


  • It is the cowboy that has propagated the myth that Agile is an undisciplined approach for wild-west coders .

    正是牛仔广为宣传“敏捷就是无 纪律的、针对西部牛仔程序员的方法”的神话。

  • They 're smart they 're talented and they 're totally undisciplined .

    他们是聪明的,有才能的,他们又全是 缺乏 训练的。

  • We have at present undisciplined but ever-increasing power .

    我们拥有 暂时 难以 控制 不断增强的力量。

  • While you are smart enough to understand the headaches of undisciplined credit your neighbors might be living carelessly buying short-term luxury today in exchange for a meager tomorrow .

    当你理解到 信用卡的 恶果时,他们说不定 还在 浑浑噩噩地生活,今天买了奢侈品,明天就要喝西北风了。

  • You can talk about anyone being undisciplined but we have a very good record for discipline .

    你可以职责任何一个 没有 纪律的球员,但是我们的 球员知道 上的记录。

  • Teachers often view youth workers as undisciplined and ineffectual .

    老师们常认为青少年工作者 纪律 差且能力低下。

  • One that is undisciplined or spoiled .

    节制的或 堕落之人。

  • In many organizations projects are often excessively late and over budget and the benefits of better methods and tools cannot be realized in the maelstrom of an undisciplined chaotic project .

    在许多软件开发组织中,项目延期、超支;在 纪律性,混乱的项目旋涡中,一种更好的方法和工具没能得到实现和应用。

  • Undisciplined people driven by their personal antipathies and sympathies are forever on the lookout for signs that build up or reinforce their unexamined views and opinions .

    没有 修养的人被他们个人的好恶所驱使,他们永远都在巡视是不是有什么讯息可以建构或强化他们未经检视的看法与见解。

  • Those who have consciousness and the ability to think are undisciplined .

    那些有意识和思考能力的 孩子 修养的。

  • Results from the management point of view strict management system of private colleges and universities to correct students ' undisciplined habits but also for the cultivation of innovative talents bring a lot of adverse effects .

    从管理效果来看,民办高校严格的管理体制一定程度上规范了学生 的学习和生活习惯,但对于创新型人才培养也带来很多不利影响。

  • The Congress awaiting him is atomized undisciplined and after Vietnam and Watergate resistant to Presidential leadership .

    他所面临的国会四分五裂, 缺乏 纪律,而且在越南问题和水门丑闻之后,对总统的领导是抵制的。

  • Our navy 's great effort to find them is understandable though I admit a bit undisciplined .

    我国海军作出巨大努力来寻找他们,这是可以理解的,但是我也得承认,这 总归是有些 纪律

  • He had never been truly irresponsible ; but he had been undisciplined selfish and ruthless .

    他从来就有真诚的责任感,但他又很 安分,自私,无情。

  • From the distant past to the unknowable future my mind swings wildly through time touching on dozens of ideas a minute unharnessed and undisciplined .

    从遥远的过去到未知的未来,我的心自始至终任意摆荡,每分钟涉及数十个想法,有如 脱缰之马,漫无目的。

  • Behind being free and undisciplined .

    在自由 散漫的背后。

  • Encountered in the study on the plight of students we should not simply be attributed to their lazy or undisciplined but the courage to explore actively trying through changes in teaching to facilitate their access to real academic success enhance their confidence and self-esteem .

    对于在学习上遭遇困境的学生而言,我们不能一味归因于他们的懒惰或 散漫,而应勇于探索、积极尝试,通过变革教学来促使他们获得真正的学业成功,增进他们的自信和自尊。

  • They are unscientific and undisciplined .

    它们是不科学的, 纪律

  • I saw vicissitudes of the peach farm stands proudly before the tall and the undisciplined facing the golden sunlight open up a grand peach .

    只见沧桑的桃树傲然屹立在农舍前,高大而 散漫,迎着金色的阳光,桃花隆重地开放着。

  • Unsurprisingly peasants are undisciplined troops who are better at fleeing than they are fighting .

    毫不奇怪他们是 苍蝇,逃跑的 功夫远远好于作战。

  • The BBC correspondent there says these groups some of them undisciplined are perceived as a threat by civilians .

    BBC记者称,这些团体中一些 武装分子 训练 不足,对平民造成威胁。

  • On his first day of the term still with the cast under his shirt he was assigned to teach the most undisciplined class .

    开学的第一天,他的身上还穿着石膏罩。他被分派教最 纪律的班级。

  • I will repeat again European infantries at this time is undisciplined as a whole they are not able to keep formation while attacking the Ming has no problem of doing so .

    我要再次运用步兵在这个时候,欧洲作为一个整体是 没有 纪律,他们不能够保持形成攻击时,明朝的问题没有做这样的事情。

  • If you let yourself be undisciplined on the small things you will probably be undisciplined on the large things as well .

    如果你在小事上 坚持 原则,你可能也会在大事上 放任自己。

  • His troubles are not the troubles of senility and exhaustion but of increasing and still undisciplined strength .

    他的麻烦不 在于年老体衰,而是力量越来越 强大,至今 难以 驾驭

  • Don 't form an undisciplined way of life .

    不要养成 散漫的生活作风。

  • In fact truth be told I consider myself a very undisciplined person .

    其实真实的情况是,我觉得我自己平时是一个 混乱 纪律的人。

  • You will pay for your improvident and undisciplined behavior .

    你会为自己轻率 任性的行为付出代价的。