trade disease

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[法] 职业病

  • The IHR aim to limit interference with international traffic and trade while ensuring public health through the prevention of disease spread .

    《国际卫生条例》旨在尽可能限制对国际交通和 贸易带来干扰的同时,通过预防 疾病的蔓延来保证公共健康。

  • After entering into WTO with the development of poultry products trade the gap of disease detect technique will be stood out so we have lower international competition .

    我国加入WTO后,禽类产品 国际 贸易进一步增加,但 传染 病原检测技术上的差距在禽类产品检验检疫中表现得更为突出,使我国禽类产品贸易在国际竞争中处于劣势。

  • Large-scale growth of travel and trade in recent years has increased the potential and opportunities for international disease spread .

    近年来旅行和 贸易的大规模增长增加了 疾病国际传播的可能和机会。

  • The center-outside theory the worsening terms of trade theory the Dutch disease and resource disaster all these reseal the paradox between natural resources arid economic development .

    从中心-外围论、 贸易条件恶化论、 荷兰病到资源诅咒论等也均揭示出资源禀赋与经济发展之间的悖论。

  • The major impacts at the macro level are trade prohibition and trade restrictions and we get conclusions that under discriminatory and non-discriminatory SPS measures on animal disease control the impacts to Chinese poultry exports have different levels .

    在宏观上的主要影响是:贸易禁止和 贸易限制,得到歧视性和非歧视性SPS动物 疫病管制措施下,我国家禽产品出口的影响程度不同的结论。

  • Virus isolation ( only semen ) and neutralization test were specified as the prescribed methods for EVA diagnosis during international trade . But those methods require higher detection technology and longer detection cycle which is harmful to the prevention and control of the disease .

    马病毒性动脉炎国际 贸易指定诊断方法为病毒分离(仅精液)和中和试验,这两种诊断方法检测技术要求高、检测周期长,不利于对该 的快速应对和防控。

  • An Serological Detection on Immunity and Infection Against Four Pig Diseases Causing Reproductive problems in Gansu province IMPACT OF PIG DISEASES ON PORK TRADE AND ITE LESSON FOR CHINA & A CASE STUDY OF FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE IN TAIWAN

    甘肃省四种母猪繁殖障碍性疫病抗体血清学检测生猪疫病对猪肉 贸易的影响及对中国的启示&来自台湾的口蹄 案例

  • An oral antiviral drug ( trade name Zovirax ) used to treat genital herpes ; does not cure the disease but relieves the symptoms .

    一种用来治疗生殖器疱疹的口服药( 商标是瑞 爱克斯);不能治愈但是能减轻症状的药。

  • Global trade has implications in terms of potential foodborne disease or other contaminated goods .

    全球 贸易与潜在的食源性 疾病或其他受污染的物品密切有关。

  • Economists attribute resources curse to the fall of trade term Dutch disease or insufficient investment in human capital .

    经济学家将原因归结为 贸易条件的恶化、 荷兰病或人力资本的投资不足等。

  • As economic globalization and swiftly and violently increasing of international trade volume of animal and animal products countries attach importance to the risk of transmission of animal disease by trade .

    随着经济全球化及动物和动物产品国际 贸易量迅猛增长,由贸易引起动物 疫病传播的风险越来越引起各国重视。

  • Workers trade their value for engagement so enterprises which have a dominant position to workers should assume main liability for prevention and treatment of occupational disease .

    劳动者以劳动力换取企业的雇佣,企业对劳动者形成支配地位,应当承担起职业 防治的主体责任。

  • Impact of pig diseases on pork trade and ite lesson for china & a case study of foot and mouth disease in Taiwan

    生猪疫病对猪肉 贸易的影响及对中国的启示&来自台湾的口蹄 案例

  • During the process of economic development substantial theoretical disputes such as the resource curse core-periphery theory deteriorating trade terms theory Dutch Disease have been proposed to reveal the paradox about the natural resource and economic progress .

    在世界各国的发展实践和理论探讨中,不断出现资源诅咒的噪音,中心&外围论、 贸易条件恶化论、 荷兰病及资源诅咒等均揭示出资源禀赋与经济发展之间的悖论。