


  • The results show that : Husband hold the concept of traditionalism which will increase the work-family conflict of both spouses .

    研究数据和结果分析显示:丈夫所持有的 传统性观念会增加夫妻双方的工作家庭冲突;

  • In the period of social transition in modern times Hakka Folk Songs had gone through the change from traditionalism to modernity .

    近代社会转型时期,客家山歌也经历了由 传统 获得现代性的变迁过程。

  • In the first part we used the correlational method to explore the relationship between the thinking style of Chinese and their traditionalism and modernism .

    研究分两部分:第一部分用相关研究的方法探讨思维方式与中国人的 传统 与现代性的关系;

  • In the second part we designed a situation questionnaire which reflects traditionalism and modernism to measure people 's attitude to birth and to examine how their thinking style affects them .

    第二部分设计了一个能够反映 中国 传统 和现代 的情境问卷,通过测量人们的生育态度,来进一步 证实思维方式对 传统 和现代性的影响。

  • Unmarried couples gravitated toward big cities such as New York Chicago Los Angeles and San Francisco while the farm states in the Great Plains and rural communities of the Midwest and West remained bastions of traditionalism according to the survey .

    调查显示,不婚夫妇多居住在纽约、芝加哥、洛杉矶和旧金山这样的大城市,大平原农业州和中西部、西部农村的人们则倾向于保持 传统 婚姻

  • All of the Chinese modern thought learning and literature strove for their own position to realize the change from the traditionalism to modernism .

    现代中国的思想、学术和文学都在努力争得自己的位置,实现从 传统向现代的转变。

  • On Traditionalism of Western Modern Visual Art

    西方现代视觉艺术的 传统

  • Wife hold the concept of traditionalism which will increase the work-family conflict of herself but decrease the husband 's work-family conflict .

    妻子所持有的 传统观念 虽然会增加自己的工作家庭冲突,却能够减少丈夫的工作家庭冲突。

  • The so-called divinity is the traditionalism the God is the ancestors .

    所谓神性就是 传统 ,所谓神就是祖先。

  • The conflict of globalization modernization and traditionalism will have a negative impact for the development of the feminist movement .

    全球化、现代化和 传统 主义的冲突将对女权运动的发展产生不利的影响。

  • To this difficult situation New Liberalism and New Traditionalism which are prevailing over in America and Britain are providing their own reflections .

    目前在欧美流行的新自由主义和新 传统 主义对上述问题提出了各自的思考。

  • Comparison Educational schools of the New Traditionalism

    传统 主义教育流派比较研究

  • 1920s especially May 4th movement is the furious time against traditionalism and moral warfare between old and new .

    道德 碰撞与历史的 进步 & 辛亥 革命时期反对旧道德、 提倡新道德的斗争1920年代尤其是五四时期是激烈的反 传统 主义的时期,也是新旧道德斗争最为激烈的时期。

  • Anti traditionalism unity of revolution and reconstruct and uncompromising staunchness and effectivity as its three characteristics are summed up by analysis and induction .

    其次,通过分析,归纳总结了陈独秀反 传统 主义 思想具有的反孔 排儒、破立统一、毫不妥协的坚定性和强烈感情倾向等三大特征;

  • Traditionalism does not necessarily mean a slavish adherence to things of the past .

    传统 主义未必意味着一味 抱残守缺

  • The Integration of Traditionalism and Post-modernism in Haruki Murakami 's Novels

    论村上春树小说 传统 与后现代性的融合

  • In the 19th Century American judicial system was caught in a fix between traditionalism and pragmatism as the society was undergoing changes .

    19世纪的美国处于社会转型时期,其司法界面 传统 主义与实用主义的两难 选择

  • Its cultural and ideological system includes humanism moralism and traditionalism .

    传统 主义

  • The concept of traditionalism through individual interaction and crossover between husband and wife affect the depression of partner .

    夫妻 传统观念通过个体 内部和夫妻之间交互影响的 途径,进而影响到夫妻双方的抑郁 水平

  • Without the stuffy traditionalism of many of his peers .

    没有他众多的同辈们那种陈腐的 传统 主义 思想