


  • What I believe what I value most is transitoriness .

    短暂是我的信仰,也是我认为最 重要 东西

  • But man 's soul is most awake in his knowledge of the interchangeability of the term existence and transitoriness .

    但是对于“存在”与“ 短暂 的可互换性, 只有人的大脑才能最 清楚 意识

  • Owing to the transitoriness and complexity of tank explosion it is very difficult to investigate the mechanism of these fire and explosion accidents of liquefied gas completely only by experimental research .

    但是由于储罐爆炸 过程 短暂 和复杂性,只靠实验研究是难以对这些事故的发生机理进行全面细致的研究。

  • The accomplishment of project will result in the dissolution of project department while the central status of project cost center and the company profit center generates the transitoriness of project department .

    工程项目的一次性决定了工程项目部的 一次性,而工程项目成本中心与企业利润中心地位 导致工程项目部的 临时性。

  • She was transitoriness just like snow .

    她就像雪一样,是 短暂的。

  • Hofmannsthal describes the transitoriness of the time and the space and asks for the meaning of the life .

    霍夫曼斯塔描述了时间和空间的易逝 ,并对人生的意义发出疑问。

  • Inattention or attention transitoriness was the prominent characteristic of all the students .

    注意力不集中或 短暂是所有学生的突出特点。