


  • a fur trader .


  • Market traders display an exotic selection of the island 's produce .

    集市上的 商贩 出了一系列具有异域风味的该岛农产品以供选择。

  • Now that Chinese trader owns a shopping centre here and I am driving him around .

    如今,这位中国 商人在这里拥有了一座购物中心,而我为他开车。

  • Too often systems are released that are the product of a developer and not a trader .

    往往发布系统是一个开发的产品,而不是一个 商人

  • If a trader has borrowed a stock that is subsequently halted he cannot complete the trade .

    如果 交易员借入了一只随后被停牌的股票,他就不可能完成交易。

  • They now have the trader in which you can now put things in there on consignment .

    他们现在的 交易中,您现在可以将有问题的东西托运。

  • China has now become the sixth largest economy and the fourth largest trader in the world .

    中国在世界上现在变成了第六大经济和第四大 贸易商

  • The last time I bought from a market trader I was given rotten fruit from the back of the pile .

    上次我在集市上买东西, 小贩 卖给我的是从水果堆后面拣出的烂水果。

  • This is the logic of the hard-core trader and momentum investor .

    这就是中坚 交易员和动量投资者的逻辑。

  • Credit is everything to a trader .

    信用对于 商人 来说 至关重要

  • This chapter on technical analysis shows how one trader goes about analyzing markets .

    本章谈技术分析,会告诉你一个 交易者是如何分析市场的。

  • The trader was obstinate in the negotiation .

    这个 商人在谈判中拗强固执。

  • He 's a big-time commodities trader .

    他是个成功的期货 交易商

  • I know one trader who follows scientific forecasting and makes a success .

    我知道一个 交易者他跟随着科学的预测并使自己获得了成功。

  • Father 's a bond trader mother works in international banking .

    父亲是一个债券 交易员,母亲在国际银行工作。

  • This trader persuaded me into buying his goods .

    这个 商人说服我买了他的货物。

  • traders at the Stock Exchange .

    证券交易所的 交易

  • Mr. Smith is a trader who does Sino-American business .

    史密斯先生是一个 从事中美贸易的 商人

  • If you change these rules you change the type of trader that succeeds .

    如果你改变了这些规定,你就改变了能够获得成功的 交易员类型。

  • His father is a market trader selling fruit and vegetables .

    他的父亲是一个集市 商人,出售水果和蔬菜。

  • Me and this other woman were total outcasts a trader named Tracy told Roth .

    一位名叫特蕾西(Tracy)的 交易员对罗斯说:我和这里的另一位女雇员完全被遗弃了。

  • What is the risk aversion of the trader or client ?


  • It is developed by a Russian trader who has had considerable experience in profiting from the markets .

    它是由一名俄罗斯 商人,谁拥有了相当丰富的经验,在从市场中获利。

  • And finally we list the trader types and their potential for success in the markets .

    最后我们会列出 交易者类型和他们在市场中成功交易的潜力。

  • He went to Africa as a trader .

    他去非洲当 商人了。(他到非洲去经商)。

  • They might just be getting it right at last said one trader in Singapore .

    他们可能只是最终做了正确的事情。新加坡的一位 交易员表示。

  • Change the type of trader making up a market and you change its level of instability .

    改变了组成市场的 交易员类型,你就改变了市场的稳定程度。

  • Take for instance a trader who sells short the stock of a company he feels is being mismanaged .

    举例来说,某位 交易员卖空了某公司的股票,因为他觉得那家公司经营不善。