



  • When the development of public housing finance is being constrained the construction of the public housing will face financing gap . which finally result in the undersupply of the public housing .

    当住房保障金融的发展受到制约,保障性住房建设就必然面临资金缺口,进而造成保障性住房 供给 不足

  • Medical facilities lease financing an effective method to solve the conflict between clinical instrument undersupply and fund deficiency has both great immediate significance and bright future prospects .

    医疗设备融资租赁作为解决 医院临床设备 急需和资金短缺矛盾的一个行之有效的途径,有着极其广阔的前景和现实意义。

  • Mr Kallenbach said that on balance the danger this year was one of undersupply rather than overcapacity . The global market is coming back he said .

    卡伦巴赫表示,总体来说,今年可能出现的危险是 供应 不足,而不是产能过剩。全球市场正在逐步复苏,他说道。

  • The traditional rural elder security system which is based on family supporting and land faces the crisis of undersupply .

    传统以家庭养老、土地 养老为主的农村养老保障体系面临着 供给 不足的危机, 因此 迫切 需要 建立一种 社会化的养老保障体系。

  • The supply of meat and vegetables has declined a little with some places suffering from undersupply and lack of variety but the general supply has been kept stable .

    肉、蔬菜供应量略有减少, 局部供应 紧张、品种不 现象,但供应基本稳定。

  • The reason of economic hotel heat is that Chinese city resident have entered large-scale relax and vacation travel consumer stage ; But because of income restriction they are willing to accept the clean low-priced hotel that offers basic service huge demand makes economic hotel undersupply .

    经济型酒店热的原因是中国城市居民已进入大规模休闲度假旅游消费阶段:但受到收入限制,他们愿意接受清洁、廉价、提供基本服务的酒店,巨大的需求使经济型酒店 供应 不足

  • Slowdown of oil demand and oil undersupply ;

    石油需求增速下降, 供应 偏紧

  • But it has institutional limits to rely on the finance supervision system merely when replying the integration of industry with finance in other words the effective regulation of the integration of industry with finance need to solve the problem of the system undersupply .

    然而,单纯依赖金融监管体制应对产融结合具有制度的局限,换言之,产融结合的有效法律规范需要解决制度 供给 不足问题。

  • Globally hotel prices rose 15 per cent year-on-year reflecting the increasing demand for hotel rooms against a backdrop of undersupply .

    全球酒店价格较上年同期上涨15%,这反映出在酒店客房 供应 不足的情况下, 市场需求 不断 扩大

  • It shows that : ( 1 ) rural household financing system shows the following three characteristics : in quantity excess supply and undersupply exist at the same time .

    研究表明:(1)我国农户 正式融资制度呈现如下3个 典型特征:在数量上, 表现为供给过剩与 不足 并存 局面