


  • Resources will also be made available to students who have been historically underrepresented in study abroad programs a central objective of the Initiative .

    其资源也将向历来 较少获得留学机会的一部分学生开放。这是《行动计划》的一项中心目标。

  • Foreign students typically well-off ones have become another group that college admissions offices have decided should be well represented in every freshman class along with legacy applicants ( the children of alumni ) varsity athletes and underrepresented minorities .

    外国学生一般是富裕学生已经成为大学招生办眼中又一个应该获得良好比例的群体,这种群体还包括,校友子女申请人、体育生,以及 比例 过少的少数族裔。

  • Not surprisingly while poor kids are underrepresented on elite campuses the wealthiest kids are overrepresented .

    毫不奇怪,当 寒门学子在精英学校中所占比例过低时,富裕家庭的孩子在这类学校中所占的比例偏高。

  • Meantime there are still underrepresented subjects in this study and lack of a follow-up study aftereffect problem so there is a great space for further study .

    但是本研究还存在被试 代表 不足,和缺乏追踪研究探讨培养后效的问题,需要未来进一步深入研究。

  • These early content analyses found Blacks to be underrepresented compared to their numbers in the real world .

    从这些早期的内容中分析发现,和现实世界中黑人的实际数量相比,电视中的黑人并 没有充分 代表

  • A serious shortage of the number of reserve personnel ; coach underrepresented coach high level of professional competence ; degree of attention . 3 .

    后备人才数量严重不足,教练 人数 不足,教练专业能力水平不高,受社会重视程度不高。

  • What are Some Good Programs for Students Traditionally Underrepresented in Study Abroad ?

    对于以往出国留学 人数 较少的学生 群体有哪些合适的项目?

  • The underrepresented minority groups ignored by the government . Aging is the neglected stepchild of the human life cycle .

    充分 代表的少数群体被政府忽视了衰老过程是人类生命周期中被忽视的非亲生儿。

  • Despite the best efforts of today 's educators women are still woefully underrepresented in the math technology and science fields .

    虽然现代的教育人士花了很多精力,但是在数学、技术和科学领域有一定 建树的女性仍然是少数。

  • Last month the church floated the idea that affirmative action could be used to ordain underrepresented female bishops .

    上月,教会提出了一个观点,即可以采取积极行动,任命 充分 代表的女性为主教。

  • Key stakeholders especially students are tragically underrepresented or even voiceless as China stands at the crossroads of her educational reform .

    在这两个极端之中,一些本可发挥作用的意见、 建言被吞没,尤其是那些被老师、家长所代言的学生,不能发出自己的声音。

  • The American system of health care delivery is not evenly distributed geographically and primary care or family practitioners are underrepresented among physician .

    此外,美国卫生保健提供体系在地理分布上是不均衡的,初级保健医生或家庭医生在医生中也 没有 充分 代表

  • But older women with breast cancer are underrepresented in clinic trials so there is little data on the effects of chemotherapy used in addition to other therapies such as surgery .

    但是,较老的乳腺癌女性患者在临床试验中的 数量 较少,因此,关于辅以像手术这样其他治疗的化疗方法的有效性数据很少。

  • The McNair scholars programme is a United States ' national initiative aimed at increasing the number of first-generation low-income and / or underrepresented students in Ph.D.programmes .

    麦克奈尔学者项目是受美国政府资助的全国性项目,旨在帮助那些来自父母 没有上过大学或低收入家庭等弱势 群体的学生,提高他们成功入选博士生研究项目的机会。

  • Only a few years ago women were routinely underrepresented among this elite cohort .

    而在几年前,这个精英群体中的女性可谓 凤毛麟角

  • Large displacement motorcycles are underrepresented in accidents but they are associated with higher injury severity when involved in accidents .

    大排量摩托车的事故 比例 较小。但比 其他事故中的受伤较严重。

  • Despite an outsized share of Ivy League degrees Asian-Americans are underrepresented in executive suites according to a study expected to be released Monday .

    一份周一发布的调查报告显示,亚裔美国人拥有常春藤盟校学位的比例较大,但当上公司高管的 比例低于其他族裔。

  • The agreement to reshape IMF governance acknowledged the growing importance of fast-rising countries like Turkey Brazil and China that are underrepresented on it .

    重组IMF管理体系的协议说明快速增长的国家如土耳其、巴西和中国的重要性不断增长,而他们的表决权 不够高。

  • There 's also a concern that systemic biases within academia and industry prevent underrepresented minorities from participating and helping to steer the growth of information technology .

    还有人担心,学术界和产业界的系统性编见,可能导致 代表 不足 少数派无法参与掌控信息技术的发展方向。