


  • Effect of high molecular weight tractive agent on the property of montmorillonite / polypropylene compound material

    高分子 牵引剂对纳米蒙脱土与聚丙烯复合材料性能的影响

  • Design of Tractive Characteristic Test-bed of Planetary Rover Wheel

    行星探测车车轮 牵引特性试验台设计

  • Braking forces and tractive forces are taken into considerations in case of single-track traffic .

    考虑单线行车时的制动力或 牵引力。

  • Tractive force chart Road vehicles & Semi trailer fifth wheel mounting

    牵引 力图-汽车的GB/T13880-1992半挂 牵引牵引座的安装

  • Study on Dynamic Characteristics of High Speed Tractive Elevator and Its Simulation Software Development ; Research on the Property of Mechanics of Piezoelectric and Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shells

    高速 曳引电梯动态性能与虚拟仿真平台的研究压电与功能梯度圆柱壳的力学特性研究

  • Contact stress anslysis of rotary-support component under tractive rolling contact

    回转支承构件 牵引滚动接触应力解析

  • Tractive force-current characteristic curve


  • Study on the Correlation Coefficient between Deep-shovel 's Key Parameters and Tractive Resistance with Path Coefficient

    通径系数法研究深松铲关键参数与 牵引阻力的关系

  • See the following table for the installation capacity of tractive rectification units of each tractive substation .

    各牵引变电所 牵引整流机组安装容量见下表。

  • Effect of Tyre Tread Element upon Tractive Characteristic of Wet Film Covered Tyre

    胎面单元对轮胎薄膜湿 牵引性能的影响

  • Test lorry fitted with instruments for recording the tractive power of motor vehicles towing them

    检测车,装有记录拖拉检测车的机动车辆 牵引的仪器

  • If tractive must be too tight easily make the arrest bat batch embrace dead may damage drive machine element but forfeit brake horse power very much ;

    如果 得太紧,容易使制动盘“抱死”,很可能损坏传动机件而丧失制动能力;

  • Dynamometer for measuring compression of tractive force

    功率计,测量 牵引力压力用

  • Method for calculating maximum tractive torque of tracked vehicle while steering

    履带车辆转向时最大 驱动力矩的计算

  • Design Principle for the Inner Cavity of One Sheet Slewing Hyperboloid of Axle Suspension Bush on Tractive Motor All points such as ?? and ?? lie on a surface of two sheets .


  • Flexible lining shall be designed according to the method of allowable tractive force .

    应根据允许 引力方法设计柔性衬里。

  • Tow-to-sliver break spinning engine tractive force

    丝束牵切成条纺纱法发动机 牵引 机车 牵引

  • Design of tractive control system for mid-low speed mag-lev train

    中低速磁悬浮列车 牵引控制系统的设计

  • Probe into the High Resistance Grounding Problem in Tractive Power Supply System of Datong-Qinhuangdao Line

    大秦线 牵引供电系统高阻接地问题探讨

  • It is studied that the position of gravity center of a vehicle produces influence upon the tractive characteristics on loose ground .

    本文探讨了松散地面上,履带车辆的重心位置对 牵引性能的影响。

  • Many formulas appeared in literature since DuBoys ( 1879 ) presented his tractive force relation .

    自杜波阿(1879)提出他的 拖曳力关系式以来,文献中已经出现了许多公式。

  • Various grades of steel cords offer good running characteristics even with high tractive loads .

    各种类型钢丝芯保证其在高负载 传动中仍然保持良好的运转能力。

  • The Technology Research of the Diagnosis for Tractive Transformer in Electric Locomotive

    电力机车 牵引变压器故障诊断的技术研究

  • The study on positional space of rope tractive parallel mechanism was carried out in this paper .

    文中对绳 牵引并联机器人的位置空间进行了研究。

  • For highly cohesive sediment the critical tractive force becomes less significant .

    对于高粘性泥沙,临界 推移力就成为不重要的。

  • Research on the Tractive Impacts Among Structure oriented Organizational Innovation Technological Innovation and Organizational Performance ; tractive effort

    结构导向组织创新、技术创新与组织绩效的 牵引效应 牵引 牵引 作用挽力

  • Tractive power The addition of matter over this critical value would lead to the collapse of the star without limit because of the ever-increasing gravitational forces .

    牵引 牵引功率质量超过临界值时,增加着的引力将造成恒星的无限坍缩。

  • Tractive effort Action and reaction are opposite and equal .
