transmission subsystem


  • On Power Flow Transmission Characteristics of Multidimensional Coupled System Based on Subsystem Analysis

    基于 系统分析的多维耦合系统功率流 传递特性研究

  • The examination hardware system is developed which includes system design A / D sampling subsystem frequency detection and downconversion subsystem PCI data transmission subsystem .

    完成了硬件实验平台的研究与开发,包括系统的硬件设计方案,以及A/D数据采样板、测频与下变频处理板和 PCI卡的 设计

  • The system is composed of hand written panel control and transmission subsystem ; encoder radio transmission subsystem ; and large screen display control subsystem .

    系统分为手写板控制及 发射 系统,编码无线传输子系统,大屏幕及控制显示子系统。

  • Among them transmission and controlling subsystem is the key technology of real-time video streams .

    其中 传输控制 系统是实时视频流的一项关键核心技术。

  • Underwater Acoustic Communication Node will be divided into three parts . They are Signal Receiving Subsystem Signal Processing Subsystem and Signal Transmission Subsystem .

    论文硬件设计工作以水声信号处理流程为主线,将水下通信节点分为信号接收子系统、信号处理子系统和信号 发射 系统三部分。

  • How to built transmission and controlling subsystem is proposed based on RTP / RTCP agreement and UDP socket is utilized to realize the communication between transport layers .

    提出了基于RTP/RTCP协议构建实时视频 传输控制 系统,传输层通信使用UDPSocket完成。

  • By making use of the machine system design concept this design divides the whole feed - in system into three subsystems : transmission and implement organization subsystem in the broad sense sensor the examination subsystem information handling and controlling subsystem .

    本设计利用机械系统概念设计中机电一体化的设计原成理。将整个进料系统分解为三个子系统,既广义 传动及执行机构 系统、传感检测子系统、信息处理及控制子系统。

  • In addition to the development of the network model for the medical insurance information transmission encryption subsystem the thesis detailedly presents the encryption scheme for the transmission encryption system .

    本文建立了医疗保险信息 加密 系统的网络模型,并详细阐述了加密系统的加密方案。

  • The system consists of data acquisition subsystem control and data processing subsystem the data transmission subsystem and information query and display subsystems .

    本系统由数据采集、数据控制与处理、数据 传输和信息查询显示四 个子系统组成。

  • This paper constructs the traffic incident detection system and introduces the four subsystems in detail : information collection subsystem information transmission subsystem information processing subsystem information issue subsystem .

    本文构建了交通事件检测系统,并详细介绍了交通事件检测的四个子系统:信息采集子系统、信息 传输 系统、信息处理子系统和信息发布子系统的系统构成。

  • Considering the problems of the current harmful algal blooms monitoring and predicting system a new integrated infrastructure of the system the data transmission subsystem the principle model of the marine environment data warehouse and the harmful algal blooms density model are introduced in the paper .

    本文针对当前有害藻华监测与预报系统存在的问题,深入研究了有害藻华监测与预报系统的基本架构、数据 传输 系统、数据仓库基本模型,并对有害藻华密度预测模型进行了研究。

  • The main function of the message transmission subsystem is to deal with the information communication between the parts inside the Parking Guidance System .

    信息 传输 系统主要负责停车诱导系统内各组成部分之间的信息传递;

  • Blanking equipment renovation project of the transmission system includes transmission MSTP subsystem .

    设备消隐改造工程的传输系统包含了MSTP 传输 系统

  • Image collection subsystem is responsible for collecting monitoring stations of transmission images image processing subsystem for image processing . Information management subsystem manages information system . Message forwarding subsystem holds the various subsystems together to form a whole .

    图像收集子系统负责收集监控点 传输的图像,图像处理 系统实现图像处理功能,信息管理子系统管理系统信息,消息转发子系统将各个子系统联系在一起,形成一个整体。

  • The local monitoring subsystem transmission network and long distance monitoring subsystem are included in this system .

    系统包括三个部分:本地监控终端子系统、 传输网络和远程监控 终端 系统

  • The key technology to realize this design is information transmission and control subsystem based on Internet .

    基于Internet的信息 传输及控制 系统是设计实现的关键技术。

  • Then unifying application system & data transmission subsystem in Grasped Migration Data acquisition system Project which I develops The Article exhaustively discusses the Metadata database design and how I uses DTS Programing Technical realizing the data extract package of ETL tool .

    然后,结合我开发的应用系统&手持移动数据采集系统项目中的数据 传输 系统,详尽讨论了ETL的元数据库设计和我如何用DTS编程技术实现的ETL工具数据抽取包。

  • Ultimately on the basis of in-depth study implement using the cognitive network to transfer sharing systems including the service type perception subsystem of the Linux kernel and perceptual information transmission subsystem these provide a good platform for cognitive network aware network global environment .

    最终在深入研究的基础上实现了认知网络传输共享系统,包括基于Linux内核的服务类型感知子系统和感知信息 传递 系统,为认知网络感知网络全局环境提供了良好的平台。

  • Coal mine forewarning management system is composed by subsystems data storage show layer three modules . Sub-system forms by the supervisory control subsystem data transmission subsystems risk evaluation subsystem automatic warning subsystem real-time monitoring .

    煤矿安全预警管理系统由子系统、数据存储层、展现层三个模块组成,子系统由监控子系统、数据 传输子系统、风险评价 系统、自动预警子系统、实时监察子系统五个部分组成。

  • There are main modules such as video gather module local play module and network transmission module in this subsystem .

    系统主要由视频采集模块、本地播放模块和网络 传输模块等组成。

  • Then it introduces components of ATIS such as airborne information subsystem information transmission subsystem and ground management subsystem ;

    然后叙述构成AITS的机载信息分系统、信息 传输 系统和地面管理分系统;

  • This system contains sensor subsystem data acquisition and transmission subsystem data process and control subsystem and condition assessment subsystem .

    该系统包括传感器子系统、信号采集与 传输 系统、数据处理与控制子系统、结构状态评估子系统。

  • Design of Data Transmission Subsystem of HJ-1A / 1B Satellites

    环境减灾-1A、1B卫星数据 传输 系统技术

  • The Parking Guidance System consists of the information collection subsystem the message processing subsystem the message transmission subsystem and the message distribution subsystem .

    所建立的大城市停车诱导系统主要由信息采集子系统、信息处理子系统、信息 传输通讯 系统、信息发布子系统四部分组成。

  • As a virtual channel for information transmission the simulated transmission channel subsystem is playing an important role in the testing and assessment platform .

    铁路区间 信号 系统信息 传输通道,作为 铁路区间 信号 传输的途径,是 铁路区间信号 系统测试评估平台的重要研究对象,因此,信息传输通道仿真 系统是测试平台的一个关键 系统

  • It is using asynchronous communication through the messaging system for data transmission between the eMTM engine and Web application subsystem .

    eMTM引擎与Web应用 系统之间通过消息系统采用异步通信的方式进行数据的 传输

  • After full feasibility studies we have chosen three problems & to be resolved terminal maintenance data transmission efficiency and water control subsystem funds uncertain attribution that direct impact on system operation crucial issues to carry on a detailed analysis and research .

    经过充分论证,我们选择了亟待解决的终端维护、数据 传输效率和水控 系统资金归属不确定这三个直接影响系统运行的要害问题,进行详细的分析和研究。

  • The design of space-to-ground optical communication systems is also provided including transmission and receiving terminal optical subsystem modulating and detecting scheme .

    并对空-地光通信系统进行了系统方案设计,包括 发端机、光学 系统、调制和检测方案的设计。