trade discount

[treid ˈdɪsˌkaʊnt][treid ˈdiskaunt]


  • It be not to be consider a trade discount and will not be allow when bill be not pay on or before due date .

    对此 折扣,不再视为 贸易 折扣在到期日或到期日前,该支票未能兑现。

  • In China most industries are caught up in the excitement but in Hong Kong shares of mainland firms trade at a discount to those in their home markets .

    中国大陆的大部分上市企业已受到追捧,但是在香港上市的大陆企业的 股价却被 低估

  • Diversified firms often trade at discount with respect to their focused counterparts . Although there are many reasons it is an important cause that division manager 's rent seeking leads to resource misallocation .

    相对于业务集中的企业来说,多元化公司往往出现 市场价值贬损,尽管造成这一现象的原因多种多样,但部门经理寻租引致公司经理配置资源出现偏差,则是产生公司多元化 折价的重要根源之一。

  • Its reliance on wholesale distribution means that it has less control over its brand but its operating margins are three-quarters higher than Nike ' s. Its shares trade at a two-fifths discount to Li Ning .


  • People who work in the trade can buy their books at a discount .

    同行人购书可以 折扣

  • That is why high-interest currencies trade at a discount to their current or spot rate in forward markets .

    这就是为什么在远期合同中高利率货币 交易总是在现时 价格或点数上 折扣 原因了。

  • When the market yield is above its capped coupon rate a floating-rate security will trade at a discount .

    当市场利率高于利率上限时,浮动利率债券以 折价进行 交易

  • By building a model this paper confirms that diversified firms trade at discount and explores some important factors related to this discount phenomenon .

    文章基于这一思想,通过建立模型进行了深入分析,得出多元化公司往往出现 折价并给出了影响折价的一些重要因素。

  • He points out that a number of Chinese companies trade at a discount to their rivals in both the West and the East .

    他指出,许多中国企业的 股价都比 同行 便宜不管是东方还是西方的同行。

  • EOQ Models for Perishable Items with Variable Holding Cost Trade Credit and Cash Discount

    信用支付并混有现金 折扣的变库存费的变质物品的EOQ模型

  • As of Monday w_1292 we thought the succession issue had been resolved but now we expect it to drag on for a long time and for SJM to trade at a discount to its peers .

    就在周一,我们还以为继承问题已得到解决,但现在,我们预计此事将拖延很长一段时间,使澳博股价相对于 同行有一定 让。

  • Estimates of net asset value a share range from HK $ 136 to HK $ 151 so the shares at HK $ 92.60 trade at a hefty discount that has widened sharply since the arrests .

    其每股净资产预估在136港元至151港元之间,因此每股 92.60港元的价格,反映了自郭氏兄弟被捕以来已大幅扩大的

  • Denominated in US and Hong Kong dollars B-shares account for just 1 per cent of the A-share market but trade at an enticing 30-50 per cent discount to A-shares .

    以美元与港元计价的B股规模仅为A股市场的1%,但较A股却有着30%到50%的诱人 折价

  • 728 We usually deal on a 20 % trade discount basis with an additional quantity discount for orders over 1000 units .

    我们通常给予20%的 商业 折扣,外加订货1000件以上的数量折扣。

  • Brokerage CLSA says the shares of the conglomerate which also owns utilities should trade at a 45 per cent discount to its net asset value because of the mine .

    券商里昂证券(clsa)表示,由于中澳铁矿项目,这家还拥有公用事业机构的综合企业的 市值应较其资产净值有45%的

  • There be still a gap of 5 pence . will you give me a trade discount ?

    还有5便士的价格差距,您能否给我一点 同业 折扣

  • To bridge the gap in price we is prepare to offer you a trade discount of five percent .

    为弥合价格差距,我们准备给5% 同业 折扣

  • We are enclosing our price-list and terms of business in which you will find full details of our normal trade discount .

    随函附上价目表及交易条件,其中您可看到我们平常 交易 折扣的全部细节。

  • Bigger names in the sector trade at an average discount to net asset value of about a quarter compared with a two-fifths long-term average according to Credit Suisse .

    根据瑞信(creditsuisse)的研究,该板块大牌公司的 股价相对每股资产净值平均存在大约四分之一的 ,而长期的平均 幅度为五分之二。

  • Article7If any trade discount in selling goods is concerned the revenue incurred by selling goods shall be ascertained in accordance with the amount after the deduction of the trade discount .

    第七条销售商品涉及商业折扣的,应当按照扣除 商业 折扣后的金额确定销售商品收入金额。

  • And herein lies the opportunity for selective investors . For despite the very strong performance from the sector as a whole many natural resources stocks still trade at a discount to the market at large .

    对于有选择力的投资者而言,这正是机会之所在,因为尽管该 行业的整体表现非常强劲,但很多自然资源类股票的估值仍 低于整体市场水平。

  • The defect of the model of economic order quantity ( EOQ ) is that it lacks the trade discount .

    目前使用的经济订货量基本模型的缺陷是未考虑 商业 折扣

  • These shares trade at a discount to shares that do bear voting rights although there is a belief that the distinction will eventually be swept away .

    这类股票的 价格低于具有表决权的股票。但有一种观点认为,二者 差价最终会被填平。

  • As they put more money in the smaller pure-play companies that focused on one industry vertical big oil began to trade at a discount .

    随着投资者将资金注入小型、单一业务公司(专注于单一行业),大型石油公司的股票 交易就开始 折价

  • Obviously nothing to sneeze at but also not the sort of direction that should give Facebook total confidence in a $ 100 billion IPO value next year ( based on assumption that private markets typically trade at a 20-30 % discount to public comps ) .

    显然这个市值不可等闲视之,但从变化趋势来看,Facebook明年可能无法达到1000亿美元的首次公开募股(IPO)估值目标(基于私募市场 交易股价通常为上市股价的 20-30%的假设)。

  • Can you allow us some trade discount ?

    您能否给我们一点 同业 折扣