translating program


  • Study on automatic generation algorithm of the collection code in translating serial program into parallel program

    程序并行 中数据收集代码自动生成算法研究

  • This paper deals with several C language words processing functions ' application in the code translation concludes two current method of code translation which can be adopted by any code translating program .

    本文通过阐述C语言中几个字符串处理函数在指令译码中的应用,给出了两种通用译码格式,可被任何 编译 程序所采用。

  • Translating each message individually in a literal manner without running the program can often result in incomprehensible outputs .

    按照字面意思一条一条 翻译信息,而不运行 程序,常常会导致不合情理的结果。

  • Translating and executing each source language statement of a computer program before translating and executing the next statement .

    翻译和执行计算机 程序中的一条源语句之后,再翻译和执行下一条语句的过程。

  • I18n is much more than simply translating the text your program uses .

    i18n远远不只是对 程序使用的文本进行 翻译

  • Using Visual Basic 2005 as a tool to develop human-computer interface and program translating the mathematical model into a programming language searching for simple recycling program in the procedure to accurate convergence algorithm and developing reasonable operation of prompt and practical and user interface . 4 .

    利用VISUALBASIC2005设计人机界面,编写优化程序, 优化 过程的数学模型转化为程序语言,在程序中寻求简单的循环 方案、精确的收敛算法、合理的运行提示、实用的用户界面。

  • Symbol execution based on control flow and data flow is described in the translating assembler program into intermediate program .

    文章介绍了从汇编 程序到中间语言程序的 转换 过程中,采用基于数据流和控制流分析的符号执行方法。

  • Realization of Least Square by Translating MATLAB to C Program

    用MATLAB C语言 程序的最小二乘法实现