trade custom

[treid ˈkʌstəm][treid ˈkʌstəm]


  • With the entry of China into World Trade Organization ( WTO ) it not only brings great changes to the economic and social development but much influence to the people 's living thought behavior custom and psychology and so on .

    中国正式加入 WTO,这不仅使我国社会经济发展出现深刻的变化,而且将极大影响并冲击人们的生活方式、思维模式、思想行为、 文化 习俗及社会心理等。

  • The forms of green barrier are discussed in the sense of legal source as international environment treaty environment regulations in mutual trade agreement domestic environment law and international environment custom .

    最后从法律渊源的角度探讨了绿色壁垒的表现形式,介绍了国际环境公约、多边 贸易协定中的环境规则,国内法、国际 惯例等绿色壁垒的四种主要的法律渊源。

  • Scholars put up with trade creation and trade diversion concepts which could be used to measure the advantages and disadvantages of custom union . Furthermore the positive effects of trade terms scale economies and imperfect competition on establishing custom union were clarified .

    它促使理论界提出了用以判断关税同盟利弊的贸易创造效应和贸易转向效应,阐明了 贸易条件、规模经济和不完全竞争因素在建立 关税同盟方面的积极作用。

  • His investigate contents are made up of natural geography environment scale appearance layout trade house transportation evolution and development changes custom and feeling .

    考察的内容主要包括治所城市的自然地理环境,规模、形态、布局, 商贸、民居、交通,沿革变迁、 风物 民情

  • The historic value article value and economical value converge at the traditional environment it contained not only the physical conformation such as commercial construction historical ruins but also the spiritual conformation such as conventional trade custom and historical origin .

    它不仅包括商业建筑和历史遗迹等物质形态,还包括城市的 商业 文化传统、历史渊源等精神内容。

  • At same time the development of Jining 's economy brought up the booming of the commodity trade of around areas and the changes of the folk custom .

    同时,济宁经济的发展,也带动了周边地区商品 贸易的繁盛和民俗 民风的变化。

  • The Misreporting of External Trade and Shortcomings of Capital Control of China : the Truth Custom Statistics Shows

    进出口 伪报与中国资本控制的缺陷& 海关统计数据揭示的事实

  • Analyze the Trade Issue of Gray Custom Clearance to Sino-Russia

    解析中俄 贸易中的灰色 清关问题

  • To change the status of the development of foreign trade system China began to set up other types of custom special supervised areas such as export processing zones bonded logistics park .

    为改变 外贸体制发展状况,我国开始设置其它类型的 海关特殊监管区域,如出口加工区、保税物流园区等。

  • The dissertation is including four parts : city-construct politics administration external trade and local custom .

    本文将从欧洲人对广州城市建置、行政管理、 贸易状况和市厘 风俗四个方面的记载展开研究。

  • Recently a new identity recognition method based on the character of human eyes has been used in network trade bank and custom . In this paper the author discusses the key technique of iris recognition texture encoding of iris .

    利用人眼特征进行身份识别的技术作为新兴的身份鉴定方法已开始用于网络 交易、银行、 海关等机构,本文就人眼身份识别的关键技术&虹膜纹理编码进行了讨论。

  • The suggestions are also given for enhancing the administration of Guangzhou Free Trade Zone unifying and standardizing its regulations improving its custom efficiency the unification and coordination of the tax and foreign currency policies strengthening the information application establishing efficient and convenient logistic platform .

    并从提高 保税区管理层次,统一规范保税区政策,提高 货物 进出保税区的 通关效率,相关外汇及税务政策协调统一,加强信息化水平,建立高效便捷的物流平台等方面提出相应的政策建议。

  • Free trade area can cause trade creation instead of trade diversion more possibly than custom union which provides theoretical foundation for East Asia economy unification to choose free trade area .

    自由贸易区相比 关税同盟更可能使贸易创造大于 贸易转移,这为东亚经济一体化选择自由贸易区形式提供了理论依据。

  • Great changes in international politics economy trade finance transportation and other fields have taken place in recent twenty years which affects the custom 's work directly and indirectly .

    近20多年来,国际政治、经济、 贸易、金融和运输等领域发生了重大的变化,直接或间接地影响着 海关的工作。

  • The Enlightenment From Sixteen Liangs & to Consider the Principles of Market Trade by the Custom of Steelyard

    十六两的启示&从秤 看市场 交易原则

  • On the transition from Guild in Qing Dynasty to Trade Council in the Republic of China ; The Commercial Quarrel between Chinese and Foreign People Which Caused the Change of Commercial Custom Law in the Late Qing Dynasty

    从清代行会到民国 同业公会行规的变化:以习惯法的视角华洋商事纠纷与晚清商事 习惯法嬗变

  • Therefore thinking these following questions through is necessary : trade usage should refer to custom and customary law .

    由此,对以下诸多问题的深入思考就是必须的: 交易习惯应兼指 习惯和习惯法。

  • We also have our own transportation cars seaport warehouse airport warehouse air trade center custom declare center office and service windows .

    拥有 海运仓库、空运仓库,配有专用运输车队,在码头,机场,航交所、 报关大厅,设有办公场所和服务窗口。

  • With the development of modernized logistics and foreign trade in China the custom industry has become a professional and outstanding trade .

    随着我国的 外贸 出口业和物流业的发展, 报关行业从默默无闻逐渐成为一个专业而又引人注目的行业。

  • With the rapid development of global economic integration and trade liberalization the traditional tariff barriers have decreased gradually and the Green Trade Barrier ( GTB ) including green technical standard green custom and green allowance has become the main obstacle of foreign trade .

    随着全球经济一体化和贸易自由化的迅速发展,传统的关税壁垒日益缩减,以绿色技术标准、绿色 关税和绿色补贴为主要内容的绿色 贸易壁垒已经成为国际贸易发展的主要障碍。

  • It reviewed detailedly the trade reports ' variety and the effect that the trade reports of the neoteric custom of China brought to Chinese economic .

    该部分以 海关英文原版资料和《万国公报》、《农学报》上的中文资料为基础,对近代中国新海关贸易报告的种类和 贸易报告给中国经济带来的影响,作了详细考察。

  • So the key to improve the development of international trade is to adjust the ideas and custom in every country in order to make it consistent with these around the world .

    促进国际 贸易深入发展的关键在于调整各国的思想 习惯,使其与世界范围内的思想 习惯一致起来。

  • It separated from Civil Law which is the statute law and returned to its nature as a pure trade custom until the enacting of Chinese Real Right Law which makes the Dian right system mysterious .

    直至我国《物权法》的颁布,典制再次与作为制定法的民法相分离,而回归其纯然的 交易 习俗的性质,这无不给典权制度平添了几分神秘色彩。