


v.担任( undertake的现在分词)着手作

  • He lent his name to the undertaking .

    他以自己的名义支持该 事业

  • Understanding the network subsystem as it relates to AIX is not an easy undertaking .

    理解与AIX相关的网络子系统并不是一个轻松的 任务

  • A new company HEP ESCO was established to support the private sector in undertaking energy efficiency projects .

    建立了一个新的公司,即HEPESCO,以支持私营部门 从事提高能源效率的项目。

  • This is a complex undertaking .

    这是一项复杂的 任务

  • In system development an undertaking with prescribed objectives magnitude and duration .

    在系统开发过程中,一种具有规定目标、规模和期限的 任务

  • Public-spirited people are requested to make generous contributions in support of this nonprofit undertaking .

    希仁人君子慷慨解囊,共襄 义举

  • Implementing and managing all this hidden complexity is a massive undertaking and most companies lack the necessary resources .

    架设并管理这套隐藏的复杂系统是一项规模庞大的 工作,而绝大多数企业都缺乏 承担 任务的必备资源。

  • He had no great hopes for the success of his undertaking .

    他对自己 事业的成功不抱太大希望。

  • This was a huge undertaking and we are very grateful to Ching Hai for this .

    这是一个巨大 工程,我们非常感激清海的付出。

  • Multinationals are setting up research labs in India while domestic companies are considering undertaking more research and product development .

    跨国公司正在印度建立研究实验室,国内企业也正在考虑 从事更多的研究和产品开发。

  • The introduction and the implementation of portfolio management practices into the organization is a significant undertaking .

    在组织中,项目组合管理实践的引入与实现是重要的 事业

  • He is too timid to venture upon an undertaking .

    他太胆小,不敢从事任何 事业

  • Their motives for undertaking this study are highly questionable .

    他们 承担这项研究的动机大有问题。

  • The MOD gave an undertaking to Saville that it had provided him with all relevant material .

    国防部向 萨维尔保证已向他提供了所有相关的资料。

  • It is very important of assessment and choice mechanism to the undertaking investment .

    创业投资的评估和选择机制对 创业投资非常重要。

  • Jingjiang is keeping development of its economy and social undertaking .

    靖江,是经济和社会 事业持续发展的城市。

  • Organizing the show has been a massive undertaking .

    组织那场演出是一项 浩大 工程

  • We should plan this as a new undertaking .

    我们必须将此作为一项新 任务 进行规划。

  • When I feel I have accumulated enough experience I hope to own an undertaking .

    当我觉得我已经积累了足够的经验时,我希望能够拥有自己的 事业

  • Making the house habitable was a major undertaking .

    把这所房子收拾得可以住人,那可是项大 工程

  • The management and technological personnel of the undertaking unit of the projects shall meet the demands for project implementation .

    项目 承担单位的管理和技术人员能够满足项目实施的需要。

  • The most important person in a group or undertaking .

    在一个团体或一个 企业中,最重要的人。

  • The bonus of the competition we will start the fund as what has been started an undertaking .

    比赛的奖金,我们将作为 创业的启动资金。

  • Be thrifty and hardworking in whatever undertaking you are to start on .

    办任何 都要勤俭。

  • It promised to be a more difficult undertaking than might appear at first sight


  • This undertaking should not be made conditional on what others do .

    这一 任务不应以其他人做了什么为条件。

  • This mammoth undertaking was completed in 18 months .

    这项艰巨的 任务在18个月内完成了。

  • My group and I am undertaking the abecedarian studies the title is search engine and politics : The research about manner and influence .

    我的团队和我 正在 进行初步的研究,题目是《搜索引擎和政治:关于态度和影响的研究》。

  • First this will be a big multi-year undertaking .

    首先,这将是一项持续数年的重大 任务