transmitting mode

[电] 传送模态

  • On Evolution and Optimization of Information Transmitting Mode of Personal Financial Business

    论个人金融业务信息 传播 模式的演变与优化

  • In transmitting mode through controlling DDS it produces the amplitude and phase weights needed by transmitting beam and the local oscillation signal needed by upper frequecy conversion .

    发射 模式下,通过控制DDS完成发射波束形成所必需的幅度、相位加权和上变频所必需的本振信号;

  • And the problem of electronic document takes place on two occasions : dynamic transmitting process and static storing mode .

    电子文档的安全问题发生在两个场合:动态的 传输 途中和静态的存储 形式

  • In two typical 10 kV power networks the frequency response is measured on loop wires and the path loss is obtained by employing the transmitting / receiving mode .

    在2座典型变电站10kV电力网络中,采用环网线路测量 信道的频率响应,采用 信号 发送/接收的 方式测量 信道的路径损失。

  • The coding and the transmitting mode of all the kinds of infrared remote controller are summarized and analyzed .

    总结分析了各种红外遥控器的编码和编码 发送 方式

  • Secondly we introduce the concepts characteristics and development of virtual instrument we introduce the framework and common development software of VI and then detailedly discuss the data transmitting technology and data transmitting mode .

    并讲述了虚拟仪器的概念、特点和发展,论述了虚拟仪器软件结构和常用开发软件;较为详细地研究了虚拟仪器中网络数据传输技术和 传输 模式

  • This paper discusses the scalable real time parallel SAR processor from task planning data transmitting mode and topology structure of computation unit and proposes a scheme of real time parallel SAR processor .

    本文从任务规划、数据 传输 模式和处理单元的拓扑结构等三方面对可扩展实时并行SAR信号处理机进行了分析研究,提出一种可扩展实时并行SAR信号处理机方案。

  • This thesis treats space-time processing in CDMA system . In this thesis space-time 2D-RAKE receiver version beamforming algorithms in transmitting mode space-time multi-user detection and space-time coding are studied .

    本文研究了CDMA系统中的空时二维处理技术,主要包括波束形成技术,空时 2D-RAKE接收机,空时多用户检测以及空时编码技术。

  • The results show that two-order soliton transmitting in single mode optical fiber will decay when it is effected by higher-order nonlinear effects and the fundamental soliton with little amplitude produced by decay is in front of the one with big amplitude ;

    结果表明,在高阶非线性效应影响下, 二阶孤子单模光纤中 传输时会发生衰变,衰变后小振幅基孤子在前,大振幅基孤子在后;

  • Aiming at the deception in distance of radar 's transmitting deceptive jamming this paper advances a method based on mode classification to recognize the object and jamming .

    针对雷达 转发式欺骗干扰中的距离欺骗,提出了一种基于 模式分类来识别目标与干扰的方法。

  • In the course of practice by making use of the function of configurable signaling of digital trunk unit ( E1 ) in the switch and by associating with the technology of cross-connection in SDH equipments a new type switching and transmitting mode of dispatching telephone circuit is realized .

    在具体操作中,利用调度程控交换机中的数字中继电路(E1)可配置信令功能,结合现代SDH设备的交叉连接技术,实现了一种新型调度电路交换 传输 模式

  • In this article according to the bottleneck of high-speed data transmitting a method based on the DMA mode of ADSP-2191 is described .

    本文针对便携式高速数据采集系统的数据 传递瓶颈,介绍了ADSP-2191的两种并行DMA传送 方式

  • Considering the requirements of a monopulse radar to its microwave junction the general scattering matric of the ideal junction which satisfies the minimum signal loss condition both in the transmitting and receiving mode is found .

    本文从单脉冲雷达对微波接头的要求出发。找出了在一般情况下,满足 发射及接收 讯号损失最小的条件时,理想接头的散射矩阵。

  • The transmitting mode of the homogeneous dislocation junction of the photonic crystal which is composed of two dimensional aluminum cylinders and a square lattice of air was studied with the plane-wave and super cell method .

    以二维铝圆柱/空气体系正方格子声子晶体为研究对象,采用平面波法结合超元胞的方法研究了声子晶体同质位错结的 传导

  • In CAN network the information in all of the nodes could be exchanged mutually i.e. multi-host transmitting mode was realized in CAN network .

    CAN网络上其他节点可以接收本节点发出的数据,同时本节点也可以接受其它节点送来的数据,即在CAN网络上实现多主 传送 方式

  • The advantages and disadvantages of two communication modes are given . Considering the demands on FA data communication the paper presents transmitting data based on network mode and connection mode implementing application protocol based on object oriented mode and international standard .

    就配网馈线自动化数据通信的要求,提出了应按网络 方式 传输数据、应按连接方式传输数据、应采用面向对象方式的应用层协议、应采用国际标准化的应用层协议。

  • Design of a Test System for the Transmitting and Receiving Module of the Burst Mode in the APON System

    APON系统中突发 收发模块的测试系统设计

  • Discerning the coding and transmitting mode of the infrared remote controller effectively is one of the keys to realize the function of the system ;

    对红外遥控器的编码及遥控码的 发送 方式进行有效识别,是实现系统功能的关键之一。

  • The scheme includes two homing modes : the passive IR imaging mode and the active Ladar mode . The passive IR imaging system is used for searching and identifying the target and then transmitting the information of target to the active Ladar mode to precisely tracking the target .

    该方案采用被动红外成像与主动激光雷达制导两种模式,通过被动红外方式进行视场搜索并确认目标,然后将目标信息 传递给激光雷达系统进行目标 锁定与精确跟踪。

  • The design presented is applied to a new type solid-state transmitting system with dual system operation mode .

    本文介绍了一种新型固态 发射机 监控系统。

  • This paper introduces the ways of transmitting protective relaying signals through the optical fiber communication network that include PCM multiplexing mode and private optical fiber channel . The PCM multiplexing mode is adopted in our project .

    分析利用光纤通信网络 传送继电保护业务信号需注意的问题和可能采取的方式,可采用PCM复用 方式和专用光纤方式,结合具体工程采用PCM复用方式。

  • The transmitting mode of the transducer is determined by the material property of the transducer the machanical load of the surrounding coupling medium and the output impedance of the driving circuit .

    换能器的 发射 模式由换能器的材料特性、周围耦合液体的机械负载和驱动电路的输出阻抗等因素决定。

  • On Transmitting Technology Of System Data Based On B / S Mode

    基于B/S 模式的系统数据 导出技术的探讨

  • Method : Hold a health education class of smoking control among train passengers through directional or bi-directional transmitting mode .

    方法:通过单、双向式 传播 途径,举办列车旅客控烟健康教育培训班。

  • Initial Discussion on Transmitting Protection Signal on Power-Line Carrier in Multi-Purpose Mode

    电力线载波 复用保护信号 初探

  • According to the characteristics of DNC system the transmitting rule of NC code is constructed . Using the control mode of buffer through the programming interface socket provided by Windows the Visual C + + was adopted to develop the program platform for DNC communication .

    针对基于以太网的DNC通信系统的特点,建立了数控程序 传输 线路规程,采用缓冲区控制 方法,利用Windows提供的网络编程接口Socket,在Visualc++编程环境下实现了DNC通信平台的程序开发。

  • The outcome of neck in network is avoided by constructing super node partitioning the network logically and transmitting the trust value in adaptive mode .

    通过自适应的 方式构建超级节点,完成对网络的逻辑划分以及推荐信任度的 传递,避免了网络瓶颈的出现。

  • More and more digital works and information needed transmitting through a net circumstance with the development of computer multimedia system . Meanwhile the copyright protection of these works is becoming more and more urgent in digital information transmitting mode .

    随着计算机网络多媒体系统的发展,越来越多的数字作品与信息需要通过互联网进行传播,同时,在这种数字化信息 传播 模式下的版权保护也显得越发迫在眉睫。