


  • Other research in this area has required that cells of one type first be returned to a more generally undifferentiated stem cell state which can introduce fresh problems .

    此领域的其他研究实验都是先 分化某种类型的细胞,将其 回一般 分化的干细胞状态,而这过程可能会引起一些新问题。

  • Lymphoepithelial carcinoma in salivary gland is a very rare disease which is undifferentiated or poorly differentiated carcinoma with redundant lymphocytes infiltrated .

    涎腺淋巴上皮癌是一种极其少见的 分化癌或低分化的鳞状细胞癌,伴有丰富的淋巴细胞浸润。

  • They suppose that patriotic sentiments are static and undifferentiated ;

    他们的出发点是,爱国情感是静态的和 固化的;

  • Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells found in many organs and differentiated tissues .

    成年干细胞是见于许多器官和已分化组织的 分化细胞。

  • Here we show that bona fide undifferentiated monocytes reside in the spleen and outnumber their equivalents in circulation .

    在这里,我们发现,真正的 分化单核细胞居住在脾脏,其数量超过在循环中的水平。

  • Undifferentiated carcinomas with osteoclastic-like giant cells carry a similar prognosis to ductal adenocarcinoma .

    伴有破骨细胞样巨细胞的 分化癌与导管腺癌有相似的预后。

  • Residual undifferentiated embryonic stem cells in embryoid bodies

    类胚体中残留 分化胚胎干细胞的初步研究

  • Specifically we show that Notch signaling is highly active in hematopoietic stem cells ( HSCs ) and is critical for maintaining their undifferentiated state .

    明确的讲我们展示了Notch信号在造血干细胞是高度有活性的,而且对于维持它们的 分化状态是很关键的。

  • Objective To explore the residual undifferentiated mouse embryonic stem cells ( ESCs ) in embryoid bodies .

    目的探讨类胚体中残留 分化胚胎干细胞(ESC)的特性。

  • The object of mechanical type is the immediate and undifferentiated object .

    机械性的客体就是直接的 差别的客体。

  • Instead these undifferentiated cells continue to multiply causing ALL .

    相反,这些 分化的细胞持续增殖,导致ALL。

  • CT and MRI findings of undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver


  • Undifferentiated adenocarcinoma of thyroid


  • Pathologic study revealed a cystic nephroma with foci of primitive mesenchymal undifferentiated embryonal type sarcoma .

    病理上显示为一囊肿性肾细胞瘤合并局部呈现原生间质性, 分化的,胚胎性的肉瘤变化。

  • At the time of shedding they contain undifferentiated embryos of no more than a few hundred cells .

    在脱落的时候,它们含有不超过几百个细胞而 分化的胚。

  • Acute undifferentiated cell leukemia

    急性 分化细胞白血病

  • Thallus a plant body undifferentiated into stem root or leaf .

    无根、茎、叶 分化的植物体。

  • The idea has been to implant embryonic stem cells or adult stem cells and to coax these undifferentiated cells into becoming dopamine-producing neurons .

    这个想法是移植胚胎或成体干细胞,将这些 分化的细胞诱变成制造多巴胺的神经元。

  • The study on clinical pathology and chromosome aberrations of undifferentiated renal carcinoma


  • These induced pluripotent stem cells are cells which are returned to a very early undifferentiated stage .

    这些干细胞是早期的、 分化的细胞。

  • Research Progress of undifferentiated proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells

    间充质干细胞 分化性增殖的研究进展

  • Undifferentiated adenoma of thyroid


  • We report a 24-year-old female with huge undifferentiated sarcoma arising from renal parenchyma of left kidney .

    我们报告一位24岁女性,患有一从左肾组织长出的巨大 分化型的原发性肉瘤。

  • Image Analysis of the Undifferentiated Carcinoma and NHL of the Nasopharynx

    鼻咽 分化癌与非何杰金淋巴瘤的显微图像分析

  • Subtle objects can be traced back to their origin in undifferentiated nature .

    所有的微细存在都可以被追述到他们 差别的本性中源头。

  • This raised the question of whether transcription factors could directly induce other defined somatic cell fates and not only an undifferentiated state .

    这就引出问题,转录因子是否能直接诱导其它明确的体细胞,而不仅是 分化状态的细胞。

  • Potential is not one undifferentiated thing and neglecting one potentiality often means that different ones are developed .

    潜能并不是没有 差别的单一能力,忽略一方面的潜能常常意味着其他方面的潜能得到了发展。

  • Embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated cells derived from a four or five day embryo that can divide in a culture for a prolonged period without necessarily developing into specialised cells .

    胚胎干细胞是来自4或5天的胚胎的 分化的细胞,它们可以在培养环境中分裂很长时间而不一定发育成为专门细胞。

  • The same events might have affected the rocks of the Ekhingol formation and the undifferentiated Lower Devonian .

    同样的状况可能影响了 Ekhingol群系与 分化早泥盆世岩石。