translation environment

[trænsˈleʃən ɛnˈvaɪrənmənt][trænsˈleiʃən inˈvaiərənmənt]

[计] 翻译环境

  • The technology relating to trackball is studied which implement the dynamic adjustment of eye coordinate system it can make model translation rotation zoom in virtual environment .

    通过对虚拟轨迹球相关技术的研究,实现了对视点系的动态调整,在虚拟 环境中可以实现对模型的 平移、旋转、缩放的操作。

  • Under the Visual C + + translation environment changing the parameters according to the prescribed form then we can realize the extraction function for different guidance data .

    在Visualc++的 编译 环境 ,按照规定格式改变参数,即可实现不同导航数据的提取功能。

  • Advertising Translation and Cognitive Environment

    广告 翻译与认知 语境

  • The two sub-textbooks viewing listening speaking and reading writing translation constitute a reasonably and efficiently modern cubic environment for English learning .

    两大构建体系《视听说》和《读写 》,构成合理高效的现代化立体英语学习 环境,符合大学生自主学习英语的实际需要。

  • You must use caution when considering a direct translation to any particular environment or actual production load .

    当将参数直接 转移到特定 环境或实际的生产负载时,必须多加注意。

  • Like the literature production literature translation is always effected and confined by its own culture environment and cultural concept while made translation bear a marked brand of Chinese language and literature and reflect some culture meanings of that time .

    而文学 翻译也像文学创作一样,常受 译者自身文化 环境和文学观念的影响和制约,使译作打上译入语文化的烙印,负载着译入语时代文化的意蕴。

  • Current translation studies being laid in a broad cross-cultural environment have turned to culture study .

    范式的深刻变革极大地拓展了 翻译研究视域, 当代 学研究已被置于跨文化的大 背景 ,转向文化研究;

  • The Studies of Viewpoint Translation and Image smoothing in Image Generation System of Distributed Virtual Environment

    分布虚拟 环境中视景系统的视点 变换与图像平滑的研究

  • In the translation environment add some languages .

    翻译 环境中,添加一些语言。

  • Viewing from relevance theory drama translation is actually a transformation of cognitive environment .

    从关联理论的角度来看,戏剧 翻译实际上就是认知 语境的转换。

  • The author hopes more people would join in the study of this field in order to make much contribution to improving the quality of public signs translation in our province and beautifying the human environment in our province .

    作者希望更多的人能参与到互文视角下的公示语 翻译这一领域的研究,为提高我省的公示语 翻译质量,美化我省的人文 环境贡献出自己的力量。

  • To evaluate his translation theory is not to probe the equivalence but to probe the interrelationship between translation and social and historical environment .

    评价鲁迅的直译理论不是探讨翻译的等值,而是考察 翻译与社会历史 环境之间的关系。

  • Experiments show that the net is a very effective teaching mode to train meta-cognitive strategies and apply it to translation teaching under the network environment .

    实验证明,在网络 环境下进行元认知策略训练,并用之于 翻译教学,是一种十分有效的教学模式。

  • But because Z specification itself lacks one entire set of complete translation environment the development is slower in view of the fact that Z to the high-level program language automatic transformation thought is proposed .

    但由于z规格说明本身缺少一套完整的 编译 环境,发展较为缓慢,鉴于这个原因提出了Z向高级程序语言自动转化的思想。

  • On Language Environment in Translation & A Talk on English Chinese Translation from the Viewpoint of Language Environment Analysis

    翻译中的语境问题&从 语境分析角度谈英汉 翻译

  • Taking the badly polluted municipal river as the studying targets the relationship between nitrogen translation and environment conditions was obtained through this simulated experiment .

    以城市河涌污染水体为研究对象,通过模拟实验,研究了水体中的三氮 转化规律及其与 环境条件的关系。

  • The cultural turn in the West after the 1970s enlarged the target and scope of translation studies the translator reader and receptor 's environment .

    20世纪70年代以来,西方 翻译研究出现的文化转向扩大了 翻译研究的对象,拓展了 翻译研究的领域,译者、读者和接受 环境成为研究对象。

  • The English translation of public signs is a crucial component of the language environment and humanities culture environment of international cities and international tourist places .

    公示语的英 是国际化都市及国际旅游目的地语言 环境及人文环境的重要组成部分。

  • This shows that the experimental group is using the translation tools more frequently in a PBL environment .

    这表明实验组在基于项目的学习 环境中更频繁地使用了 翻译工具。

  • On Metaphorical Translation In Textual Environment

    略谈话语 环境中的隐喻 翻译

  • Design and Implementation of Multi-language Oriented Machine Translation Support Environment

    面向多语言的机器 翻译支撑 环境设计与实现

  • In Search of a Special Standardization : Legal and Official Documentary Translation Within Macao 's Multilingual Environment

    特定的规范化:澳门法律 公文 翻译探讨

  • Introduces guidelines of mapping structure model of UML-RT to architecture of a graphical design environment component-based for real-time application in order to overcome easy translation UML-RT model into the high-level model of this design environment .

    为解决把 UML-RT建模模型平滑过渡到实时系统的图形化的软构件设计开发环境的设计模型,本文提出了从UML-RT的结构模型映射到该 环境 的体系结构模型的高层设计的映射方法。

  • Brand translation methods may vary with certain environment .

    翻译方法 不拘一格

  • In other words translation is an ostensive-inferential process seeking for relevance in the original cognitive environment as well as a dynamic process making adaptation in the target cognitive environment .

    换言之, 翻译既是译者在原文认知 语境中寻找关联的明示推理过程,也是译者在译文认知语境中做出动态顺应的过程。

  • Modern translation study focuses more on the translator the receptor and the environment of accepting instead of the original work .

    现代 翻译研究把关注的焦点从原文作者转向译者、接受者和接受 环境

  • Valid translation for all documents relating to project quality production environment occupational health and safety system running shall be conducted and controlled management shall be carried out .

    与工程质量、生产 环境、职业健康安全体系运行有关的资料全部进行有效 翻译,并进行受控管理。

  • Non-homogeneous terms sharing a homogenized translation is a widespread phenomenon under contemporary language environment .

    在当代的语言 环境 ,非同质术语做同质化 翻译的现象并不鲜见。

  • With the application of the kinematical features to the layer image processing of translation objects translation military target recognition and movement estimation could be obtained in natural environment .

    根据平动物体的运动学特征采用层的图像处理方法,实现自然 环境 平动军事目标的识别和运动估计。

  • Practically it puts forward some translation strategies to improve the English language environment in China .

    在实践方面,它为 公示 汉英 翻译提出了可行的 翻译策略,为改进和完善城市国际语言 环境做出了贡献。