


  • As distinct from the underside or wire side .

    有别于 或网面。

  • Starting from the underside of the branch saw upwards until you have cut halfway through the branch .

    从树枝的 下侧开始向上锯,直到切到一半的位置。

  • Well done ! This is called point . This circle is called underside .


  • These are locked into place by wooden battens which are fitted to the underside of the boards .

    这些都是锁定到位的木板条,这是安装在 底部的电路板。

  • The underside of the rock was covered with seaweed .

    岩石 下面布满了海藻。

  • The saw had gone across gross 's left rib cage through the underside of his liver .

    锯子锯进格罗斯的左胸腔,通过肝脏 下方

  • He turned the rifle over and examined the underside .

    他把步枪翻过来;检查其 背面

  • My car is badly rusted on the underside .

    我的车 底部锈迹斑斑。

  • The underside of this inchworm measures your baby up to24 inches .

    这尺蠖的 措施宝宝高达24英寸。

  • The annular flange closely contacts the upper surface or underside of the table .


  • The workpiece is located from two of the four holes in its base and from the underside of the base .

    此工件采用其基座上四孔中的两孔和基座的 定位。

  • A taper has two sides the underside is a circle the flank is a camber .

    结论:圆锥有两个面, 是一个圆形,侧面是一个曲面。

  • They painted the underside of their planes with a black varnish .

    他们在飞机的 底部涂上了一层黑漆。

  • Butterfly with silver spots on the underside of the hind wings .


  • The lid lifted up and on its underside all its occupants left their mark .

    掀开桌子的顶盖,盖子 全是各个使用者留下的记号。

  • As you exhale have your partner pull on your arm and push into your hip crease stretching the underside of your torso .

    呼气的时候,你的同伴拉你的手臂向上,推髋的折处向中间,伸展你上身的 下侧

  • Chain tensioner sitting on underside of the crankcase .

    位于曲轴箱 面的链条张紧器。

  • He rolled up his shirt-sleeve and compared the white underside if the arm with his face .

    他卷起袖子把胳膊白色的 内侧和脸作比较。

  • Its underside is naked except for a few sparse hairs .

    除了几根稀疏的毛外,它的 下侧是光秃秃的。

  • Unscrew the oxygen sensor on the underside of the vehicle .

    旋开车辆 上的氧传感器。

  • Affected areas include the underside the face the feet and the ears .

    受影响的区域包括 腹部、面部、足部和耳朵。

  • He connected metallic wires to the back and the underside of an electrical fish . used of armor ; having overlapping metal splates attached to a leather backing .

    他在 电鱼的背面和 联上金属线。用来指装甲;有附在皮革衬背上的搭接金属铠甲。

  • Flatten each leaf and fold lengthwise so that the underside of the leaf is folded inside and main leaf vein forms the top ridge of the fold .

    纵向拼合每个叶和褶皱,叶 内折叠和主叶脉形成顶部的褶皱脊。

  • A coating of a tar or rubber-based material on the underside of a motor vehicle to retard corrosion .

    机动车辆 底部为防腐蚀而涂上的一层柏油或橡胶材料。

  • Down the underside runs a long tray to stow timbers used for supporting wide plant on the retractable outriggers .

    我的翻译:沿车身 面的是长的托盘,以承载支架,而支架则用于将宽设备支撑在可伸缩支腿上。

  • Within moments they had located a hole two meters in width on the steamer 's underside .

    一会儿,他知道 船底有一个 两米的大洞。

  • Affix adhesive tape to the underside of the adapters .


  • A roll of fat jiggled on the underside of her arm .

    她胳膊 下侧有一层肥肉一颤一颤的。

  • The abaxial surface of a leaf is the underside or side facing away from the stem .

    叶子的远轴表面就是背离叶 底部或旁边的部位。