


v.使煮得嫩( underdo的过去分词 )使做得不够不尽全力做

  • So he bought ten gritty underdone fried rolls stuffed with thick cabbage leaves .

    他买了十个煎 里边全是白菜 帮子外边 牙碜

  • I found that the steak is underdone hard and dry .

    我发现这牛排 半生不熟的,又干 硬。

  • Government-Sponsored Institution Reform : Route Classifying and Consequence of Reform Partly Underdone

    事业单位改革:路径、分类与 生化后果

  • This has been a very underdone relationship for us Mr Crean said of trade with India .

    克林谈及与印度的贸易时表示:对我们而言,这种关系还非常 成熟

  • Methods : 30 patients with pulmonary metastatic tumor were underdone CT examination at both standard-dose CT ( SDCT ) and low-dose CT ( LDCT ) .

    方法:对30例患肺转移瘤患者均作了低剂量和标准剂量的 螺旋CT。

  • Some people like beef underdone .

    有的人喜欢 半熟的牛肉。

  • I can 't bear my steak overcooked and want it underdone .

    我受不了牛排做得 ,我想要它

  • The second batch of bread came out underdone .


  • I like my steak underdone .


  • One finds the mission done and underdone and : he previous reincarnations pop in and out at this time .

    他会发现已经完成和 完成的任务:在此期间,他的前世将反复来去。

  • The rice is partly underdone .

    这米饭有 夹生