translation rule

[trænsˈleʃən rul][trænsˈleiʃən ru:l]

[计] 转换规则, 翻译规则

  • Since explicit translation Skopos is the dominant rule deciding all translation actions it helps translator act as expert in the translation action and initiatively set down concrete translation strategies to smoothly carry out his translation assignment .

    明晰化的 翻译目的是决定所有翻译行为的首要 法则,译者可以据此采取具体翻译策略,在翻译活动中充当专家角色,主动制定有效的翻译策略顺利展开翻译工作。

  • Skopos theory in translation holds that Skopos rule is the primary rule translation should comply with and the skopos decides the whole translation process which is restricted by comprehensive factors .

    翻译的目的论认为:所有翻译要遵循的首要 法则就是目的法则。翻译的过程受到各种综合因素的制约。 翻译行为的目的决定整个翻译行为的过程。

  • Context is the overriding factor in translation and has primacy over any rule and theory .

    本文认为,语境是 翻译 活动中压倒一切的因素,它的重要性胜过一切理论 原则

  • In Skopos Theory the translation is a purposeful action guided by four principles namely the Skopos rule the Coherence rule the Fidelity rule plus the Loyalty principle .

    根据目的论, 翻译是一种目的性行为,由四个原则指导,分别是目的 原则、连贯原则、忠实原则和忠诚原则。

  • According to functionalist translation theory & Skopos Theory the most important rule for all the translation is the Skopos rule . That is the translation purpose determines translation strategies and methods .

    功能派翻译理论&目的论认为:所有 翻译所要遵循的首要法则就是目的 法则,即翻译目的决定翻译策略与方法。

  • This paper leads the language of the translation the analysis the method to produce the language rule .

    本文对语义分析采用 语法制导 翻译 语义分析方法来产生语义 规则

  • The criterion of translation is the standard to measure the quality of translation and the rule to follow in translation practice .

    翻译标准是衡量 翻译质量好坏的 尺度,又是翻译实践所必须遵循的准则。

  • It is precisely this highly practical nature that makes functionalism have remarkable guidance for public sign translation . As is said before the top principle of functionalism is skopos rule .

    正是由于这种高度实用的性质,使得功能主义在公示语的 翻译中具有极突出的指导作用,因为如前所言,功能主义首要的原则就是目的 原则

  • In addition to the Skopos rule there are two other principles in the functionalist translation theories : coherence rule and fidelity rule .

    目的论中的目的性原则是其首要原则,另外还有连贯法则和 忠实法则,而连贯 法则和忠实法则都要服从于目的法则。

  • He comes up with three rules for translation : the skopos rule the coherence rule and the fidelity rule .

    弗米尔提出 翻译的三个原则,即语内连贯、语际连贯和目的原则。

  • In terms of translation criteria the linguistic school pursues the rule of equivalent transposition featuring unification while the cultural school squints towards diversification .

    翻译标准方面,语言学派追求一元性的等值转换 规则;文化学派倾向于多元化。

  • The skopos of a translation task serves as the prime rule guiding the translation process . Before a translation action translator should define the skopos .

    翻译目的作为首要 原则在翻译过程中起着主导作用,在翻译行为开始之前译者应该确定翻译目的。

  • Skopos theory is the representative of the German functional approach which regards translating as a purposeful human activity . All the translational actions should take the translation skopos as the top rule .

    目的论是德国功能派翻译理论的代表,它认为翻译是人类活动都是一种有目的的行为活动,一切翻译行为以实现 翻译目的为最高 准则

  • The beginning is a simple analysis of the background and significance of the C-E translation of Chinese tea-business publicity materials . Then the author introduces the main idea of Skopos Theory and the three principles including skopos rule coherence rule and fidelity rule .

    本文首先简单分析了中国茶企业外宣资料 翻译的背景及意义,接着介绍了目的论的主要观点及其三原则:目的 原则、连贯原则和忠实原则。

  • This thesis attempts to study the English translation of Traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) terms from the perspective of intra-textual coherence rule .

    本论文试图从语内连贯 原则的视角研究中医术语英 问题。

  • Through the model test on three groups of new and old plain concrete underpinned columns the shear strain translation rule of the concrete surface the crack load and the failure load were measured .

    通过3组新老素混凝土托换柱模型试验,测得模型表面混凝土的剪应变 变化 规律、开裂载荷、破坏载荷。

  • A combination method of named entity recognition and translation with rule extraction is put forward .

    提出了结合命名实体识别和 翻译 规则抽取改进方法。

  • Without inter-subjectivity translation will lose its rule and value .

    离开了翻译的主体间性, 翻译 规则意识和价值意识就无从谈起。

  • So in advertising translation we should take the rule of function prior to form as direction and consider transmitting the functions of the original work to the maximal degree as the aim of advertising translation .

    因此,汉语广告 翻译应该遵循形式让位于功能的 原则,把最大限度传递原文的功能作为广告翻译的目的。

  • According to Skopos Theory in the process of translation three principles should be adhered to : Skopos rule coherence rule and fidelity rule .

    作者认为,依据目的论,在 翻译过程中, 译者必须遵循三个原则:目的性 法则、连贯性法则、忠实性法则。

  • This paper expounds translation concept and rule of specialty English for electric power .

    从电力专业英语 角度阐述了对 翻译概念和 翻译 准则的认识;

  • Translation Algorithms from Expert System 's Rule Base to Neural Network

    专家系统 规则库&神经网络 变换算法

  • In order to make functional approach more comprehensive and more applicable to literary translation Christiane Nord another representative of this school put forward the rule of function and the rule of loyalty .

    在此基础之上,另一位功能派 翻译理论家诺德针对功能派理论在文学 翻译的应用,提出功能性 原则和忠诚性原则这两大支柱。

  • Good recognition and translation performance is achieved by this method . 5 . Method improvement on rule extraction in hierarchical phrase-based statistical machine translation is presented . It is combined with linguistic knowledge of Chinese stop words part of speech tagging ( POS ) and word frequency .

    通过结合中文停用词、词性标注和 词频等语言知识进行了基于层次短语的统计机器翻译中 规则抽取方法的改进研究。

  • In Approaches to Translation Peter Newmark firmly asserts that context is the overriding factor in all translation and has primacy over any rule theory or primary meaning .

    彼特·纽马克在其专著《翻译导论》中断言:语境在所有 翻译中都是最重要的因素,其重要性大于任何 法规、任何理论、任何基本词义;

  • This paper take the Medicine field as the specific study object construct rule base in areas and areas of resource for the statistical machine translation system in the medical field which including the areas of parallel corpus the field of rule templates .

    本文以医学领域为研究对象,构建面向医学领域的统计机器 翻译系统所需的领域规则库和领域资源,包括领域平行语料库,领域 规则模板。

  • The mapping documents can be obtained through analyzing the source structure documents the object construction documents and the user-defined translation rule documents .

    通过对源结构文档、目标结构文档和用户定义的 转换 规则文档的分析处理而得到映射文档。