Deemed an underachiever in school Qiu began reading on his own and subsequently began to write and paint .
他 自幼对 正规学业 不 感兴趣, 反而 喜欢自学,后来从事写作、绘画。
Junior high school underachiever problems are very common issues arising in today ' ssecondary education which is very sensitive but we have to face to resolve .
初中 后进 生所产生的问题在当今的中学教育中是一个很普遍的问题,这一问题十分敏感,但是我们必须去面对,去解决。
The Analysis of the Underachiever 's Unheathy Psychology and the Guidance Strategy A Study on the Management Problems of The Lagging Behind Students
后进 生 不良心理分析及疏导策略新形势下后进生管理工作的若干问题研究
In Chinese educations we must face up to the underachiever educations which is the most important part in it .
在语文教育教学中,我们必须面对的,也是语文教育中最为重要的是 后进 生的教育。
If in the usual test the dictation the underachiever has the progress must praise promptly ; displays in doing sanitary work must praise .
如在平时的考试、听写中, 后进 生有进步的,就要及时表扬;在搞卫生中表现好,也要表扬。
She will never gain weight she will become a metabolic underachiever .
她永远不会发胖,只是新陈代谢 不足。
In education rapid development today every school of each class there are part of the underachiever .
在教育飞速发展的今天,每一所学校的每一个班级,都存在着一部分 后进 生。
In the unceasing praise underachiever 's self-confidence will set up gradually .
在不断的表扬中, 后进 生的自信心会渐渐树立起来。
The teacher in charge wants to act according to underachiever 's actual situation sets up the reasonable goal lets them stand on tiptoes may fully and .
班主任要根据 后进 生的实际情况,设立合理的目标,让他们踮足可及。
A recent World Bank study noted that China has gone from being an overachiever to being an underachiever in terms of health improvements .
世行近期的一项研究指出,从改善健康看,“中国已从先进变为了 后进”。
This study was designed to undergo a twelve-week vocabulary learning strategies ( VLS ) instruction to an English underachiever in senior two with a particular purpose to improve the effectiveness of his vocabulary learning .
本文以一名高二英语 学 困 生为研究对象,对其进行为期12周的英语词汇学习策略指导,目的在于提高研究对象的词汇学习的效果。