working condition

[ˈwə:kɪŋ kənˈdɪʃən][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ kənˈdiʃən]


  • Normal working condition . Do not have to work on shift-roster .

    正常 工作 条件,不存在特殊工作要求(如高空、倒班等)。

  • Accounting for working condition in boiler it is more suitable here to use non-contact radiation measurement method .

    考虑到锅炉内的 实际 工作 环境及要求,非接触式辐射法是过热器壁面温度测量较为合适的方法。

  • The effect of exhausting is good which can improve the working condition .

    排气效果好,改善 工作 环境

  • In normal working condition the impact of project development on the regional soil environment is not serious .

    在正常 工况 ,项目开发对区域土壤环境影响不大。

  • Vehicle turning braking is a dangerous working condition .

    车辆转弯制动是一种常见的危险 工况

  • With the increase of engine speed the working condition is got more and more concerned by people .

    随着发动机转速的不断提高,配气机构的 工作 状况越来越引起人们的关注。

  • You should see if then braking mechanism and the engine are also in good working condition .

    您应该看到,如果然后制动机制和发动机也保持良好的 运行 状态

  • Keeping equipment in safe and efficient working condition and maintaining open lines of communication with drivers and crew leaders through regular meetings and informal discussions .

    负责保持设备安全和高效的 工作 状态,通过例会和非正式的交谈来维持与司机和班长的交流。

  • In case of special circumstances such as hazardous working condition please contact our company .

    如遇危险 工况等特殊情况,请与本公司联系。

  • The Research of Working Condition Analysis Technology Based on Data Mining

    基于数据挖掘的 工况分析技术的研究

  • Party B is entitled to the corresponding labor protection and working condition by provided by Party A.

    乙方享有甲方提供的相应的劳动保护和 劳动 条件

  • When installed cooling to a safe temperature contact automatic closure and a return to normal working condition .

    当装置冷却到安全工作温度时,触点自动闭合,恢复正常 工作 状态

  • Ensure all fixtures and operating equipment is in good working condition .

    确保所有设备及家俱处于正常的 工作 状态

  • Heat transfer coefficient of additional heating surface in CDQ waste-heat boiler The working condition of coking furnace was severe .

    干熄焦余热锅炉中附加受热面传热系数的研究焦化加热炉的 工作 条件较苛刻,炉管内的结焦难以避免。

  • It reveals the dreadful living and working condition among the poor of New York City .

    这揭示出许多关于纽约贫民恶劣的生活状况和 工作 条件 情形

  • Driving model is according to actual working condition and can be pneumatic electric-hydraulic ect .

    阀门的驱动方式可以根据实际 使用 工况选用气动、电动、液动、手动、电液动、气液动等。

  • Thus having knowledge about your car 's braking system and keeping it in good working condition should be a major priority .

    因此,将知道你的汽车的刹车系统和保持良好的 工作 状态应该是一个主要任务。

  • This research focuses on the structure and working condition by studying the automobile air braking equipment .

    通过对喷油器若干问题的研究,着重分析了两种喷油器的构造及 工作 情况

  • Forklifts should be inspected and maintained in good safe working condition .

    贯彻对叉车的日常检验和维修,以维持其良好、安全和 有效 状态

  • They demanded that working condition should be improved .

    他们要求改善 工作 条件

  • The electronic diesel engine can realize self-adjustment and self-control according to the variation of environment and working condition .

    电控柴油发动机能够根据环境、 工况等的变化进行自我调节和控制,它主要通过各种传感器来监测当前的 运行 参数

  • The energy saving effect is obvious under the attracting working condition in a long time .

    长期吸合 工作 状态下,节能效果明显。

  • Simultaneously it provides the method to determine the best pressure of header system and optimum frequency of variable frequency pump based on the special working condition .

    同时,给出了在特定 工况 ,确定最佳母管压力和变频泵最佳频率的方法。

  • It is no use complaining the bad working condition .

    抱怨恶劣的 工作 条件是没有用的。

  • Party A fails to provide labor protection or working condition as stipulated in this Agreement ;

    甲方未按照本合同约定提供劳动保护或者 劳动 条件的;

  • The paper introduces the key concept of smart home system discusses the function and its application and analyzes its present working condition at home and abroad .

    本文介绍了智能家居系统的基本概念,对其功能和用途进行了论述,分析了当前国内外智能家居系统的 使用 状况

  • And that the overload sensing device is kept in good working condition and a proper state of repair ;

    而该超载感应装置保持良好 操作 状态及妥善维修状况;

  • All machinery equipment and facility should be maintained in safe working condition and adequately repaired following breakdown .

    所有机器、设备和设施系统均须维持安全 操作 状态,发生故障扣,须加以充分的修理。

  • The main switchboard and the distribution boxes have been inspected and found in good working condition .

    主配电板和分电箱已检查过,发现其 工作 状态良好。