traction splint

[ˈtrækʃən splɪnt][ˈtrækʃən splɪnt]


  • The Biomechanics Research and Clinic Observation on Using Improved Rapid Traction Facility and Gesso Splint to Treat Fracture of Shank and Fibula

    改良快速 牵引架加石膏 夹板治疗胫腓骨骨折临床观察及生物力学研究

  • In the present study all the patients were treated with skeletal traction of olecranon combined with closed reduction and small splint external fixation .

    本组均采用尺骨鹰嘴 牵引为主,配合闭合复位、小 夹板 纸压 外固定治疗。

  • Clinical Observation on 42 Cases of Fracture of Femur in Inferior Extremity Treated by the Combination of Tibia Traction in Superior Extremity and Manipulative Reduction with External Fixation by Splint

    胫骨上端骨 牵引加手法复位 夹板外固定治疗儿童股骨下段骨折42例临床观察

  • Results The excellent rates were 13.63 % 44.14 % and 80 % in the skeletal traction plus splint fixation group the external supporter fixation group and the open reduction plus internal fixation group respectively . The total fine rate was 78.43 % in the 51 cases .

    结果本组优良率为78.43%(4051),骨 牵引+ 夹板 固定优秀率为13.63%(322),外固定支架优秀率为44.44%(49),手术切开复位内固定优秀率为80.00%(1620)。

  • 50 cases in control group were treated with traditional traction and splint immobilization .

    对照组50例采用传统的 牵引结合 手法 复位 夹板 固定

  • Treatment of tibial and fibular fractures with skin traction manipulation reduction and splint external fixation

    手法整复 夹板外固定治疗胫腓骨干骨折

  • RESULTS : Tension band pin was most stable with more bear the following group was cross pin traction . Plaster and splint was least unstable .

    结果张力带钢针最稳定,承载最大,其次是交叉钢针、 牵引、石膏 夹板 固定最差。

  • In the treatment group 153 patients ( 104 male 49 female ; the average age of ( 38.33 ± 8.4 ) years ranging in age from 21 to 65 years ) received skin traction manipulation reduction splint external fixation and Chinese herb on differentiation .

    年龄21~65岁,平均(38.33±8.40)岁;采用皮肤 牵引手法整复 夹板外固定加中药辨证论治。