transmission route

[trænsˈmɪʃən rut][trænzˈmiʃən ru:t]


  • Results The main transmission route of UU infections was through sexual contact and the vertical transmission included two modes which are intrauterine and retrograde transmission in birth canal .

    结果证明了 UU感染 传播以性接触为主.垂直传播包括子宫内传播和产道逆行传播模式。

  • Its transmission route current prevention and treatment situation are analyzed and the related problems are discussed and corresponding suggestions are offered in this essay .

    本文针对病毒性肝炎的 传播 途径及防治现状进行分析,指出存在问题,提出防治建议。

  • Opportunistic routing effectively improve the transmission route stability is very suitable for multihop packet loss wireless networks .

    机会 路由有效地提高了 传输稳定性,非常适合于多跳高丢包率的无线网络。

  • Experimental Research on Application of Screw Anchored Foundation to Transmission Route

    螺旋锚基础在 输电 线路中应用的试验研究

  • The serotype identification of MIT and atlas analysis of RAPD were excellent tools in the study on the UU transmission route and the source of infection .

    MIT血清分型和RAPD图谱分析是研究UU 传播 途径的很好工具。

  • White Spot Syndrome Baculovirus ( WSBV ) Host Range and Transmission Route

    白斑综合症杆状病毒的 感染 途径和宿主种类

  • Objective To understand the disinfection quality in health centers and clinics in Jinniu district block the transmission route of infectious disease and prevent the nosocomial infection .

    目的了解 金牛区所辖社区卫生服务中心、诊所消毒质量现况。

  • Study on the transmission route of infectious saliva of hepatitis type B

    乙型肝炎传染性唾液 传播 途径的研究

  • Intravenous drug abuse was the main transmission route .

    感染的主要 途径是静脉吸毒;

  • In addition several key factors are analyzed such as communication range block in transmission route path loss due to bad weather and etc. and the Signal Noise Ratio is reckoned .

    重点分析了通用 数据 的通信距离、 传播 路径上的阻碍、恶劣天气和大气吸收损耗等 传输 信道 特性,并对数据链路信噪比进行了估算。

  • A study on intersection probability of transmission route of Foot Three Yin Meridian at Sanyinjiao was made with 32P radioautography .

    目的和方法:用~(32)P整体 放射自显影技术,研究人体足三阴经循行 路线在三阴交穴相交与否的几率。

  • Design the closed questionnaire and conduct the questionnaire survey to the medical staffs according to the knowledge such as harm transmission route preventive measures etc. of the viral hepatitis and the viral hepatitis preventive attitude practice etc problems .

    根据病毒性肝炎的危害、 传播 途径、预防措施等知识以及对病毒性肝炎防治的态度和行为等问题,设计结构式调查表,对医务人员进行问卷调查。

  • Objective : To research the tissue structure of transmission route of human meridian with 32 P light microscopic radioautography .

    目的:研究人体经脉 路线的组织结构究竟是什么的问题。

  • AIM : To investigate the pathogeny transmission route clinical symptom and the pathogenesis of a family cluster non bacterial diarrhea .

    目的:调查一起家庭聚集性非菌性腹泻病原、 传播 途径、临床表现以及病原学特性。

  • Among the lower age group vertical transmission is the major transmission route .

    在低年龄组人群中,母婴传播是主要的 传播 途径

  • The main transmission route of the infection was fecal - oral route .

    粪-口传播是本次感染的主要 传播 途径

  • Several studies show hands are the single most important transmission route for all types of infections .

    一些研究显示手是在所有类型的感染中是最重要的 传播 途径

  • Furthered the concept of project risk element redefined project risk element transmission which was divided it into five types according to its transmission route : relation type chain type tree type network type chaos type .

    进一步完善了风险元的概念,重新定义了项目风险元传递的概念,并将项目风险元传递按照其 传递 路线分为5种基本类型:关系型、链型、树型、网络型和混沌型。

  • Adopting Various Forms and Expanding the Transmission Route of Healthy Education All Round

    采取多种形式全面拓展健康教育 传播 渠道

  • The transmission route of Hepatitis B is through blood mother to fetus and sex .

    乙肝主要通过血液、母婴和性 接触进行 传播

  • Optical fibre grating utilize photosensitive characteristic to form the space phase grating in the core it can change the transmission route of the light wave in the light-transmitting fibre .

    光纤光栅是利用光纤材料的光敏性,在纤芯内形成空间相位光栅,它可以改变光波在光导纤维中的 传输 路径

  • The transmission route of HCV is the same as of HBV and the prevention methods and measures for HBV are suitable for HCV as well .

    丙型肝炎与乙型肝炎 传播 途径相似,预防乙型肝炎的方法和措施同样也适用于丙型肝炎。

  • The main transmission route was sexual transmission accounting for 62.07 % .

    以性传播为主,占 62.07%

  • Results The level of correct knowledge for AIDS transmission route was 80.7 % ~ 91.4 % .

    结果对艾滋病 传播 途径的正确知晓率为80.7%~91.4%;

  • Results The awareness rate of AIDS transmission route was 95 % .

    结果护士学校学生对艾滋病 传播 途经知晓率较高,达到95%以上;

  • The wrong cognition about AIDS transmission route still existed .

    对艾滋病 传播 途径仍存在不同程度的错误认识,能够正确 选择艾滋病3个 传播 途径且无错误选项的占52.5%;

  • This paper mainly introduces the working principles of automatic enlacing machine and its designing process and analyzes and studies their transmission processes especially the design of transmission route of the mother machine .

    介绍了自动捆扎机工作原理及其设计过程,并对其传动过程进行了分析和研究,重点是对本机进行 传动 路线的设计和研究。

  • Methods : The transmission route of human meridian was studied in 2 cases with 32 P light microscopic radioautography .

    方法:用32P光镜放射自显影示踪技术对人体经脉 路线进行了2例组织结构的研究。

  • OBJECTIVE To block the hospital infection transmission route of SARS and improve the quality of disinfection .

    目的提高消毒工作质量,切断SARS医院感染 传播 途径

  • Investigation on Experimental Infection with Anaplasma from Cows and the Transmission Route of Pathogen in Changsha of Hunan

    长沙地区奶牛无浆体动物感染试验及其 传播 途径调查