transmission priority

[trænsˈmɪʃən praɪˈɔrɪti][trænzˈmiʃən praiˈɔriti]


  • Then a Multi service Transmission Protocol for HSPRN : Pipelining Transmission with Priority Queuing is presented . The performance of the protocol is discussed based on simulation .

    接着提出了一种适于在该高速分组无线网中应用的多业务传输协议,即根据 优先级决定传输 顺序的单线 传输协议,并在仿真的基础上对它的性能和参数选取进行了分析。

  • And the safety of the system design are power dispatching data network transmission must be considered priority .

    而系统的安全性设计是电力调度数据网络 传输必须考虑的 重点

  • With the method of differentiated Services ( DiffServ ) for reference we classified network services into three classes and correspondingly classified the up transmission bandwidth of EPON into three portions : reserved bandwidth high priority bandwidth and low priority bandwidth .

    借鉴了区分服务的方法,将服务分级并相应地将EPON的 上行带宽分为预留带宽、高 优先级和低优先级带宽,并采用了不同的分配策略。

  • The poster shoulders an important responsibility to convey information accurately and the most important part of this transmission supporter is graphics . Graphic design has become the top priority of poster design . Its success or failure can determine the quality of the design and poster work .

    招贴肩负着准确传达信息的重要责任,而这种 传达的载体最主要的部分就是图形,图形的设计成为了招贴设计的重中之 ,它的成功与否能决定招贴作品设计的优劣与成败。

  • Based on dc power flow algorithm a novel multi stage optimization model for transmission congestion management with future spot and real time electricity trades is suggested while transmission priority of future trades is also considered .

    作者以直流潮流为基础,提出了计及期货、现货和实时电能交易并考虑 网络使用 优先级 输电阻塞分阶段管理数学模型。

  • To reduce the risk of transmission in the community priority activities include intensive social mobilization and health education in the towns and villages of Uige Province .

    为减少在社区中 传播的危险, 重点活动包括在威热省的城镇和村庄强化社会动员和健康教育。

  • Semi-reliable transmission enables packet forward or discarding by intermediate nodes according to residual energy and data priority .

    并采用给予优先级的图像 传输方案,根据节点剩余能量和数据 优先级来决定转发或丢弃。

  • In the basic of deep research into means of transmission capacity right especially analysis and comparison in priority insurance scheme introduced by Deng Shijie this paper brings forward a new transmission capacity right bilateral priority insurance scheme .

    该文在深入研究了各种 输电权制度的基础上,特别对DengShijie提出的优先权保险制进行了分析比较,提出了双边 优先权保险制的新方法。

  • The quality of service guaranteed means not to increase the data transmission delay when wireless bandwidth sufficient while lacking of wireless bandwidth it can give priority to ensuring the transmission of high priority services and accurate flexible to adjust the proportion of bandwidth between users .

    服务质量的保证需要无线带宽足够时不增加数据传输的时延,而在无线带宽不足时,可以优先保证高 优先级业务的 传输服务,并且可准确、灵活地调整用户间带宽占用比例。

  • For the sink node the dissertation presents a new congestion control method using active queue management open-loop reverse transmission mechanism for congestion information and transmission rate adjustment of source node based on priority .

    为了提高传感器网络节点定位信息 传输可靠性、保证能量利用高效性,论文给出了基于主动队列管理、开环反向拥塞信息传播机制和 优先 源节点速率调节机制的汇聚节点拥塞控制策略。

  • We adopted a different transmission priority strategy based on video frame type .

    采用对特定的视频帧类型使用不同的 优先级 传输方案。

  • The diversity of transmission is caused by real-time data transfer requirements of users Based on priority we take different transfer strategies for the different demand of data transmissions .

    用户对于数据传输的实时性要求不同造成了 传输多样性,基于 优先级,针对不同的传输需求采取不同的传输策略。

  • A model for transmission congestion management with future spot and real-time trades and priority right

    计及期货、现货、实时交易和 优先权的 输电阻塞处理数学模型

  • The data transmission strategy referenced the thinking of the priority of the real-time data-processing services combined data characteristics and transmission characteristics of demand proposed priority-based data transmission strategy .

    数据 传输策略方面借鉴实时数据处理事务的 优先级思想,结合数据特性及传输特性需求,提出四种基于优先级的数据传输策略,且最终提出了混合传输策略。

  • Data transmission of sales related documents : main criteria based on internet application although low internet requirements and considered to be a top priority .

    营业类文件 传输 业务:这类数据也是网络中的关键应用,对网络实时性要求不高,可定义为比较高的 优先级

  • The authors suggests that West China should respond the second industry transmission by establishing the systems of regional economic relations and spatial relations and it should promote the regional industry expansion by realizing the development pattern transforming with its resource - priority strategy .

    西部地区应以区域经济联系和空间联系体系的建立应对第二次产业西 ,应以资源 优势战略实现模式的转换推进本区域产业的扩张。

  • And the transmission priority in case of Asynchronous Transfer Mode is suggested .

    而且还根据异步传输模式(ATM)的特点, 选择传输 优先级

  • Pictures have the greatest transmission value in a popularized and vast entertained society : they are simple direct-viewing and lively have visual priority and powerful shocking effect .

    在一个大众化和泛娱乐化的社会中,图像是最具有 传播价值的,因为它简洁、直观、生动,具有视觉上的 优先性和强大的冲击力。

  • In this protocol both the contention access algorithm and the transmission schedule scheme are based on the differentiation of priority .

    它采用基于 优先级的竞争接入算法和 传输安排策略。

  • It is considered by comparison that the erection and construction method adopted for air transmission in this crossing is reasonable in economic but selection of this method shall be in line with local Conditions giving priority to the condition available .

    通过对比认为,这次跨越选用空中 发送安装施工方法是经济合理的,建议施工单位选用施工方案时要 因地制宜

  • This paper introduces that a real time transmission of some low priority stations can be guaranteed in CAN field bus control network .

    介绍在CAN现场总线控制网络中保证 优先级较低站点 数据 传输实时性的有效方法。

  • This thesis analyzed and concluded that seeking the optimal way to allocate social resources under transmission of the condition of social objective constraint is the essence of reform and thus leads to the transformation process of priority of transaction types .

    本论文分析了改革的本质就是社会目标约束条件 转换后社会最佳资源配置方式,转变从而导致交易类型 主次转变的过程。

  • Background : AIDS epidemics and infection is on the rise in China the bridge population bonds the normal population to the high-risks block the transmission in bridge population is becoming the priority in AIDS epidemic control and prevention .

    背景:我国艾滋病感染状况和流行形势日趋严重,桥梁人群正在使HIV从高危人群向一般人群播散,阻断桥梁人群 传播艾滋病的方法和措施研究已成为控制HIV流行的 优先 领域

  • When some nodes have large amount of data to transimit other data in lower priorities waiting for transmission may delay an uncertain long time . The system adopted a bus scheduling scheme based on priority promotion algorithm .

    针对当某些节点有大量数据进行传输时,可能导致其它优先级较低的节点数据 传输延时的不确定性问题,采用 优先级晋升算法进行总线调度。

  • The article introduces the transmission mechanism and priority assignment method of the message on CAN bus .

    介绍了CAN总线消息的 传输机制和 优先级的分配方法。

  • Therefore quickening and pushing the reform of the electric transmission and distribution price and establishing the reasonable price formation system for electric transmission and distribution have become the top priority .

    因此,加快推进输配电价改革,建立合理的 配电价形成机制成为 当务之急

  • The reliability checks allow to check whether resources meeting the requirements to transmission of a group of data packets of a priority class are available in the network .

    通过按照本发明进行的许可性复查将审核,在网络中是否有与在 传输一组 优先级别数据包时的要求相对应的资源提供使用。

  • A scheduling method which can change dynamic real-time control information and transmission queue priority based on a control of error was presented .

    其次给出了一种根据控制误差动态改变实时控制信息和 传输队列 优先级的调度方法。