transition zone


  • An analytical method is presented for predicting the elastic modulus of concrete with the inhomogeneous interfacial transition zone ( ITZ ) .

    提出了考虑不均匀 界面时混凝土弹性模量预测的解析法。

  • An area of soft wet low-lying land characterized by grassy vegetation and often forming a transition zone between water and land .

    沼泽,湿地多为青草覆盖的湿软的低地,常形成水区和陆区之间的 过渡 地带

  • Low-lying wet land with grassy vegetation ; usually is a transition zone between land and water .

    低位的覆盖杂草类植被的湿地;通常是陆地和水域的 交接 地带

  • According to the present experiment results the precision of all calculation correlations for resistance factor in transition zone and laminar zone was compared .

    根据已有的实验结果,分析比较了 过渡 和层流区各种阻力系数模型计算的准确性,以及各流型之间 过渡时的基本 变化 特征

  • The two varieties intergrade over a narrow transition zone .

    这两个变种在较窄的 过渡 地带有中间类型。

  • Application of prostate specific antigen density of transition zone in prostate cancer


  • Primary Study on Community Character of the Parasite Natural Enemy Insects in Desert Transition Zone and Its Adjoining Cotton Field

    荒漠 过渡 与相邻棉田寄生性天敌昆虫群落特征研究初报

  • Her in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in ancient Chinese civilization to the nomadic farming civilization of the transition zone .

    她处在黄河上游古代中国游牧文明向农耕文明的 过渡 地带

  • Influence of interfacial transition zone to chloride diffusibility of cemented materials

    界面 过渡 对水泥基材料氯离子扩散性能的影响研究

  • Excellent in anti-corrosion no wastes deposited used in cooling zone and transition zone .

    抗侵蚀能力强,不挂窑皮,用于冷却带, 过渡

  • A transition zone from smooth pond to rougher surroundings resembles a beach notes Chapman .

    凯普曼注意到平坦的池塘与起伏的滩地之间的 过渡

  • Urban fringe as a transition zone connecting urban and rural areas its special geographical position makes itself have always been the hot-spot area of city spatial expansion .

    城市边缘区作为连接城市与农村的 过渡 地带,其特殊的地理位置使得边缘区历来成为城市空间扩展中的热点地区。

  • To determine the molecular differences underlying BPH the researchers analyzed gene expression profiles from prostate transition zone tissue using microarrays .

    为了区分BPH患者的分子差异,研究者们利用基因晶片的技术分析了在 前列腺组织发育 区域的基因的表达情况。

  • Hardened concrete consists of those three important components-aggregate interfacial transition zone ( ITZ ) and cement paste .

    硬化混凝土由集料、界面 过渡 和水泥浆体三个部分组成。

  • Our expedition discovered thick organic rich sandstone and shale at the outermost continental margin and the continent-ocean transition zone further supporting the large potential for oil and gas reserves Dr. Li said .

    在最外围的大陆边缘和大陆海洋 过渡 地带,科考队发现了厚厚的富有机质砂岩和页岩,进一步支持了那里含有大量油气储备的可能性,李博士说。

  • Considering the space itself have the ability to penetrate and alliance with each other a part of ecological transition zone is added to make space coherently .

    考虑到空间的渗透和联系,设计在上述基础上添加了一个生态 过渡 ,以此保证空间的完整和连贯。

  • Conclusion Compared to axial images MPR technique can increase both accuracy and confidence in the location of the transition zone of SBO with CT and interpretation time is not increased .

    结论较之CT轴位图像,MPR图像可提高机械性SBO 的定位准确率和可靠性,且阅片耗时无明显变化。

  • A transition zone lies between the above two extremes .

    过渡 位于上述两种极端情况之间。

  • Effect of Property of Lightweight Aggregate on Microstructure in the Interfacial Transition Zone

    轻骨料性能对 界面 微观结构的影响

  • Microstructure of the boronitriding layer on austenitic stainless steel and the transition zone between the layer and matrix has been examined .

    研究了奥氏体不锈钢硼氮共渗渗层及 过渡 组织结构,并对共渗机理进行了探讨。

  • Ecological Study of Agriculture-Pasture Transition Zone on Zhangjiakou Bashang Plateau in Hebei Province

    河北省张家口市坝上农牧 交错 区域生态研究

  • The interfacial transition zone ( ITZ ) of concrete cured in standard condition and in the dry and wide temperature change environment was studied comparatively .

    采用显微硬度仪和扫描电镜,对比研究了干燥大温差气候条件和标准养护条件下混凝土界面 过渡 的结构和形态。

  • The Composition and Structure of Interfacial Transition Zone in Harden Concrete Exposed to Salt Environment

    盐类环境中硬化混凝土 界面 的组成和结构

  • The characters of the lithosphere structure is studied by using the data of the MT in the transition zone between Jiamusi massif and Xingkai massif .

    利用MT资料研究位于佳木斯地块和兴凯地块之间 过渡 地带的岩石圈结构特征。

  • Analysis of the external economic effects of animal husbandry in the agro-pastoral transition zone of North China

    华北农牧 交错 畜牧业外部经济效应解析

  • Characters of Community Diversity in the Oasis-desert Transition Zone in Lower Reaches of Tarim River

    塔里木河下游绿洲荒漠 过渡 群落多样性特征分析

  • Speed up the adjustment of industrial structure and function of transition zone to enhance the overall competitiveness of the region has been imperative urgent .

    加快 园区产业结构调整和功能 转型,提升区域整体竞争力,已经势在必行、刻不容缓。

  • Based on obtained area fraction of interfacial transition zone ( ITZ ) a three-phase composite circle model is presented in this paper for anticipating the elastic modulus of concrete .

    基于所获得的 界面面积分数,提出了混凝土弹性模量预测的三相复合圆模型。

  • The lower zone and the bronzite of the transition zone may be compared with the basal zone of the still-water complex .

    下岩带和 过渡 的古铜辉岩可与斯蒂尔沃特杂岩的基底岩带相比。

  • Digital Simulation of Influence of Tensile Strength of Interfacial Transition Zone on Tensile Fracturing Process of Concrete
