transmission rate

[trænsˈmɪʃən ret][trænzˈmiʃən reit]


  • The Analysis of Outage Probability with Variable Relay Nodes and Transmission Rate Based on Cooperative Diversity

    基于协作通信的中继节点数与 编码 速率对中断概率的影响分析

  • Causes Analysis of the Low Transmission Rate of Plant Trisomic n + 1 Male Gamete

    植物三体n+1雄配子 传递 降低的原因分析

  • Simulation of the Transmission Rate Handover for Cognitive Radio Networks Based on OPNET

    基于OPNET的认知无线电网络 传输 速率切换仿真研究

  • Under the mechanism of DFPQ and HUF the average transmission rate doesn 't increase any more when the system is fully loaded .

    在DFPQ与HUF的机制下,当系统达到满载时,平均 传输 速率不再随连线数增加而上升。

  • Testing method for water vapor transmission rate of flexible barrier materials

    新型 空穴 传输材料及聚碳酸酯的合成柔性阻挡层材料的水蒸汽 穿透性的试验方法

  • Automatic gas transmission rate tester

    自动气体 透过 试验机

  • Test method for vapor transmission rate of packaging materials


  • ISDN standards define two main channel types each with a different transmission rate .

    ISDN标准共定立两项主要的通道种类,它们分别有不同的 传输 速度

  • So higher communication capacity and data transmission rate are becoming searching spot .

    于是,容量更大、 速率更高的通信系统自然而然成为了研究的热点。

  • Both abortive rate and vertical transmission rate arose with the increasing of T.

    流产率和垂直 传播 都随着接种速殖子数量的增加而升高。

  • ( computer science ) a data transmission rate ( bits / second ) for modems .

    (计算机科学)调制解调器 传送数据的秒 (字节(待查表)秒)。

  • A link group is a collection of links within a link set having the same characteristics ( e.g. same transmission rate ) .

    链路组是某个链路群内具有相同特性(例如,相同的 传输 速率)的链路的集合。

  • After this they should calculate the transmission rate of these malcontent opinion on public affairs whether can be reprinted by the portal website such as sina .

    在此之后,他们要猜测这些不满言论的 传播 速度,是否会被新浪等门户网站转载。

  • This paper proposes a new congestion control algorithm for wireless sensor networks that it can assign a fair and effective transmission rate for each node .

    为给无线传感器网络中每个节点分配一个公平有效的 传输 速率,提出一种新的拥塞控制算法。

  • Paper and board & Determination of water vapour transmission rate ( Dish method )


  • Plastic lens is plastic molded polypropylene acid from the fees Nieer lens lens with the transmission rate is high and the aging of the advantages of daylight-resistant .

    塑料透镜是由聚丙烯酸塑料模压而成的费涅尔透镜,该透镜具有 透光 高,耐日光老化等优点。

  • By numerical simulation the effect of quantum error correction code on BB84 protocol is analyzed in the case of the efficiency of transmission rate .

    通过数值仿真,从密钥 传输效率的角度分析量子纠错编码对 BB84协议的影响。

  • A data transmission rate ; the maximum amount of information ( bits / second ) that can be transmitted along a channel .

    数据 传送 速度;通过一个频道可以传送的最大的信息量(位(待查表)秒)。

  • Water vapour transmission rate : An indication which determines the waterproof qualities of packaging paper .


  • Oxygen gas transmission rate ( O2 GTR ) is determined after the package has been mounted on a test fixture and has equilibrated in the test environment .

    氧气 透过 (O2GTR)是将包装物固定在测试装置上并在测试环境中达到平衡后测定的。

  • Through the quantification research on oxygen barrier property of plastic we can make sure of the best oxygen transmission rate that is beneficial to the maintenance of the color of the pork .


  • Analysis results show that this solution is superior to previous ones in transmission rate error rate and code rate and is simpler for implementation .

    分析表明,该方案在 信号 、误码率和编码效率指标上优于传统差错控制技术,且实现更为简单。

  • To improve data transmission rate of JTAG interface instruction register and related control logic are redesigned .

    为了提高JTAG接口的数据 传输 效率,指令寄存器和相关控制逻辑被重新设计。

  • By increasing the number of SIM cards the gateway forwarding Beidou data frequency is reduced to5 seconds thus enhancing the data transmission rate of the gateway .

    通过增加SIM卡的数量,将网关转发“北斗”数据的频率降至最低的5s,提高了网关的 通信 速率

  • Under invariable transmission rate and bandwidth it improved the performance of terrestrial DTV transmission system remarkably .

    在不降低 数据 传输 的情况下占用相同的带宽,使数字电视地面传输系统性能得到整体提高。

  • Maximum transmission rate in bytes per second .

    最大 传输 速率,以每秒字节数。

  • A unit which is used to represent the transmission rate of data .

    用于表示数据 传输 速率的一种单位。

  • Automatic gas transmission rate tester efficiency characteristic of steering gear

    自动气体 透过 试验机转向器传动效率特性

  • With its high transmission rate real-time online and resource-efficient GPRS has been widely used in the powermonitoringsystem .

    GPRS以其 传输 速率高、实时在线、资源利用率高等优势在电力监控电力系统中得到了广泛的应用。

  • With the rapid development of information society the new mobile communication system has a higher requirement for information transmission rate and quality of service .

    和灭信做化社会的上快收铺,旧一代挪动通信体解闭于信做的 传输 和效劳量 出了更上的请供。