



  • The baby was dangerously underweight at birth .

    这婴儿出生时 熏严重 不足

  • Overweight and obesity are linked to more deaths worldwide than underweight .

    在全世界,与超重和肥胖相关的死亡人数大于 体重 不足引起的死亡。

  • This is a tough time for underweight foreign investors because the market is no longer cheap .

    对于在中国股市 配置 偏低的境外投资者,眼下是一个艰难时刻,因为该市场已不再便宜。

  • You nervous of being underweight or overweight ?

    你是否 或超重?

  • 65 % of the world 's population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight .

    65%的世界人口所居住的国家,死于超重和肥胖的人数大于死于 体重 不足 人数

  • Early identification treatment and prevention of maternal depression may help reduce child stunting and underweight in developing countries .

    母亲抑郁的早发现、早治疗和早预防将有助于减少发展中国家儿童发育不良和 体重 不足

  • In some of the worst affected countries the prevalence of underweight children under-five goes up to45 percent .

    在一些影响最严重的国家里,5岁以下儿童 体重 不足率高达45%。

  • Agricultural growth reduces the proportion of underweight children whereas non-agricultural growth does not .

    农业增长确实减少了 体重 的儿童比例,而在这一点上非农业增长无法做到。

  • These disorders which usually have a psychological component may lead to underweight obesity or malnutrition .

    这些病症通常带有心理方面的成份,可以导致 重量 、肥胖症或是营养不良。

  • But there were not many underweight men in Scotland he noted .

    “但是在苏格兰没有那么多 体重男性,”他补充道。

  • For example 65 % of the world 's population live in countries where overweight and obesity kill more people than underweight ( this includes all high-income and most middle-income countries ) .

    例如,65%的全世界人口所居住的国家其超重和肥胖死亡人数大于 体重 不足 引起死亡的 人数(包括所有高收入和大部分中等收入国家)。

  • Further research is now needed to investigate whether underweight and overweight people have abnormalities in these circuits .

    现在还需进行更深入的研究以探明 体重 与过重的人的大脑回路是否也存在异常。

  • Some of the babies were seriously underweight .

    有些婴儿体重严重 不足

  • Conversely those who were underweight had a37.0 % higher mortality risk than normal weight individuals .

    相反,那些 体重 轻的患者其死亡风险较正常体重者高37.0%。

  • His underweight militated against his ever becoming a good sprinter .

    体重 不足,这使他难以成为一个好的短跑运动员。

  • UNICEF says China has already met the target of a fifty percent reduction in the number of underweight children .

    联合国儿童基金会表示中国已经成功的达成了目标。使 饥饿儿童数量下降了50%。

  • Maternal depression was associated with early childhood underweight and stunting .

    母亲抑郁与早期儿童 体重 不足和发育不良相关。

  • You are underweight for your age .

    你的年龄 来看,你太 了。

  • The underweight child has begun to fill out after regular exercises .

    这个 的孩子在进行了一段有规律的锻炼后开始 壮了。

  • However it found 4 per cent were overweight in bonds and 37 per cent underweight in equities .

    然而调查发现,4%的基金 经理持有的债券 权重 较大,而37%的基金 经理 持有的股票 权重

  • In the process UBS have downgraded their views of Korea and Taiwan to underweight .


  • Nearly a third of the children were severely underweight .


  • The lion and two tigers were more than 65 pounds underweight .

    这头狮子和两只老虎都 严重 重量 不足,比 正常 体重 65磅。

  • Their son appeared underweight for his size and age .

    体型和年龄来说,他们的儿子似乎 太瘦了。

  • Even among underweight women 10 % were trying to lose weight .

    甚至10%体重 的女子也在减肥。

  • You are only slightly underweight for IE in relation to your height .

    按你的身高来说,你 体重仅稍 一点儿

  • The butcher did me the meat was underweight .

    肉店老板骗了我&那肉 分量 不足

  • The researchers compared the effect of GDP growth and signs of child malnutrition - like stunted growth and being underweight .

    研究者比较了国内生产总值增长的影响与儿童营养不良,例如生长萎缩和 体重 过低的迹象。

  • The child is underweight . I 'm trying to fatten him up as fast as I can .

    这孩子 体重 不足。我正设法尽快地使他壮实起来。