traffic channel

[ˈtræfɪk ˈtʃænəl][ˈtræfik ˈtʃænl]


  • Chapter 6 further investigates resource allocation in OFDM DAS with introducing both user and traffic dynamics to system and channel model .

    第6章继续研究OFDMDAS系统资源分配问题,但系统与 信道模型中引入了用户及 业务的动态性。

  • After completion of the simulation testing of each individual module data these modules are linked into a complete simulation model of physical traffic channel .

    在完成每个独立模块数据仿真测试之后,将这些模块链接成一个完整的物理 业务 信道仿真模型。

  • Traffic Performance for Multi Channel Access Cordless Telephone

    信道接续无绳电话的 话务性能

  • By simulations the typical channel assignment schemes fixed channel assignment ( FCA ) traffic adaptive dynamic channel assignment ( TA DCA ) and IA DCA are compared and the results validate the analytical approach .

    通过对固定信道分配(FCA)、 话务 自适应动态 信道分配(TADCA)和IADCA的仿真,比较了各信道分配方案的容量。

  • Hence one can reduce the CDP of real time traffic by reducing the channel occupation of non-real time traffic .

    因此,可以通过减少非实时 业务所占 信道数,增加其传输时延,来降低实时业务切换失败率。

  • Traffic over the D channel employs the Link Access Procedure on the D Channel ( LAPD ) protocol .

    在D通道上的 流量须应用在D 通道上的链路存取程序(LAPD)之协定。

  • The effects of buffer threshold traffic load and channel grouping on system performance are investigated .

    研究了缓冲阈值、 业务量及 信道成组技术对系统性能的影响。

  • Driver is the primary factor that triggers traffic accident in the communications system and the most important approach to obtain traffic information is via vision channel .

    道路交通系统中,驾驶员是引发交通事故的首要因素,而驾驶员最重要的 交通信息获取 途径是视觉。

  • It illustrates the concept and identification of virtual channel the mapping relation between virtual channel and traffic class and virtual channel arbitration .

    详细阐述了虚拟通道的概念、识别,虚拟通道和 流量归类的映射对应关系以及虚拟 通道的仲裁。

  • Research of the Through Capacity and Traffic Organizational Model in Main Channel of Large Sea Harbor

    大型海港进港主 航道通过能力及 交通组织模式研究

  • Only by improving traffic channel information channel and the construction of the logistics channel completely change its transport facilities uninformed logistics barriers and flow situation is not busy .

    只有加强 交通 通道、信息通道和物流通道的建设,彻底改变其交通不便、信息不灵、物流不通、人流不旺的局面。

  • An underwater blasting to explode the submerged reefs was performed in the condition of heavy traffic on the main channel .

    在主 航道 交通繁忙的条件下进行水下爆破以炸除拦门礁。

  • First the scheduler is applied to the point-to-multipoint ( PMP ) scenario and the operation of scheduler in the presence of various types of traffic and channel conditions is evaluated .

    首先,此种调度机制适用于点对多点的场景,作者在多类 业务 信道条件下对此调度控制机制进行了研究。

  • One subscriber traffic model and dynamic channel allocation policy in coaxial networks is discussed .

    接着提出了一个用户 业务模型假设,讨论了同轴电缆网 信道的动态分配问题。

  • A Method for Analyzing and Designing Traffic of Signalling Channel on Mobile Telephone Systems

    移动电话系统中信令 信道 业务 的分析及设计方法

  • From the case of Hunan Traffic channel the author explored its inspiration and significance .

    文章同时以湖南 交通 频道实施品牌策略的成功个案为典型进行了实证研究。

  • Aiming at the requirement of the port channel traffic management this paper discusses the use of VTS systems for security monitoring of vessel traffic and the channel buoys .

    针对目前港口航道交通管理的要求,探讨如何利用VTS系统对 航道船舶 交通和浮标实施有效的安全监控。

  • Analyze the system protocol of CDMA and its applications and complete the call processing of forward traffic channel .

    分析了各个信道的协议处理、呼叫流程,并实现了前向 业务 信道的呼叫处理流程。

  • The Performance Analysis of Traffic Channel Encoding and Decoding of Digital Trunking System

    数字集群系统 业务 信道编解码性能研究

  • Therefore the research on the reverse link especially on the reverse traffic channel is significant .

    所以,研究反向链路尤其是反向 业务 信道具有很大的实用价值。

  • Its reverse channel is composed of access channel and traffic channel .

    其反向链路有接入信道和反向 业务 信道组成。

  • This text starts with traffic cases of traffic topic from Traffic channel of Hunan radio station analyzes many kinds of tactics to mould brand column of radio .

    本文从湖南 交通 频道《交通话题》的个案入手,解析了塑造品牌栏目的多种手法。

  • Optimal design method of bicycle lanes is given on the base of the study of domestic and foreign bicycle traffic channel methods .

    在研究国内外自行车 交通 化设计方法的基础上,给出了自行车道渠化设计优化方法。

  • The best-effort service of traditional IP network cannot satisfy the needs of real-time multimedia traffic . Wireless channel is time-variant susceptible and inefficient and these disadvantages bring great challenge for wireless Internet providing QoS guarantees to multimedia transmission .

    传统IP网尽力而为的服务方式早已不能满足众多多媒体实时性 业务的需求,加上无线 信道本身低效、时变、易受干扰等缺点,给异构网中视频传输的QoS保障带来了巨大的挑战。

  • This paper discusses a method of analyzing traffic of signalling channel . Specifically it presents a method of designing signalling channel working with queuing model .

    本文讨论信令 系统 业务 的分析方法,重点论述采用排队等待方式工作时,设计信令信道的方法。

  • In this thesis a MATLAB simulation of forward traffic channel was implemented according to the physical layer specification of the IS-95 CDMA system .

    本文按照IS-95CDMA系统的物理层规范实现了前向 业务 信道的MATLAB仿真。

  • And then particularly presents the implementation process of reverse traffic channel rate control mechanism by maths model and explains that the control mechanism can improve reverse rate according to the theory .

    接着从数学模型的角度较为详细地介绍了反向 业务 信道速率控制机制的具体实现过程,并且从理论上说明了控制机制会明显提高反向速率。

  • The algorithm introduces scheduling probability as the decision-making factor designs resource allocation method that integrate pre-allocation and on-line scheduling based on decision-making factor using the cross-layer information of traffic and channel .

    该算法引入调度概率作为决策因子,利用 业务 流量 信道状态等跨层信息,设计出基于决策因子的预分配和实时调度相结合的资源分配方法。

  • This scheme effectively reduces packets delay and packets drop because of the real-time traffic meanwhile enhances throughput of real-time traffic satisfied with different channel load .

    这种机制能够有效减少由于实时传输带来的分组延时,增加满足不同 信道负载和 带宽要求的数据 的吞吐率。