trade unions which is affiliated to the Communist Party .

    在中国,工人可以加入 工会,但必须是“中华全国总 工会”下面的工会。

  • The fund shall be used by the trade union in accordance with the Managerial Rules for the Trade Union Funds formulated by the All China Federation of Trade Unions .

    合营公司工会按照中华中国 工会制定的《 工会经费管理办法》使用工会经费。

  • And before the semester began the trade union federation sent a letter to the students hoping them to report on their studies to their helpers .

    在这之前, 联合 协会已经给受帮助的学生发去了信件,希望他们能向他们的捐助者报告他们的学习的情况。

  • Palestine Trade Union Federation

    巴勒斯坦 工会 联合

  • But the Changde protest was unusual in that it involved the head of the official store union an affiliate of the tightly controlled All China Federation of Trade Unions .

    然而,常德纠纷的不同寻常之处在于,它涉及沃尔玛门店 工会主席,该工会是受到严密控制的中华全国总工会(AllChina Federation of TradeUnions)的分支机构。