


  • OBJECTIVE To investigate the pathogenic and clinical characteristics of52 cases with lower respiratory tract infection caused by Chryseobacterium .

    目的探讨金黄杆菌属致下 呼吸道感染的病原学和临床特征。

  • So it 's necessary for you to be careful not to catch cold and other upper tract respiratory infections .

    因此, 患者一定注意防寒, 预防感冒和上 呼吸道感染等。

  • Conclusion Fiberoptic bronchoscopy is an important tool to diagnose and remove foreign bodies of the lower respiratory tract .

    结论纤支镜可作为对下 呼吸道异物诊断和钳取的重要工具。

  • Upper respiratory tract involvement often laryngeal edema caused by obstruction of death accounting for25 % .


  • Fresh fruits and vegetables are easily digested in the GI tract and do not cause systemic effects .

    新鲜水果和蔬菜很容易在GI 系统中消化并不会影响系统。

  • The main infection sites was respiratory tract the pathogen was main gram-negative bacilli and fungi .

    主要感染部位为 呼吸道,病原菌以革兰阴性杆菌和真菌为主。

  • Urinary tract infection can lead to a serious disease .


  • Foods are broken down in the digestive tract

    食物在消化 里分解。

  • The atmosphere is often highly irritating to the eyes and to the respiratory tract .

    大气常会刺激眼睛和 呼吸 系统

  • Objective To improve X-ray in diagnosis of newborn congenital digestive tract malformation .

    目的提高和普及新生儿先天性消化 畸形X线诊断水平。

  • They cleared large tracts of forest for farming logging and ranching .

    他们清除了 大片的森林以经营农耕、采伐与畜牧。

  • Outcomes included respiratory tract and other illnesses incidence rate ratios and vaccine effectiveness .

    结果包括 呼吸道和其它的疾病,发病率的比例和疫苗效价。

  • Water is ideal to flush the kidneys and the urinary tract .

    用水清洗肾脏和 尿道最理想 不过

  • Such as colds can trigger the upper respiratory tract infection .

    像感冒等上 呼吸道感染就能够引发此病。

  • They may also irritate the upper respiratory tract causing coughing choking and general debility .

    这些也能刺激上 呼吸道,引起咳嗽、窒息和全身虚弱感。

  • Monitoring cows frequently postpartum and early treatment of infection will prevent long-term damage to the reproductive tract .

    产后经常观察奶牛和感染的早期治疗将预防对奶牛的生殖 产生长期的损害。

  • A vast tract of land is ready for development


  • Abs tract : Algae removal has been a rather important issue in China 's water plants .

    在我国的 水厂中,藻类去除一直是一个比较重要的问题。

  • A B vitamin essential for the normal function of the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract .

    一种B类维生素,对于维持神经系统和胃肠 的正常功能起关键作用。

  • A cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract .

    感冒是上 呼吸道的感染。

  • That glass-and-plastic device is used to study how drugs and foods dissolve through the GI tract .

    那种玻璃和塑料装置被用来研究药物和食物在消化 内如何溶解。

  • These gut hormones are frequently peptides and regulate the movements and secretions of the alimentary tract .

    胃肠激素的化学本质是肽类,对消化 运动和分泌起调节作用。

  • Aim To study on several methods for diagnostic value of chlamydia infection of urogenital tract .

    目的探讨几种检测泌尿生殖 沙眼衣原体感染方法的临床诊断价值。

  • The most common side effects in clinical studies were upper respiratory tract infection sore throat and diarrhea .

    临床研究中最常见的副作用是上 呼吸道感染,喉咙痛和腹泻。

  • In the past nothing could grow on this tract of land .

    过去这块地不 立苗

  • She produced a feminist tract ' Comments on Birth-Control ' in 1930 .

    她1930年写了篇女性主义的 短文《论节育》。

  • If not treated : they can cause urinary tract infections .

    如果不治疗:可造成 尿道感染。

  • Researchers analyzed some 5000 doctor visits for sinus infections and 3000 visits for urinary tract infection .

    研究人员分析了5000例鼻窦感染和3000例 尿 感染的就诊案例。

  • Instruments developed at the hospital allow doctors to thread microscopic telescopes into the digestive tract .


  • Just a high fever and convulsions which results from a virus upper respiratory tract inflection .

    只是病毒性上 呼吸道感染引起的高烧和抽搐。