


  • You may drive the tractor .

    你可以开那 拖拉机

  • After a month of training he became equal to the work as a tractor driver .

    经过一个月的训练后,他能胜任 拖拉机驾驶员的工作了。

  • Methods are used in small wheeled tractor transmission assembly line better results are achieved .

    方法应用于小型轮式 拖拉机传动箱装配线中,得到了较好的实验结果。

  • The eastern tractor and locomotive is exactly a typical representative of this particular period of industrial development .

    而东方 拖拉机和火车头就是这一时期工业发展的典型代表。

  • He drove the tractor to his farm .

    他开 拖拉机去农场了。

  • A truck consisting of a tractor and a trailer together .

    包括一个 拖拉机和一个拖车两部分的卡车。

  • We painted the tractor red .

    我们把 拖拉机漆成了红色。

  • This tractor is the same type as those .

    拖拉机和那些 拖拉机的类型一样。

  • Pictured is a1917 Case traction engine which was the world 's first tractor model .

    图为1917年为例牵引引擎,这是世界上第一个 拖拉机模型。

  • In addition to the tractor we have acquired a new rice transplanter .

    除了 拖拉机,我们又添了一台插秧机。

  • A bird made a nest in the disused tractor .

    一只鸟在废弃的 拖拉机上做了个窝。

  • The tractor hauled the fertilizer away .


  • The farm employed a tractor driver and two general labourers .

    农场雇用了一名 拖拉机手和两名杂工。

  • The tractor operates on diesel oil .


  • Iron-ox is another name for tractor .

    铁牛是 拖拉机的别名。

  • You have to use your tractor .

    你只有用你的 拖拉机了。

  • Now they are replacing the tractor again .

    现在他们又开始代替 拖拉机了。

  • A sprayer hooked to a tractor can spray five gallons onto ten acres

    拖拉机 牵引的喷雾器可以将5加仑药水喷洒在10英亩田地上。

  • This is a tractor of the latest design .

    这是一 最新设计的 拖拉机

  • We have a tractor .

    我们有一 拖拉机

  • The tractor and Radio Control transmitter that allows the operator to control its movements .

    拖拉机和无线电控制发射机,让 商控制其运动。

  • Paul hooked his tractor to the car and pulled it to safety .

    保罗把自己的 拖拉机 在汽车上,然后把它拉到了安全的地方。

  • Small semitrailer and tractor . Angle of trailer is adjustable .

    小型半挂车和 牵引 。可调整挂车转角。

  • The quenching distortion of rear axle spiral bevel gear used in FLAT tractor is studied in this paper .

    研究了 菲亚特 拖拉机后桥大圆锥螺旋齿轮淬火变形规律,分析了原淬火压模存在的问题。

  • How 's the tractor coming ?


  • He is a tractor driver and what is more a good sportsman .

    他是一个 拖拉机手,而且是一名好运动员。

  • Why don 't I use the one out on the tractor ?

    我为什么不用 拖拉机外面的那一个?

  • This kind of tractor is easy to start .

    这种 拖拉机很容易发动。

  • It is made from steel tubes bicycle parts and a tractor tyre .

    据悉,此 现年29岁的沃特收集来的钢管、自行车组件和 拖拉机轮胎等拼装而成。

  • I hope I can drive the tractor like you do .

    我希望我能象你一样开 拖拉机