transition state theory

[trænˈzɪʃən stet ˈθiəri][trænˈziʃən steit ˈθiəri]


  • With the combination of the DFT results and statistic thermodynamic formulism as well as the transition state theory the reaction constants for all the elementary reactions are estimated .

    将计算结果和统计热力学公式以及 过渡 理论相结合,估算了反应条件下所有基元反应的速率常数。

  • Using unified statistical theory ( UST ) and microcanonical variational transition state theory rate constants were calculated . The thermal rate constants from 300K to 1500K are in excellent agreement with the experiment results .

    采用统一统计理论计算了300K~1500K的共线型反应的速率常数,由微正则变分 过渡 计算了热反应的速率常数,得到与实验一致的结果。

  • In this paper the rate constant and equilibrium constant of the crack reaction of methyl silicane were obtained with the transition state theory and quantum chemistry calculation .

    本文采用 过渡 理论和量子化学计算方法,首次计算得到了甲硅烷裂解反应的速率常数和平衡常数,并对结果进行了讨论。

  • On the basis of the ab initio data the rate constants for each channel were evaluated using canonical variational transition state theory ( CVT ) with the small-curvature tunneling correction ( SCT ) method over the wide temperature range .

    在从头算的基础上,用变分 过渡 理论(CVT)加小曲率隧道效应(SCT)研究了各反应较宽温度范围内的速率常数。

  • The reaction rate constants have been calculated according to conventional transition state theory variational transition state theory and tunneling corrections respectively .

    根据传统 过渡 理论、变分过渡态理论及相应的隧道效应校正,计算了本重排反应的反应速率常数。

  • The rate coefficients of the rate-determining step of all the reaction channels have also been calculated using statistic thermodynamics and conventional transition state theory at 298 K.

    同时利用传统的 过渡 理论,计算了各反应通道在298K时,速控步骤的反应速率常数k(T)。

  • However for decades much practice shows that the transition state theory often biases with the experimental facts even in orders of magnitude .

    然而数十年来的研究表明,传统 过渡 理论与实验观测的速率往往有较大偏差,有时甚至产生数量级的差别。

  • The thermodynamic and kinetic studies have been carried out on the reaction of singlet CCl2 and ozone O3 at 200K - 2000K using statistic thermodynamics and Eyring transition state theory with Wigner correction on the basis of quantum chemistry .

    在量化计算的基础上运用统计热力学和Wigner校正的Eyring 过渡 理论研究了不同温度下单重态CCl2和臭氧O3反应的热力学及动力学性质。

  • The results show that the single-atom model is in good agreement with experimental data while the transition state theory has large deviation .

    结果表明单原子模型与实验数据符合较好,而 过渡 理论则存在较大偏差。

  • Three statistical treatments of transition state theory including conventional microcanonical variational and canonical variational transition state theory are given .

    本文给出了传统 过渡 理论、微正则变分 过渡态理论和正则变分过渡态理论的三种统计处理方法。

  • The rate constant was derived by application of transition state theory and compared with the data of reference . The results show that quantum chemistry is an effective method to study the reaction mechanism of trace elements and gas during coal combustion .

    采用经典 过渡 理论计算反应速率常数,并与文献数据进行比较,结果比较吻合,表明量子化学是研究汞等痕量元素与气体反应的机理和动力学、热力学参数的一种有效手段。

  • The potential energy surface & the physical model of the transition state theory

    势能面& 过渡 状态 理论的物理模型

  • In Chapter 2 introduces elementary theory and quantum chemistry computation methods which mainly contained the reaction surface crossing rules of the potential energy surfaces tradition transition state theory spin-orbit coupling mechanism rules for intersystem crossing and natural bond orbital theory .

    第二章简要地介绍了量子化学计算方法,主要包括量子化学基本理论和反应势能面、势能面相交与不相交规则、 过渡 理论和系间窜越的选择规则。

  • Variational Transition State Theory Studies on the Systems OCS CO_2 and CS_2

    变分 过渡 理论对OCS、CO2、CS2体系的研究

  • The first chapter describes the significance of alkane activation and transition metal organic chemistry . The second chapter provides an overview of the potential energy surface transition state theory density functional theory and natural bond orbital theory .

    第一章介绍了烷烃活化的意义和过渡金属有机化学,第二章概述了势能面、 过渡 理论、密度泛函理论和自然价键轨道理论。

  • To preparation of CNFs with well defined structures a proper reduction of the catalyst is very important . ( 5 ) The reaction scheme of CO disproportionation on iron catalyst is studied by using BOC and transition state theory .

    适宜的还原条件对可控结构CNFs的合成具有重要作用。(5)通过BOC 理论 过渡 理论计算,研究了Fe催化CO歧化制备CNFs的反应历程。

  • The aromatic transition state theory and it 's simple treating pericyclic reaction

    芳香 过渡 理论及其对周环反应的简化处理

  • The dissolution rate equations of quartz based on the transition state theory and surface reaction models are also introduced in the paper .

    最后,介绍了在 过渡 理论和表面反应模型基础上建立的石英溶解速率方程。

  • Energies of some optical transitions and the charge transfer transition are calculated based on the transition state theory .

    过渡 理论计算了部分光学跃迁和电荷转移跃迁的能量。

  • Finally the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters have been investigated based on the statistical thermodynamics and transition state theory .

    基于统计热力学方法和 Eyring的绝对反应速率 理论求得该反应的热力学和动力学参数。

  • The rate constants for the title reaction are calculated by canonical variational transition state theory ( CVT ) with small-curvature tunneling ( SCT ) correction in the temperature range 200 K ~ 2 000 K.

    利用正则变分 过渡 理论,结合小曲率隧道效应校正(CVT/SCT)方法计算了该反应的两个可行的反应通道在200K~2000K温度范围内的速率常数。

  • Summary of Application And Evolution of the Transition State Theory

    过渡 状态 理论的发展及应用综述

  • This essay has dicused about the physical model of the potential energy surface of the transition state theory in relation detail .

    本文较详细地讨论了 过渡 状态的势能面物理 模型

  • The reaction mechanism of8-dimethyl-7-methoxy-5-ethenyl-nonanenitrile oxide cycloaddition has been studied with the molecular orbital AM1 method and transition state theory .

    过渡 理论和AM1方法,对8-二甲基-7-甲氧基-5-烯-壬腈氧化物分子内环加成反应机理进行了研究。

  • Besides we used the classic transition state theory to calculate the rate constants of the seven channels . Compared with the experimental values the results show that the rate constants are in good agreement with experimental data .

    同时,用经典 过渡 理论计算了7条反应通道的速率常数,并与已有的实验数据进行比较,发现计算所得的反应速率常数与实验数据吻合较好。

  • On this basis the dynamical properties along the reaction path and CVT ( canonical variational theory ) rate constants with correction of tunneling effect are investigated by reaction path Hamiltonian theory and variational transition state theory .

    在此基础上,计算沿反应途径的动态学性质和正则变分 过渡 理论的速率常数,并进行隧道效应校正。

  • The mechanisms and rate constants of four hydrogen abstraction reactions of with CHa H O 3P w_1493 and OH are investigated by using ab initio molecular orbital theory and the variational transition state theory .

    用从头算方法和变分 过渡 理论研究了CH2O和CH3、H、O~3Pw_1532、OH等自由基吸氢反应的反应机理和速率常数。

  • According to the Arrhenius formula and the transition state theory some thermokinetic functions concerned can be calculated . According to the results obtained the growth and metabolism processes of the two strains of petroleum bacteria were analysed from the thermodynamics point of view .

    按阿仑尼乌斯公式和 过渡 理论计算得到有关热动力学函数,并根据所得结果对两种石油菌的生长代谢过程进行了热动力学分析。

  • Based on canonical variational transition state theory ( CVT ) and improved canonical variational transition state theory ( ICVT ) each reaction rate constants are calculated .

    用变分 过渡 理论(CVT)和改进的变分过渡态理论(ICVT),计算了这四个反应的速率常数。

  • Variational transition state theory for reaction rate of o ( ~ 3p ) + hi → oh + I

    变分 过渡 理论对O(~3p)+HI→OH+I反应速率常数的研究