


  • They have not got the right to undermine the way we have helped this lad .

    他们没有权利 破坏我们和这个年轻人的关系。

  • Hatred will undermine your tolerance and keen sense of justice .

    乐观会 增强你的信心和弹性,而仇根会 使失去宽容和正义感。

  • The continued fighting threatens to undermine efforts to negotiate an agreement

    持续的战斗会 破坏希望通过谈判来达成协议的努力。

  • These consequences will undermine society 's long-term ability to manage climate change risk .

    这些后果将会 破坏社会管理气候变化风险的长期能力。

  • But they also use it to undermine their rivals .

    但是它们也可以利用这点 暗算对手。

  • The Indian Prime Minister has warned that terrorism could undermine a peace process between India and Pakistan .

    印度总理警告说,恐怖主义会 损害印度和巴基斯坦之间的和平进程。

  • A prolonged crisis could undermine support for market-oriented policies and generate conflict and confusion .

    一场被延长的危机有可能 削弱对市场导向政策的支持,并引发冲突和混乱。

  • Ironically Snow 's own predictions undermine this conclusion .

    讽刺的是,斯诺自己的预言 破坏了这个结论。

  • The danger is that these tactics undermine trust in business ( and indeed Politics ) among the public .

    其风险在于,这些招术 削弱了公众对企业(和政界)的信任。

  • Western intelligence agencies are accused of trying to undermine the government .

    西方情报机构被指责企图 动摇该政府的统治。

  • The political meddling goes beyond the cronyism and patronage that undermine their operations .

    政治干预远不止 破坏企业运营的任人唯亲和裙带关系。

  • The conversations were designed to undermine her authority so she felt that she could no longer work for the company .

    这些谈话有意 削弱她的威信,这样她会觉得自己在公司干不下去。

  • To combat economic and other crimes that undermine socialism ;

    打击经济领域和其他领域内 破坏社会主义的犯罪活动;

  • The smallest mistake can undermine the integrity of an entire system .

    最小的错误都可能 破坏整个系统的完整性。

  • Ted suspects that some people are trying to undermine his reputation .

    泰德疑心有人企图 暗中 破坏他的名誉。

  • The government has also outlined several technical electoral reforms that undermine the opposition and smaller parties .

    该政府还拟定了几项技术性的选举改革举措, 旨在 削弱反对派和较小的政党。

  • Both sides should refrain from taking any actions that may undermine mutual trust or prejudge the outcome of negotiations .

    双方都应避免采取任何可能 破坏互信或预断谈判结果的行动。

  • We idolise success and status and thus undermine our mutual respect .

    我们过度崇拜成功和地位,从而 削弱了彼此间的尊重。

  • And I think that that threatens to undermine the objectivity .

    我认为这 威胁到了公正性。

  • They hope to undermine our unity ; they shall fail .

    他们希望 破坏我们的团结:他们不会成功的。

  • Sea-level rise and more severe weather are likely to undermine these irreplaceable historic sites .

    海平面上升和更恶劣的天气有可能 破坏这些不可替代的历史遗迹。

  • Such an objective would stifle innovation and undermine management autonomy and responsibility .

    那样的目标会扼杀创新, 损害管理自主权和责任。

  • Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine her feeling of being adult

    对每个问题都给出建议会 她觉得自己不像个成年人。

  • I don 't want to do something that would undermine the chances of success .

    我不想做会 影响成功机会的事情。

  • This may help to undermine the brittle truce that currently exists .

    这也许 火上浇油, 破坏当前脆弱不稳的休战局面。

  • Am I trying to undermine their relationship ?

    我是在试图 破坏他们的关系吗?

  • Don 't undermine your achievements by misspelling them .

    不要因为拼写错误而 破坏了你的成就。

  • She undermined him and destroyed his confidence in his own talent

    暗中 打击他,让他对自己的才华信心全无。

  • Will it undermine our Party 's prestige if we criticize our own subjectivism bureaucracy and sectarianism ?

    我们自己来批评自己的主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义,这会不会 使我们的党 丧失威信呢?